If I turn to neutral the servo stops where it is.
If I turn left the servo begins to turn left till to the end. How far I tun left does only influence the speed how fast the servo goes to one end.
If the servo starts turning and I go to neutral the servo stops where it is. This is no proportional turn but just a speed turn to one or the other end.
The same if i turn right.
With the firmware E055 this feature works like it should.
This is all working exactly as it should in 'slew' mode. It sounds as if you are using a rotary control rather than a stick that returns to center when released. The idea of slew mode is that you issue a command with the stick and the servo will move in the commanded direction. It will only stop moving when the stick is returned to center and it will stop at the last commanded position. The speed the servo gets there is determined by how far over you push the stick. To make the servo turn the other way the stick has to be pushed to the opposite side. Again, the servo will stop moving when the stick (or rotary control or 3-position switch) is returned to center.
The purpose of slew mode is, for example, to allow the camera to be tilted down at an angle and it will stay there. The stabilisation will then work with this tilted position as the 'new' center and keep the camera pointing down at the given angle regardless of the airframe's attitude (at least theoretically!). If you have the tilt control set up as proportional and you need the camera to be kept at a downwards angle you either have to keep constant pressure on the stick or use, as I suspect you are, a rotary control that does not automatically return to center.
I am certain that this is where you are running into trouble. By keeping the same Tx controls but changing Picloc to 'slew' mode the servo doesn't stop moving because you are not accustomed to returning that control to center.
The Return-To-Home function will still work with slew mode if you need to bring everything back to the middle.