In the little time I've been at this, the imbalance of the hubs has usually seemed more out than the blade imbalance. Definitely worth checking.
Stick the props on a good balancer 'Du Bro', and have them stand vertically, if they stand up then the hub is okay, you then move the prop to horizontal and if it stay there then you have a well balanced prop and it should stay still at any angle.
I have found the hub to be the most problematic and if I don't do that
first then doing the blades goes out the window, bad if you have scraped or sanded to get a balance because you can't put it back!
What I also find if the hubs get done then the prop balance requires little attention, I have yet to find any props that don't require attention to the hubs,
I use copper tape used for balancing motors, most hubs wind up with a lot of tape!
When I only did the props vibration improved but still not fantastic, when I started to do the hubs, which take a lot of time, the vibrations improved even more, so the hubs are definitely a factor in good flight.
I wish there was a manufacturer or hobbyist that would sell properly balanced props, they would have my money every time.