Dear Customers,
I have no words for that what you wrote in the last days.
Do you think I am lying?
My Skyjib was one of the first prototypes in the air. I am using this machine since 8 month.
If you have some problems, why do you not asking me?
These really big machines are no toys!
It is not possible to buy some motors, propellers, a frame and a little bit electronic parts to get a King Class multicopter!
I told so many newcomers, that they first have to build up a standard Quadrocopter, learn flying and learn to configure this machine. When you have some more experiences, you can stat to build a bigger machine.
You have to read the Kopter-Tool manual!
You have to read the Wiki!
And you have to understood the configuration features!
The settings in the FC are good for standard multicopter system up to 2 or 3 kg, for fast and agile flying. For more weight you have to configure some details.
For a heavy weight High End Video machine it is absolute important to configure some details to get a flying carpet. I think, you don't want o shaky video.
You have to test EVERYTHING on the ground before you do the first flight!
So, some people want to see a video with the SkyJib, the Orbit 15-20 motors the 15x4 propellers and heavy weight.
complete SkyJib 5.500 kg
Bottle 1: 2.133 kg
Bottle 2: 2.125 kg
Bottle 3: 1.093 kg
Bottle 4: 1.094 kg
Complete weight 12.2 kg
You will find in my data sheet some information about the thrust, propellers and current.
These are examples. You can also use different type of propellers, but you have to test this by yourself.
When you are using the BL-Ctrl. 2.0 it is very important, that one motor NEVER get more than 40 ampere. This is the current limitation for the BL-Ctrl. 2.0. If the current is higher, the limitation will be activated and the motors start to stutter and has vibrations. This is the problem of some pilots.
I will write a.s.a.p. some details of my configuration, so you can change you settings. But it is very important, that you do the tests, before flying! Every machine is different, so you have to find you own best settings.
You can use 13x4 propellers with high rpm and it is also possible to use bigger props with less rpms.
It is important, that the current is not to high and that the motors are not getting hot.
With my recommendations the motors are not getting hot and the current is not to high.
I talked with Plettenberg about my configurations on the first visit.
The big thing is, that a multicopter is in the most time in hover mode. When hovering the current is very low (between 5 and 12 amps) and there is
enough space for more thrust, if it is needed for a short time, like accelerating or braking.
By the way, you have to configure the settings for a big copter with every type of motor. The limitation is the BL-Ctrl. and the 40 amperes.
I have received so many emails, so I need a little bit to send an answer to everyone.
Best Regards,