I'm on a mission to empower us by helping spread the word of our rights under FAA regulations to carry-on (can't be checked) our LiPo's.
What I would like is to find many stories about TSA interactions with persons carrying LiPo's in their carry on.
Might want to do a bit of research about how the law has been written with regard to the TSA. Essentially we have zero rights since the TSA is liable for nothing and cannot be sued. As far as what we can carry on a commercial plane, read up on the power of IATA, the International Air Transport Association. That organization is the last word about what will be carried or not, and those rules/decisions can be made on the spot. Every pilot of every aircraft can make a spot decision to refuse any cargo should
they deem it a safety hazard. There is not debate or arbitration. You learn this stuff as one of the hard facts of life in formal hazardous materials courses.
Pilots have died and planes have been lost due to fires caused by lithium batteries. Even our military will not ship them unless they are very carefully packaged and in a form they have determined to have little risk. They won't carry the type of lithium batteries we use at all. They even get squirmy at the thought of lithium watch type batteries, which is why one has a very hard time finding batteries for the better flash lights at third world base exchanges.
We have no right where TSA and carriage of goods is concerned, only permissions.