KDE Direct has added Multi-Rotor Heli motors to their lineup


Active Member
Thanks Chuck, GoPro for now, NEX or considering the new Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 4k micro 4/3 camera once I figure out a nice mid-size 3 axis gimbal. Been very pleased with the KDE's, bought 4 to replace some T-Motors I have on my Disco Pro with Kloner arms, super power for a 2814 size motor. Also want to add some retracts to the landing gear.


New Member
I have been discussing with KDE what props to use with my modified 3DR Y6. He suggested 13" props, but they used T-Motor CF props, I bought 13x5.5 APC MR and have no idea how they will work. Once I get it in the air comfortably to see how it performs, the TM may be warranted, but I'd sure hate to break them while testing, so playing it safe with the APC. From what I've read about APC MRP is you should go 1" above in size compared to SF, but looking at APC specs I should be "ok".

My Y6 will be able to fit 14" props.

BTW, does anyone know of a good Y6 frame for these motors? I was looking at Vulcan frames, but at 900mm being the smallest offered, that seems better suited for lower kv pancakes and much larger props.

I highly recommend RCTimer.com! They have a great Y6 frame 700mm, 800mm & 900mm using 30mm tubes, solid as can be. Its called the Y6 Trooper. What makes it unique is the tube size and the built in power distribution board on the bottom plate. The best deal I have seen for $189.00 Here is a great link showing a complete build ***roupsDOTcom /forums/showthread.php?t=2242520. I have tried several frame designs in the past few years and I can say that RCTimer has the best frames for reasonable prices.
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New Member
Is that a Tarot 850 or 960 frame? My Guess is 850? Did I win? I have a 960 myself that I was planning on using this exact motor prop setup. Glad to see someone already trying it out. Please post a followup on flight results...

Mike SF

I finally finished my quad for a Sony RX100 and 3-axis TP100 gimbal (don't have the gimbal yet) and KDE 475kv motors. Final AUW is now 3.65 kg (with simulated weight for gimbal and camera). I'm very satisfied with the flight time of 12-13 minutes with 80% battery left. Max. speed is 50km/h (30mph) with ELV endpoints set to 68 (with higher endpoints it should go faster, but even 30mph is mostly too fast for my needs). Pitch angle at this speed was 20 degrees.

Vibrations measured by the SuperX black-box are very low and mostly below 0.25 with spikes up to 0.6 when doing hard stops or faster descends. Here's the black-box data of the SuperX for a 9 minute flight: http://log.xaircraft.cn/report.htm#2014_11_03_083718.903_51.2.09.10

Initially this was planned as a 6S setup with 13" props. But I found that with the triple 15" DJI props and 4S, it's quieter and more efficient.

Here's the setup:
Tarot 650 quad frame
8mm rails with 2mm wall width for gimbal and batteries
KDE 3510 475kv motors with KDE tripple prop adapter
DJI 1552 folding props
SuperX with OSD
2x4000mAh 4S 30C Glacier batteries (800 grams together)
Jeti anti-spark connectors

Pretty standard radio and FPV gear:
Mini HDMI converter, video switch, FPV backup camera, ImmersionRC 600mW VTx
Taranis X8R with cell voltage telemetry (not just the total voltage)
2x small 3Amp adjustable step down regulators for gimbal and FPV gear

I don't have the gimbal yet, so final judgement on this setup is still pending. But so far it looks very promising too me.



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Active Member
Hey Mike, nice setup. Are you planning on using the Phobotic gimbal control with your TPack gimbal? I have the same gimbal for a new Lumix LX100 but haven't committed to the gimbal control yet, considering the 32 Alexmos or the Phobotic considering that gimbal and camera is setup for the Phobotic.



Mike SF

Yes, this will be with the CP controller. I already had one on my Y6, but I need to replace it. Turned out it was a prototype board :cold: From the short experience I had with the CP controller, it works well after auto-tune, but still there are still some quirks to iron out. This nice thing about it that the auto-tune gives you at least the same level of stabilization as the AM board, without spending a lot of time tuning it. And you get direct support. My major concern right now it tilting down, which easily leads to motor buzzing. You can manually tune the settings to remove it, but I think the auto-tune should be able to handle that.

Btw. I'm a little concerned about the 1mm wall, 16mm tubes. Is this enough for the 3.6kg quad? The vibration levels are low, but I'm not sure if this is the only thing to watch out.


Active Member
I'm using 16mm, 1.5mm, 3K CF on a sub 4k hex and it seems pretty stable. Running KDE 2814-515kv, 14" props on 5000 mAh 6s, Zenmuse H3-3D getting around 13 minutes with about 25% left. Thinking of dropping a SuperX in there over the winter, NAZA V2 now and flies real nice so not really looking to mess with success...
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Mike SF

Great flying time with the battery and weight! Where do you got the 16mm 1.5m CF tubes from? I was able to source 2mm wall tubes, but there are quite heavy.


New Member
I just got my 515kv's in the mail yesterday. For you guys running them on a quad setup with 6S 14" props, what are you seeing for amp draw at hover and what is your AUW?

I will be putting them on my Cinetank gopro gimbal setup with a AUW under 3000g.



New Member
I have to agree with synrg, these KDE 2814 515's are beasts! I've been testing them on my Rusty's UAP1 800cm hex with NAZA V2, 14" Gemfan CF (T-Motor clones) props, 5000mAh 6s with Zenmuse H3-3D and have been VERY pleased with the results. Many have told me that the NAZA shouldn't be used on a craft this size but I have had no problems over the last month. I tinkered around with props size starting at 11" going all the way to 14". I did not notice much difference in performance, motor temps were never a problem and even though eCalc said these would be more efficient on the smaller props but I find the 14" are nice and the extra lift is sweet. Easily hovers at 50% and I get a solid 10 minutes of mixed flying, some aggressive passes and easy cruising. I could probably get 12-13 easy minutes since I land with about 34% left in pack. AUW is under 4k. At the 2:24 and 4:50 marks you can see I've got the throttle just about pegged as the arms and motors come into view.


Great setup, what ESC are you using? KDE? Or SimonK/BlHeli?


New Member
What ESCs are you guys using with the KDE 2814-515kv?

I want to know if the Sunrise BlHeli 20A work fine.

Is to go with T-motor 14 or 15" props and 4S lipo.

The AUW will be arround 2200g with gopro and gimbal installed.


Active Member
GhostMaster, I'm using ZTW 45 amp with SimonK

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

You can see the esc on the left and top


I ended up putting the 2814XF-515 on a Sky Hero Spy 750 Y6.
Pixhawk FC
14x5.5 CF TM style props

The problem from the beginning has been ESC's and sync problems. The short of it:
1) Maytech 30A OPTO ST- FAIL; could not get 6 motors to spin out of 8 ESC's tried. Took one 3DR 20A BEC and replaced one Maytech, all 6 motors spun up.
2) Installed all 6 3DR 20A BEC borrowed from Y6B; signal and gnd wires only, used HW UBEC on rail. Copter was flyable, but a bit sluggish, not real responsive.
3) Now have ZTW Spider 30A OPTO Small. Copter flies but sounds like a sync issue at low throttle.

I still have a set of HobbyWing XRotor 40A not tried yet.

Odd: I perform all-at-once ESC calibration and motors throttle up real nice. After re-arming out of ESC calibration mode they don't sound right particularly at low throttle, but then seem to smooth out. However at open throttle there is a miss.

Please watch video of take off (the rest is hover testing and adjusting PID's). Is it a sync issue, motor issue or no issue? I still can't figure out why in ESC calibration mode the motors sound so smooth and responsive, but in flight mode are not (at low and high throttle).
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