Radian stabilizers


I am not sure how much digging you have done on the Zenmuse but the horizon drifts quite a bit. Even in something as simple as a pan from the gimbal the horizon will drift. You can get outstanding performance with MEMS sensors if your system is designed well. The thing with the Zenmuse is they have not even gotten to the difficult part of camera stabilization! Wait until they release retractable legs and you have a camera operator panning wildly all while the multi rotor is flying aggressively and also panning. This is an absolute nightmare for a stabilization IMU to deal with. It took quite a bit of time for us to nail it down on the Radian.

I am with you, I think the zenmuse startup dance is just initializing the system. From our experience in creating the Radian what I can tell you is the thing that makes the difference is the software engineer! I had years of experience using John Cunningham's CARVEC systems and was continually amazed. When we started FreeFly Systems we were lucky enough to snag him and he put some of his magic in the Radian.


Freefly forum was created as a place to support FF users without all the 'noise' on other forums. The reason I did it was to ensure that our customers have the best chance of success and easy access to high quality support. I think the FF forum is a very open place, there are no moderators and you are free to post whatever you would like. So far the discussions have been productive and interesting.

Andy, Great footage...keep it coming! John Cunningham did a great job with the software on the Radian....it holds the horizon amazingly well.


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Active Member
Andy, that's some AMAZING smoothness you got there my friend...almost makes me want to get the 730, but I love the sharpness of the Panasonic X900....you have confused me even more ;)



Anaka ... CX730 has stabilisation on. Can't see the point of not using it !!!! Not tried the Radian with any other camera.


Hi Andy
yes once you have a tool you use it ;) but I was just trying to understand how good can really be radian

we are talking abouth an alternative stabilization system to the MK one, I have MK as well but GH2 camera that has inferior optical stabilizer than sony
I saw other videos where people used stock MK frame, Mk camra gimbal and that sony and the results are the same....

all this makes me a bit confused abouth the real stabilizing capabilities of radian, it is the most expensive electronic on the market at the moment so could be really interesting to se a video test made without optical stabilization

that's all
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Drone Enthusiast
Roll only fitted for now. Watch the horizontal lines on the brickwork and garage doors



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Dave ... tilt module is fixed vertically to camera platform on the port side next to the drive pulley. This is practical for the CX as it is narrower than the usual DSLR.

Ross and others ... I have to confess its Lec who is the pilot, I just watch in amazement, so praise is due to him rather than me.

Tabb ... The FF Radian forum is an excellent place for information and, as you say, very open. I've been surprised at the lowish number of posts considering the Radian is new technology with a lot of inexperienced users.... must mean it just works as it says on the tin.




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Tabb ... The FF Radian forum is an excellent place for information and, as you say, very open. I've been surprised at the lowish number of posts considering the Radian is new technology with a lot of inexperienced users.... must mean it just works as it says on the tin.

It seems quite easy to setup & install. No airtime yet. Only bench testing.
Only 2 Radian's > Tilt 120 Roll 130 (still fine tuning)


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Quick example filmed this last weekend. 20 mph winds, look at the trees !
ADX3H / MK / AV130 / Radian / Sony CX730
Recorded 50p 1080, uploaded as 25p 720.
No post anything. A little jitter when descending.


Looking good Andy. What are your gains set at?


I've been very happy with the Radians. I've had trouble with one but they replaced it under warranty. With just a little post stabilization even in strong wind it is easy to get very stable video. I use them on a Cinestar gimbal and PhotoshipOne gimbal with Spektrum satellites.


I've been very happy with the Radians. I've had trouble with one but they replaced it under warranty. With just a little post stabilization even in strong wind it is easy to get very stable video. I use them on a Cinestar gimbal and PhotoshipOne gimbal with Spektrum satellites.

have you ever compared the radians and zemuse under the same flight conditions.

this is a pretty quiet thread for a stabilizer. Are the radians not selling well or do they work that good?


The radian stab is the best stab for the servo driven gimbals... Of course the dji dd gimbal is better...!!! But with radian you can do tour job just perfect..!


Str8 Up: Just having a read of the instruction manual prior to getting home on friday and fitting up my Radian modules.
The resistors are to be fitted in place of the potentiometers on the CS gimbal on all axis.


Hi ,

Anybody know where these cant be bought in the UK lost 1 on my last flight, even just the resitors (black chip kind)?
