Pletternberg motors


Welcome to!!
i'm sorry to hear you guys are having these problems. for what it's worth, the balance of the props really seems to have the greatest effect on the ability of the camera sensor to capture crisp video. the mechanics of the mount and how it's mounted to the frame seem to have the greatest effect on the overall stability of the picture.

motors, IMU's, frame selection, all matter but only to a point whereas mechanics and props have to be perfect.

again, sorry to hear of your problems.


What surprises me is the big discrepancy between the manufactures prop specs and the dealer prop specs 15x4 prop vs 13x4 prop, I would guess that manufactures, in this case motors, play it very safe in their recommendation limits, and is up to us the users at our own risk to push those limits, like beta testers at our own expense $$, later after many successful outcomes, I assume manufactures modify the specs, look in fairness I believe that Pano-Dirk recommendations where done with the best of intentions, and me and others went for it with a lot of excitement, the prospect of been able to fly something very pro, like a Red Epic camera for example, I know "the best of intentions are not going to bring back DKtek damage craft nor its going to bring back the wrong investment many of us did.
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Dear Customers,

I have no words for that what you wrote in the last days.

Do you think I am lying?

My Skyjib was one of the first prototypes in the air. I am using this machine since 8 month.

If you have some problems, why do you not asking me?

These really big machines are no toys!

It is not possible to buy some motors, propellers, a frame and a little bit electronic parts to get a King Class multicopter!

I told so many newcomers, that they first have to build up a standard Quadrocopter, learn flying and learn to configure this machine. When you have some more experiences, you can stat to build a bigger machine.

You have to read the Kopter-Tool manual!
You have to read the Wiki!
And you have to understood the configuration features!

The settings in the FC are good for standard multicopter system up to 2 or 3 kg, for fast and agile flying. For more weight you have to configure some details.

For a heavy weight High End Video machine it is absolute important to configure some details to get a flying carpet. I think, you don't want o shaky video.

You have to test EVERYTHING on the ground before you do the first flight!

So, some people want to see a video with the SkyJib, the Orbit 15-20 motors the 15x4 propellers and heavy weight.

complete SkyJib 5.500 kg

Bottle 1: 2.133 kg
Bottle 2: 2.125 kg
Bottle 3: 1.093 kg
Bottle 4: 1.094 kg

Complete weight 12.2 kg


You will find in my data sheet some information about the thrust, propellers and current.

These are examples. You can also use different type of propellers, but you have to test this by yourself.
When you are using the BL-Ctrl. 2.0 it is very important, that one motor NEVER get more than 40 ampere. This is the current limitation for the BL-Ctrl. 2.0. If the current is higher, the limitation will be activated and the motors start to stutter and has vibrations. This is the problem of some pilots.

I will write a.s.a.p. some details of my configuration, so you can change you settings. But it is very important, that you do the tests, before flying! Every machine is different, so you have to find you own best settings.

You can use 13x4 propellers with high rpm and it is also possible to use bigger props with less rpms.
It is important, that the current is not to high and that the motors are not getting hot.
With my recommendations the motors are not getting hot and the current is not to high.
I talked with Plettenberg about my configurations on the first visit.
The big thing is, that a multicopter is in the most time in hover mode. When hovering the current is very low (between 5 and 12 amps) and there is
enough space for more thrust, if it is needed for a short time, like accelerating or braking.

By the way, you have to configure the settings for a big copter with every type of motor. The limitation is the BL-Ctrl. and the 40 amperes.

I have received so many emails, so I need a little bit to send an answer to everyone.

Best Regards,

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Too bad this info wasn't in a manual either as you have it here or at least as a reference. Neither the Pletty's or even the AEROdrive had manuals at time of purchase or delivery. At the time of purchase, Pletty didn't have any info on these motors so all we had was what's been advertised by you and others. Where was this info then, especially not being a plug and play item? The AEROdrive is based on the 2.0 but exactly how does it compare to connecting to a stock MK controller? They may share the same software but the hardware doesn't match.

I saved every email from vendors and not one mentioned any special settings. That falls under PRODUCT SUPPORT, usually in the form of a manual or at least a link to a PDF next to the products. The AEROdrive was supposed to work with the Plettys...

Answer me this Dirk, what the heck good are beta testers if the product gets released without incorporating the testers input? In this case, a base line set up that's not going to destroy itself?

