Active Member
Hey Heli, what's the difference between the 4006 150 you have available and the 4006 130 listed in the gimbal kit? They both seem to be able to carry the same load.
Just got a chance to play around with this gimbal... on 3s it gets a pretty good case of the shakes/oscillation even after adjusting PID (maybe I just need to spend more time playing with the settings) though when I go 2s it behaves as expected and very stable. Did balance (gopro3) on the gimbal roll and pitch, looks like it will have no problem with the GP3 on 2s so I'm gonna get ready to mount on the Hex tomorrow evening.
pg 14 of this thread I threw up a gh2 pict with ruler.
Anybody know if the gimble that RTRyder shows will carry the gh2 or does it need a new frame.
Weight of camera is around 640g with light lens.
There is also a narrow window of PID settings that work well with any given setup. Going too high or too low on any of the PID settings can produce jitter or random movement, the IMU is VERY sensitive it appears which is a good thing.
I also suggest doing a thorough accelerometer calibration once you have it setup on the multi, failure to do so will result in horizon drift on lateral movement.
Looks like I may get a chance for a quick test flight or two before I have to leave so stay tuned...
Ken,thanks for your reply... Very informative!!! So true about the narrow PID window settings that work for a particular setup. The motor power settings where the only ones I left as is, makes total sence now as weight was reduced.
Should I stick with 2s for the GoPro3 or make it all work on the recommended 3s? What are the pros and cons between operating on 7.4 to 11.1V?
Good luck on your test flight, looking forward to seeing the results.
Impressed. Very impressed.
Hey Ken, so are you going to send me the other half of the balance of the Zemuse when you get back? j/k...
How about a over all video or a tuning video once you get it down?
I do apologize for the lack of instruction and manual, but I simply have no time, I hope you all can understand. This building gimbal thing has put a lot of stress on me (and my friend) who had help me power coat, tapping all the part and putting it together). Due to the fact everything was rushed, we had to do a lot of extra work. Soon realize it was a challenge.
Those who got your gimbal to work nicely, all I ask is a video and your camera/PID setting so other can get some guideline.
As for the board/big motor. Alex and I both agree that the board can handle the 4006 and 4008 no problem. I think it's even possible to run 5200 motor IF you add a heat sink to the chip. But not yet tested.
V, ask Alex if he can add a feature to the GUI to save the setup like the standard Multiwii GUI does, that would be key for swapping cameras on this setup.
Impressive results Ken.
I'm still wondering how to pre-order this gimbal. I think I will have to give up contacting GotHeliRc for this matter.