Really great pano Benjamin!! I also make 360's. This were I live in the Netherlands;
Now it's two winners!! Gosh you guys are good!
Really great pano Benjamin!! I also make 360's. This were I live in the Netherlands;
There is no other way to do it except yawing the aircraft or panning the gimbal. I think people over think these bits too much rather than go out there and get results. When you're at 100m altitude you ain't gonna notice little movements.
Just putting in the flight time and gaining the experience with my bird. Also studying for the ppl, why I have no idea :dejection::dejection:
What about something like this?
Well the studying might not be a lot of fun but flying is about the best thing you can do with your close on...
I think we should start a thread for Pano's. I'd start it but I haven't shot any...
How many shots, what kind of camera and lens did you use? Did you use a pano mount with the camera vertical, or did you just yaw around with the camera horizontal?
I have an NEX5n with a 19mm or a GH4 with a 12mm [which would be a 24mm]. I also have a Rokinon 8mm fisheye but it has a Canon mount so I'd have to get an adapter, not sure if that would work with something like PTGui and it weighs a ton..
Really nice aerial Panos. What camera,lens and gimbal did you use?
Ben, I just noticed that the link that I posted earlier went to the the generic brushless gimbal page, this is the mount that I was trying to show:
What do you guys think of this?