XAircraft My Hexa/WKM/FPV build


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I like this Hexa frame. I chose it because it had enough space for me to add the components that I needed and wanted on my craft. I had to place the esc on the arms just partially underneath the X650 canopy that I purchased. I'm using DJI WKM as a flight controller. I like the design and cost of Xaircraft frames.


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Hi Tom,
Thank you for the excellent assembly instruction of the XAircraft Hexa. Much better than the original instruction of the manufacturer.
In one thread you mentionned the dimension of your props as 10, 9 or 8 inches. But what pitch?
Could you explain why the difference between your good experiences with 8 inch and the good experience of another with 10 x 5 props?
Kind regards
Otto, Switzerland (No snow but strong wind at 68°F, yesterday 86°F !)


I have not flown 10" props, as I was warned that it would be over-prop'd.

My first set of test flights were with 9x4.5 slo-fly APC.s. During those test flights I thought it was pretty stable, weightless feel it it, tons of power, but also felt like it was sensative, even with 30% expo.

I currently fly 8x4.5 cheap Gaui props. The sensativity I experienced was gone and the stability was vastly improved. It will sit very still in 7-10 mph winds now with no drifting or bouncy corrective issues. Video shows the gimbal no where near as active.

However, Gaui props are very soft, you can see them flex when changing throttle speeds. I have now ordered and expect to see this week my set of Graupner 8x5's and am very much anticipating them.
I will post to this thread my thoughts on them after I test fly them.

I am very pleased with this frame and the components I chose for it. All have matched up perfectly. Motors, esc's and batterys all come down, after flight with a hardly noticable increase in temperature change from ambient. All have demonstrated their reliability.

Got the next 3 days off and will get some more flights in, but am sooo sore right now. My nephiew and I just spent the last 2 days patching my roof, where I discovered that am deffinately too old now for that kind of stuff! I hurt today in places forgot I had!


If you mount the Sony Nex-5 to the MC6500Pro camera mount it might make the heli to nose heavy. I'm running the same frame, WKM, using FunFly 30 amp esc, same motors, but I'm using the Xaircraft gimble similar to the MC6500Pro with the GoPro Camera. I used the Xaircraft gimble so I could mount my FPV camera to the front posts. With my Thunder Power 4S 6600 Lipo or my Thunder Power 4S 5000 Lipo I am perfectly balanced.


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Your hexa looks so cool. It looks like it would fit well with splinter cell. Get something to cover the electronics and your sorted.


Hello Tom,
I have 2 questions.
1. On one of your pictures I have seen, that you connect the receiver with a lot of cables (24 wires)at the DJI unit. Why didn't you use the Futabe S-Bus? (3 wires)
2. On another picture is to see, that you have a separate camera for FPV. The gopro camera has an AV Output. Would it bee possible to use this for FPV to eliminate the additional camera?


Hi Lorbass.

Origionally, I wire it 'traditional', but the next day went to the d-bus configuration utilizing the Futaba s-bus.
The Futaba radio was brand new to me so it was a learning curve issue for me.

As far as the GoPro as an fpv, I wasn't satisfied with the quality of the image under the goggles. It's far better with the seperate camera.

hi, i am entering the world of rc flight ( no flying experience whatsoever ) im planning to get a hex for some aerial videography... i really like your set up.... a couple of questions:
1. could your set-up possibly carry a mid size dslr like a canon 550 ?
2. what max flight time could i get from 3s? 4s?
3. is it ok to get use naza flight controller ( not the wk ) for budget reasons? or i really need the wk ?

thanks a lot... and more power to your projects...
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Hi kikorafel,
I can answer your question no 3 I have bothe in use.
I recommend to by the NAZA. Because, perhaps later, with the NAZA GPS upgrade the NAZA control has exactly the same features as today WKM.
WKM make sense only if you upgrade it with data link, view, waypoint wich are very expensive.
Today I am really angry to have WKM. The same features but more weight.

