R7008SB S-Bus with NAZA?

I have the Futuba R6208SB receiver with the Naza V2 and I am running SBUS. Works great. followed the DJI wiring instuctions.

AboveAll, the issue is that the 7008s have various modes and supports Sbus2 which the Naza and WKM do not support. The 6208 works very well with both, but the 7008 is tricky to get it to work in normal Sbus mode from what I have read in a couple places.


no s-bus with that receiver and naza traditional only, gotta hook up all the channels
Hi All,

I apologise if this question has been asked before. Tried a search.

I am trying to get my NAZA working with Futaba's R7008SB receiver but no luck.
Have set the receiver to "D" mode and am using the channel 8 output.

Can anyone give me some help on what I could possibly be doing wrong?
I read on another thread that the Naza will not work with this receiver but couldn't find any other info to back this up.

Transmitter is 18MZ and I am powering the receiver from naza.




Active Member
Sometimes the MODE-change doesn't work....you might think you are in mode B (for S-Bus), but you might be in another mode. The R6208SB works for me on both - WKM and Naza, but I was also struggling sometimes to change modes. Since I found this video, I never had problems again:

.....but still prefer the much cheaper FRSKY receivers......

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AboveAll, the issue is that the 7008s have various modes and supports Sbus2 which the Naza and WKM do not support. The 6208 works very well with both, but the 7008 is tricky to get it to work in normal Sbus mode from what I have read in a couple places.

ProPilotWannaBe... thanks for clarifying I read Futuba and SBUS and assumed it would work :). My question to everyone and don't get me wrong is if there is a known tested and working product /option why buy something this is non tested and is "unlikely" to work. What are the benefits of the 7008s over the 6208 for this particular task?


7008s has optional telemetry and will give you your main battery volts if your using a 14mz or 18mz (may be a few other radios but them two for sure.) 6208 does NOT have telemtry
ProPilotWannaBe... thanks for clarifying I read Futuba and SBUS and assumed it would work :). My question to everyone and don't get me wrong is if there is a known tested and working product /option why buy something this is non tested and is "unlikely" to work. What are the benefits of the 7008s over the 6208 for this particular task?


do you guys think this is a software or hardware related issue?
would DJI update things on there side or should Futaba?

In my opinion, neither will be doing anything. DJI works with so many receivers and probably doesn't feel the need to support telemetry on this receiver; and Futaba works with so many systems that they probably don't feel they need to change this one receiver to support this one FC. The user just has to find he mix and match that works for them.
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ok... 2 questions,
1st, can I still use the 7008 but not using SBUS and will telemetry still work?
2nd I didn't think the FRSKY had telemetry that will work with the Futaba 14SG -- which FrSky receiver model is best?

To answer #1... Yes, reading on this forum and on RCG, some people have got the 7008 to work with Naza and WKM, but others have had problems.
As for #2... I am no expert on FRSky products, but I believe you are correct that the telemetry features of FRSky and Futaba are not compatible. I am getting an FRSky TFR4SBa receiver for my F450.


I have the 7008 running the Naza M via discrete servo cables, one for each channel. I also have it reporting main pack voltage via the Ext Voltage port over FASSTest to the 14SG. I'd like to see the firmware support the SBus on this Rx but I have not heard that any of the v3.x firmwares do this yet.


Thanks for the feedback! I was worried I'd be losing the telemetry features but by the sound of it, I should be good.


No, the s-bus2 capability is separate from the s-bus(1) features. The Naza doesn't understand the s-bus(1) output from the 7008, which is a shame, but the standard PWM channels work just fine, but use more cables than I'd prefer to use.

The s-bus2 and other telemetry features of the T14SG and R7008 pairing are completely usable if you set them up. I don't have any s-bus2 devices as yet, but use the 2-pin ext-volt port for the main pack. That and the Rx voltage work fine.



In my quest to get the Futaba telemetry working on my copters, I ran across this thread. It confirmed the problems I was having with the R7008SB and my OP and AQ boards, which both worked fine with previous s.bus receivers. I ended up spending a lot of time analyzing the output of the R7008SB, compared to the older receiver I was using, and it's all in the pdf file that I'll attach. What changed is the "end byte", which used to always be 00000000. The code looked for that to know it was done with that frame, but now the R7008SB outputs other end bytes. The AQ guys were able to give me a code fix which works, so I can use the R7008SB now.

The most recent discovery is much better news. There is a smaller s.bus2 receiver that just came out around April, called the R7003SB. This receiver has exactly the same output as the older s.bus receivers, so you can use it with all the old s.bus code. The only limitation I can see for the R7003SB receiver is that it only has 4 ports, so if you use s.bus out, and ext voltage input, it only has two PWM outputs available. That's reduced to one if you also want a port to be s.bus2. Unless you need more direct channels for some reason, I think the R7003SB is a great solution.



  • sbus.pdf
    195 KB · Views: 562


Thank you for this detailed analysis of the underlying issue and tip for a partial work-around!

+1, thanks Rusty
so it sounds like it's not a 'bug' holding us back, but more a new design for the unit... therefore, it is what it is and we won't be using the 7008 Sbus with NAZA any time soon.

thanks again for the info!


Happy to help guys. Hopefully the FC developers will use the data to modify the s.bus code so you can use the R7008SB as well. In the mean time, the R7003SB should work fine.

