Lipo fire on Boeing 737... qualified operator

I am flying fro Australia to Bali today with a Phantom 2 and always take them as carry on in a Lipo safe bag, got stopped last time and they run them through the xray a few times then asked what they were, I told them batteries and they let me through. I also printed out the IATA details and written out the calcs for the amount of Lithium in each just in case I get a difficult jobsworth.

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Just replaced the battery in my iPhone and noticed, that while very small, it is Lithium Ion Polymer...... Previously I had a cell phone with a battery containing perchlorate.....!!!
If it is the same perchlorate as in "ammonium perchlorate" that means that that some of the same chemicals are that were used in the space shuttle solid propellant booster motors is also used inside of smart phones.

So as the demand for energy density continues to rise, so does the conflict between air travel and electronic gadgets (just an issue of chemical quantity).


I cured the travel problems with TSA.....I refuse to ever get on a plane that they control the screening of passengers or the passengers belongings!

I drive, so my LiPo's will be safe. And the only thing I have to worry about on a trip is where I should pull over and eat! Besides, the country is too pretty to just fly over and miss out on the good stuff.

Scott (TSA = I can't say it here) B


i do fly over seas few times a year caring "full loaded" phantom in carry case with 8 batteries and never had a problem with authorities.


New Member
I wonder if HighAlphaMedia considered the risks they pose to the general public. According to their website the pilot / director studied dangerous goods and security, which should mean they knew full well what they were doing. Worn out lipos with unprotected connectors, all thrown loosly into a case that was illegally checked in for carriage in a cargo hold. Wow.

It goes on... Quote from their website : "Ben applies the same disciplines associated with flying full size aircraft to operating the flying machines of High Alpha Media" - Oh dear god!

Most people have a firm grasp of safety and lipo maintenance, particularly since the lipo fire that brought down a 747 operated by UPS. It's just the small minority such as these guys that make me think twice about boarding an airline.
