Naza gain setting

Sounds good, ya i want it to fly better now that im mainly manual fpv.. Doesn't feel as good as i think it could. A bit squirrely sometimes. Ill charge a few packs and have a go this afternoon


Aerial DP
try 120ish +-10 and see what it does. should go from not very locked in and kinda a handful to wobbly with the slightest throttle but stayin there...... right between there is best

ive got it feeling decent now, manual im at 125 on pitch n roll, yaw is 130 but i dont like it and cant iron it out... almost lost it and then i wasnt so smooth on the rudder stick lol. it turns right pretty nice but left kinda feels dead till midstick then it cranks pretty quick and loses stability, atii gains are 90

Uploading a vid now of where im at. I find a bit of wag in the tail.... on my helos id go for more gain but its not working here... Anyways aside from my jerky fingers of nervousness its not bad, some vibes but i find these suppos arent as smooth as my mt motors.
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oops, too close to the trees in the golf course lol, good thing i ordered a spare set of arms all around when i bought her

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Ziptie Relocation Expert
gains? expo? na

ok, manual gains will make it from loose (wont hover in place) to oscillating fast, like vibrating if real high till it tries ripping itself apart. Same deal on any gain whether this, rc heli, whatever

you want to slowly roll up your gains and do the kind of flying you do. if you hover, go hover. if you like the up and downs, do that. look for it to stat locking in to start wobbling a bit while flying manual

atti you will do the same thing but only after manual is dialed......... i do full throttle punchouts cause sometimes i'm almost full throttle flying fpv and i want to know if it's shaking then or not. I'll adjust till i like what i see in my video. when you click on atti and start cranking up that gain, it starts feeling disconnected like it wants to hover and your trying to fly forward, i back mine off till it's agile as i want. i'll do some full forward flybys with a turn at the end. too high it won't turn. too low and it'll try flipping over its side to turn for ya. when atti gets high, it takes away alot of your control till it gets that lockover stuff that'll crash ya super hi

That's a good point Kloner and that's why we call this "tuning" because we are tuning our MR's to make them fly how we want them to. For example, you mentioned the higher your Att gains the less agility it'll have in attitude/GPS mode. Very good point and lesson there, for AP work you want that as you don't want to be flying around all nimble while you're trying to film stationary objects or slow moving objects. On the contrast if you want to film fast moving objects you'd lower your Att gains so you get more response in that mode. For me, if I want to be nimble I fly in manual mode but when I want a little extra help I put it into Att. mode so it does the work for me and stays pretty stationary. Also the higher your attitude settings the more rapid the transitions will be from forward flight to level flight as it'll "snap back" to level so you can really tell if you are filming. It's just preference and trial and error. My 2 cents there...

Hey, what's this solo flying across the desert? You using a MR for that or one of your numerous wings? How far you going? What for? A race? Just curious and of course make sure you throw up a video...hey, maybe one longer than 2.5 minutes too!!! :D I love your wing videos just wish they were longer. My LR Wing coming soon....Muhahahhaha
