New Release: Connex HD Video Downlink 3000FT $1599.



Could you please elaborate on this:

"In order to use the unit on the Zenmuse GH4, we used the optional light bridge HDMI cable for Zenmuse Nex gimbal. You are of course limited in pan movements ( not more than one turn each direction)".

Where do you connect the HDMI cable? Does the GH4 Zenmuse limit the Pan travel automatically once you connect that cable or do you risk over-twisting the cable if you are not being careful?



I don't get it? All this, and that, about antennas, and yet every company seems to use the old "dipole" antennas, that most people say are no good? 5 dipoles on the receiver ??? way beyond my understanding.


Still a bit unclear of the transmitter power, anything over 25mw is illegal in the uk or needs a license to operate. Think it would be better with cp antennas?


Still a bit unclear of the transmitter power, anything over 25mw is illegal in the uk or needs a license to operate. Think it would be better with cp antennas?
By default it transmits at 25mw, it can be switched onto a boost mode at 200mw



Could you please elaborate on this:

"In order to use the unit on the Zenmuse GH4, we used the optional light bridge HDMI cable for Zenmuse Nex gimbal. You are of course limited in pan movements ( not more than one turn each direction)".

Where do you connect the HDMI cable? Does the GH4 Zenmuse limit the Pan travel automatically once you connect that cable or do you risk over-twisting the cable if you are not being careful?

The beta cable supplied needed about 1mm shaving off the connector to clear the gimbal, which was easy to do with a scalpel. As Fabien says, you can use a Lightbridge cable. The HDMI cable is thin and bendy a bit like the Hyperthin brand, and includes a neat threaded screw to keep it securely slotted into the TX. 360° In each direction is nearly the limit if mounting the unit under the Lipo. There is no gimbal limiting function as far as I know, but in the air, if you go too far there is no consequence other than the gimbal refusing to go any further.


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I don't get it? All this, and that, about antennas, and yet every company seems to use the old "dipole" antennas, that most people say are no good? 5 dipoles on the receiver ??? way beyond my understanding.
This unit uses MIMO technology, which in fact uses the reflections to improve receiving quality. The main point of using circular polarized antennas is to avoid reflection problems (multipathing), with MIMO that it's and advantage, CP with MIMO it's very poor match.

Linear and directional antennas like Patch/Biquad antenas and 5.8Ghz booster can be used on this unit to improve range for sure, but you need 5 of them.


You can preorder now as stated in Sleepys original post.

getfpv's site now says "in stock". Very tempted. But need to sell my lightbridge first.


For me, how it handles obstacles would be very interesting, because I want it to do proximity FPV and sometimes not in LOS.


5.8 GHz works best with LoS flights. When an obstacle comes between, it will loose signal very easily.
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5.8 GHz is not meant to fly behind obstacles like trees, buildings. Connex is no better than other solutions. For that purposes, you need to go lower frequencies.
I just said I wanted to know how well it handles the non LoS flights, if it degrades gracefully or shut downs etc, not that 5.8Ghz has the most penetration power of all bands. Obviously by physics, lower frecuencies and lower wave lenghts have more penetration capacity, but it doesn't mean that 5.8Ghz it's useless. And 5.8Ghz it's not bad at penetration by any means, it depends a lot if the non LoS is constant or intermitent, or the material between receiver and transmitter or if a directional antennas are used, or which technolgy is used to transmit and receiving the signal ( in this case it's MIMO ). A lot of people flies 5.8Ghz with intermitent non LoS between trees ( like me ) and it works very well with diversity and directional antennas without the hassles of 1.3Ghz receivers or antenna size, I also fly on 1.3Ghz on my bigger planes for long range.


I would love to do a comparison of this new CONNEX to my DJI Lightbridge to see how they vary in range, latency, etc.


Bane of G10
At less than 1/4 the price (ETA: And less than half the weight!!) of the Teradek we're currently using?? Heck yeah I want to try one of these! Looks like low-latency HD transmission prices are finally falling :)

I would love to do a correct comparison of this new CONNEX to my DJI Lightbridge to see how they vary in range, latency, etc.

The Lightbridge is 2.4ghz and pretty laggy from what I've seen, and I refuse to be tethered to the receiver (it's okay for my camera guy but I have to move a lot). I haven't tried the Connex myself, but so far it looks like it will blow the Lightbridge out of the water as far as FPV or professional use!

ETA: Has anyone tried it while using an Immersion (or other brand) 5.8ghz transmitter for FPV alongside it? It seemed to work okay with the Bolt 2000 (gimbal transmitter), which is also 5ghz.
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