Ok, she's been in the air for the last two days, but there are still some minor issues. First number 2 and number 4 motors are running a little hotter than the other two. Avg temp for number 2 and 4 is 87 to 90. Avg temp for number 1 and 3 is 78. She'll take off with no problems and thenabout three mintues into flight she loses power, I have to land her and cut the motors. I wait about 30 sec and fire her back up, #4 looks like and is runnig slower thatn the other motors. I increase power to about 60% and #4 appears to cattch up. However I have to apply atleast 80-90 power to get her into the air. Once airborne she flies fairly good. I noticed today that if I goose the throttle she will lean towards #4 like she wants to flip. I changed motors out, re-did my wring connections, re-cal the esc and am out of things to do. Anyone got any suggetions?