Naza gain setting

Hi i'm a new forum user, from last wend i had a Naza+F450 kit and are totally happy with it, the only doubt is the gain setting, i don't found big changes if i increase fro example the gain from 110 to 145% on all command. Can someone explain me how to set well the gain or how understand if the gain is right or not?
Thanks all for cooperations.

DJI gains are best set by assigning a channel to X1 and/or X2 to a knob or slider and using them for adjusting the basic gains when flying. It is a real time update. Increase the gains until you get oscillation, then back it down about 10 to 20 percent. Then lock them. The Atti gain generally works in reverse fashion. The higher the basic gains, the lower the Attic gain should be. I have run Naza gains as high as 200 and haven't had an issue. You only need them as high to perform well. The higher the gains, the more responsive it will be in flying, but do be careful or it will get hard to control in very fast forward flight.


Thanks for your reply, when you (and also DJI manual) say increase the gain until get oscillations, what you mean with oscillations exactly, like vibrations for high motor corrections or slipping in hovering?.
I'm sorry for my bad english :nevreness:


Aerial DP
so i've been trying gain after gain and this is what i notice. if it's dead calm, it's almost impossible to over gain it, however when you add wind, even a breeze, it'll bounce pretty hard when it's high, sounds like the motors on off, on off, on off kinda vibe. when it's just flat way to high, it does it in a hover.

I found a spreadsheet over at rcg that showed everybodys setup with naza, cell counts, motor/esc combos and there gains. most seemed to be between 120-150 with a majority at 130 on manual. atti seems to like to be around 80 +- 5%

oscillations are like a vibration from motors over correcting themselves. has a wa,wa,wa,wa sound to it,watch this at 1:40 you hear it a little on the way up. , gets strong on the way down around 2:20, that was 150 across the manual, 80 on atti

This was 130 across manual, 85 on atti

you can hear a distinct difference on the way up/down
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Thanks for your reply, when you (and also DJI manual) say increase the gain until get oscillations, what you mean with oscillations exactly, like vibrations for high motor corrections or slipping in hovering?.
I'm sorry for my bad english :nevreness:

oscillations are wobble or rapid movement in the craft. The last poster is correct is saying that most are around 130%. It is really a testing game. I have heard that wind will cause high gains to cause oscillations. Just don't have the ATTI gains to high if you go ver 130% basic gains.



The higher frequency oscillations occur when the basic pitch and roll gains are too high. The wobbling on descent is caused by the basic pitch and roll gains being too low. If you can't get rid of the wobbling on descent, without increasing the gains until the point the higher frequency vibrations occur, that means the disc loading is too light and you are likely overpropped for the weight. Like most FCs, the Naza works better with heavier disc loading. Once the disc loading is correct, there will be a fairly wide range of gain numbers that will work without the oscillations and without wobbling on descent.

-- Gary


so i've been trying gain after gain and this is what i notice. if it's dead calm, it's almost impossible to over gain it, however when you add wind, even a breeze, it'll bounce pretty hard when it's high, sounds like the motors on off, on off, on off kinda vibe. when it's just flat way to high, it does it in a hover.

I found a spreadsheet over at rcg that showed everybodys setup with naza, cell counts, motor/esc combos and there gains. most seemed to be between 120-150 with a majority at 130 on manual. atti seems to like to be around 80 +- 5%

oscillations are like a vibration from motors over correcting themselves. has a wa,wa,wa,wa sound to it,watch this at 1:40 you hear it a little on the way up. , gets strong on the way down around 2:20, that was 150 across the manual, 80 on atti

This was 130 across manual, 85 on atti

you can hear a distinct difference on the way up/down
This is the spreadsheet link. If you want to add to it it'll ask you to signup/get approval in which case as soon as I get the email from Google I'll approve. I had to do this since some people were messing up the format and or deleting other persons entry. This way I can track who's making changes. Also DJI is looking at the entries so it is helping the engineers.


Cool. 50+ people have added their info so you can see what works with all types of various setups. I hope it grows more. Maybe someone should make one for the WooKong too.


ive been wondering ive noticed with the manual settings there is no max angle, so you could possibly do some acrobatics with it.
any videos out there? :p or gains that where used to make it happen? :p

In manual mode you get up to 150 Degrees of control rather than 45 degrees in ATTI mode. You can easily do aerobatics if you are skilled enough. You really need to be a good flyer otherwise manual will be a handful. If you flip from ATTI to Manual you have to be aware your throttle setting with jump or drop dramatically if you haven't set your throttle curves to match. You need to balance the output of your hover point in Manual to mid stick so when you flip to Manual you do so at mid stick so the multi won't jump or dive.

Let's get you flying in ATTI mode comfortably before trying Manual. I fly Helis and do mild 3D and I don't flip my quad unless I am up real high and have a healthy head of steam. I still get a pucker when flying in manual mode.




I flipped when I hit a stop sign. :highly_amused: But I also stopped as legally required. LOL One prop sacrificed itself to safety. hehe


Aerial DP
oh yeah, i'm positive you can flip this

Seadog, i have a google account, went there and don't see how i join the spreadsheet, any ideas?

So last night i had a revelation, wanted to go do some light graffiti, just for giggles and to lighten it up i took off the gopro, then since was just sitting there took off the A/V tx, hopped it up and it had zero drift, felt like a whole different quad. when i got done, came in and redid everything inside the frames, looking forward to trying it out today. Moved the naza up into the middle of the frame and moved everything else that was there to the tab the naza was sitting. When i'd land, you could hear the motors rev from that shelf vibrating right when it touched down before, always. Also added alot of servo wire loom, heat shrink, try and get it to last a little longer than raw wires rubbing on stuff

Got 2 weeks till my first solo fpv flights across the deserts of So Cal.

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kloner maybe try to enter some info and see what it says. but if you want PM me your google email and I'll just add you if that's easier.

question about gains in manual mode, what kind of effect do they have, im assuming atti gains act as expo. What about pitch and roll? any affect.


Aerial DP
gains? expo? na

ok, manual gains will make it from loose (wont hover in place) to oscillating fast, like vibrating if real high till it tries ripping itself apart. Same deal on any gain whether this, rc heli, whatever

you want to slowly roll up your gains and do the kind of flying you do. if you hover, go hover. if you like the up and downs, do that. look for it to stat locking in to start wobbling a bit while flying manual

atti you will do the same thing but only after manual is dialed......... i do full throttle punchouts cause sometimes i'm almost full throttle flying fpv and i want to know if it's shaking then or not. I'll adjust till i like what i see in my video. when you click on atti and start cranking up that gain, it starts feeling disconnected like it wants to hover and your trying to fly forward, i back mine off till it's agile as i want. i'll do some full forward flybys with a turn at the end. too high it won't turn. too low and it'll try flipping over its side to turn for ya. when atti gets high, it takes away alot of your control till it gets that lockover stuff that'll crash ya super hi