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Drone Enthusiast
Wow did I start this thread!... I am really sorry to here of the problems encountered on here and I aint jumping on anyones side.

I do not think legally you are allowed to sell something with out full instruction manual. But then again so many companies struggle with funding R&D that they tae the plunge and let their customers be Beta testers.This happens in EVERY industry.

Just look at the MK wiki. I suppose this is a sort of instruction manual but it aint supplied with there products.. , like wise the Hercules / Aerodrive board have no instructions just a hit and miss email support.

I guess we are all sort of looking so hard for the perfect solution that the first whiff of something that will full fill your requirements spurs you on to throw more and more money and time at this crazy addiction.

I do not own Plettenberg motors, Hercules, Aerodrive boards BUT I have lost many thousands of pounds trying to get things to fly.

I have seen Dirks craft in action and I cannot knock him for his enthusiasm to share what he thought was the perfect solution for a HL MR. Hell I would do the same if I thought I had it.

As Dirk says you need to know your multi inside out, build it yourself and the only way to get her just as you want her is the hard way of failure and success, failure and success.

I really feel for any MR flier when I here of craft down or lost as I have been there many times.

What works for one does not alway work for the next guy and I really believe that the only way to success here is by very expensive trial and error.

If you are not confident in a product because there is not credible instruction... well dont buy it.

I have been at this solidly for over eighteen months now and thrown a small fortune in to getting to where I am.. was it worth it.. well now I can almost honestly say I am really happy with what I am flying.. would, I recommend it to any one else. NO. I will show anyone my craft in action its up to them if they want to follow but one thing is for sure.. I would alway recommend starting small building your own and not always trusting what is written on forums un less you see it in action..

I am really sorry for those having issues with the motors I started the thread over.. Gulp



Here is a new video with Orbit 15-20 and the from Plettenberg recommended APC 13x4 propellers.

All settings in the MK-Tool to standard.
Changed the current limitation of the BL-Ctrl. 2.0 from 35 ampere to 40 ampere (using of heat sinks).
Changed the stick way in the remote control to 60% for nick and roll, also changed to exponential way for smoother control.

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Wow Dirk,

That is an inspirational flight! Power climbs and descents, fast forward flight, abrupt movements,... You gave it @#$% and it seemed happy to oblige.

It's a bit louder with the smaller props but I'll take that knowing it'll stay in the air. Thanks for sharing your settings.

I've sent yet another inquiry and AEROdron is still ignoring my request for help. Just how crappy can these people be? At least Dirk cares enough to reply to the situation and offer solutions. AEROdron won't even reply to say they are working on it.....or even to bugger off!
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Some more encouragement news
And for the Herkules boards this is what Andreas email me today
as the Herkules II has no current limitation the risk of destroying the Herkules with too high current is too high.
If you drive the Orbit 15-20 with max 4S and max 13,5 Inch props, everything should go right. But don’t exceed this limitations!

I have already the Herkules III in hand and the tests are ongoing. This Board will have overcurrent protection and can handle more current.
The Plettys are no issue any more with this board. If all is ok I can deliver in 6-8 weeks the first samples.

Best regards,

Hi Guys

Don't suppose anyone has a couple of the older style (no integrated prop mount) 15-20s they're looking to sell? Had a bump and we need at least one ASAP.



Hi Guys,

Which Orbit motor is recommended for a Octocopter with an AUW of 9Kg?




Drone Enthusiast
red i can't get involved in comparing the orbits to the tiger, since i never tested any orbits. Just wanted to state that the tiger sound awful ! Have a couple tiger or OEM version at my place and not matter 8khz or 16khz they don't sound that rough and squeaky. Could be that you really snatch a bad batch altogether there, which wouldn't shine a good on RCtiger !


This is what I though too a few months ago. This is the 3rd batch of Tiger motors I bought from 3 separate shops in EU the last few months. I can't just be really unlucky.
I don't want to mention the shops but has any of you lately bought tigers from within EU and got good motors?

I have run the same test on my Tigers with boca bearings and even though they run quieter and smoother the vibrations are still there.

I have run the tests on a friends AXI 2814 and the results are similar to the Orbits and only slightly worse.


The tiger pan cake are super sweet to me no vibes. The standard size ones eg the rebrand quadrocopter ones do have this high pitch rough sound similar sound to a turbine spooling up. Don't like

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