Some experience to your question no 2
DJI Hexacopter F550 without anything 1500 gr, Akku 3S, 3600 mAh for hoovering 10 min with spare capacity.
DJI Hexacopter F550 with lander, light Gimbal, with camera ActionPro(85 gr), 1860 gr. Akku 3S, 3600 mAh for hoovering 8 min with spare capacity.

Good luck
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Hi Tomstoy2,
Thumbs UP! just curious what's your WKM Configuration autopilot.I added GPS with naza on my XA Hexa. then replaced new DJI 30A from 12A. What's best result for autopilot setting?


Hi Zzr.
That is a tough question, as every acft is like snow flakes, no 2 are exactly the same.

I don't have a Naza, as you have read, but my WKM is performing flawlessly and I couldn't be happier!
The trick is to not be afraid to up the basic gains.

I'm currently at;
pitch = 160
roll = 160
yaw = 165
vertical = 155
attitude pitch = 160
attitude roll = 160

Current performance is rock solid without any wind, and just a tiny bit of under compensation in high wind conditions, as it does get pushed around a bit in high winds.
I could tighten it up more to fly locked on like a rock in high winds, but afraid the calm wind conditions would suffer then. I don't have the ability to trim gains with a dial set up as I am using the WKM gimbal control at the moment. So, I have it dialed in thru gains in assistant to give me the performance I desired over a wide variety of conditions.

During testing, as I increased the gains, I noticed the stick movements on my tx were becomming more sensative. I was using 30% expo and just increased it to 40% to get the same 'feel' thru the sticks I was comfortable with. Worked a treat!

Other things I have learned, choosing props. The right props are not the most expensive ones. I discovered that when I ordered a set of Graupner's. The flight performance degraded when I installed them.
I took them off and am currently running just a cheap set of Gaui props and couldn't be happier.
Thin props, like the Graupner's need to run more rpm or be sized a little larger, and then I'm sure they will be fine, but for now I'm just letting them collect dust as they are now my back-up set.

In all, I have about 60 flights on her now, and am a happy as can be!
Now it's time to get cleaned up, load everything up, go pick up my buddy and head off to do some flying/filming!


Thanks Tomstoy2,
Today I tested flying for my XA hexa and same setting as your but little better performance than before but here always windy about 12 to 15 mph in CA. I will have time to more adjust later.
Hi Zzr.
That is a tough question, as every acft is like snow flakes, no 2 are exactly the same.

I don't have a Naza, as you have read, but my WKM is performing flawlessly and I couldn't be happier!
The trick is to not be afraid to up the basic gains.

I'm currently at;
pitch = 160
roll = 160
yaw = 165
vertical = 155
attitude pitch = 160
attitude roll = 160

Current performance is rock solid without any wind, and just a tiny bit of under compensation in high wind conditions, as it does get pushed around a bit in high winds.
I could tighten it up more to fly locked on like a rock in high winds, but afraid the calm wind conditions would suffer then. I don't have the ability to trim gains with a dial set up as I am using the WKM gimbal control at the moment. So, I have it dialed in thru gains in assistant to give me the performance I desired over a wide variety of conditions.

During testing, as I increased the gains, I noticed the stick movements on my tx were becomming more sensative. I was using 30% expo and just increased it to 40% to get the same 'feel' thru the sticks I was comfortable with. Worked a treat!

Other things I have learned, choosing props. The right props are not the most expensive ones. I discovered that when I ordered a set of Graupner's. The flight performance degraded when I installed them.
I took them off and am currently running just a cheap set of Gaui props and couldn't be happier.
Thin props, like the Graupner's need to run more rpm or be sized a little larger, and then I'm sure they will be fine, but for now I'm just letting them collect dust as they are now my back-up set.

In all, I have about 60 flights on her now, and am a happy as can be!
Now it's time to get cleaned up, load everything up, go pick up my buddy and head off to do some flying/filming!
