InfinityMR Universal high performance gimbal for GH4/A7S size cameras


Active Member
Excellent thanks, good to know. I noticed you are using a similar video camera. What are you using to get an fpv view from that camera? I have a sony cx-130 it has a mini HDMI out but I need to convert that to something I can feed into a video tx. Is there a cable you found that works well for that? Also to control that video camera (start/stop/ zoom) are you using something like the camRemote or rc-shutter controls?

I just recently figured out that i could use the AV out cable included with the camera, a Sony HDR-CX580V. It doesn't give me as much info as I would like or the capability to make any adjustments or zoom but it does give me a clean av out which is great. I haven't had a chance to test it in the air just yet but the weather is improving so maybe in a week or two.


Owen @oschefer thanks for that rewiew! Hopefully other users will find it helpful.
You mentioned that you would like to see some mounting places on the gimbal for additional equipment - take a look at updated InfinityMR design - it is already done:) And quick release system is being developed too:)

@Filthy did you calibrate IMU? It should help. It will not eliminate the problem completely and horizon drift is something much more complex to solve but for sure IMU calibration can help.

How far out is the quick release system? Will it be available for the MR-S as well to fit 12mm x 155mm rails? I've got the money in the bank (finally) but would REALLY like this feature.


@Mactadpole For now you can mount both MR and MR-S with thumbscrews. It takes 3 minutes to switch between handheld and multirotor.
More sophisticated quick release system will be available in second part of a year.




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I have the Infinity MR. I used slightly shorter 3M screws as the original ones the MR came with that went thru with a bolt were a little too long for the mounts. I will be adding a 'safety strap' just in case they somehow came loose so the gimbal couldn't fall to the ground.


Just pulled the trigger on an MR-S and a transformer handheld unit. Super excited to get this piece of kit, been desiring this equipment for a long time!


Hello Jakub. I sent an e-mail yesterday (or the day before that) through the e-mail form on your website. I don't know if you had a chance to read it? Is there a better way to contact you? I'm interested on the MR-S gimbal.




This may be the wrong thread apologies if I should post elsewhere.

I am looking at cameras and debating between the GH4 and the A6300. The A7sII is out of the price range. I was dead set on a GH4 until I went into the store to get it and the guys there showed me the A6300. Seemed like a bigger sensor, better low light, lighter, cheaper, more mega pixels, higher frame rates in 1080P, etc... Any advise? I like the ergonomics of the GH4 better but if I am using it in the gimbal and not holding it 90% of the time not sure how much I should value that. Reading reviews it seems there may be some overheat issue with the sensor of the A6300 which worries me. I plan to use the camera for both stills and video.


I'm loving my a6300. I've only had it for a week but used it on one tripod shoot as a B cam and slayed the 5D's used for A cams lol. Had it out on a photo walk yesterday and loved shooting stills with itvas well.

I haven't used it for aerial yet as I don't have an AV out for it yet. If anyone finds a good AV out device please post a link :)


I'm loving my a6300. I've only had it for a week but used it on one tripod shoot as a B cam and slayed the 5D's used for A cams lol. Had it out on a photo walk yesterday and loved shooting stills with itvas well.

I haven't used it for aerial yet as I don't have an AV out for it yet. If anyone finds a good AV out device please post a link :)

Dito on that question.... it was going be my next question... how to get a video feed out and back to the ground. the wifi app might has some range to mess with but the lag in the image (camera to tablet/phone) is too much.


Hi All!

I have a big request to everyone who owns InfinityMR or InfinityMR-S.
Can you post your review on my website? That would be a big help for anyone, who is looking for a gimbal and is not sure what to buy. Most of you were in the same situation so that way we could help otheres to make good decision :)



Looking for some advise. Started doing some more video with the infinity MR and GH4. I am having 2 issues (maybe more)
1) some jello in the video I am guessing this might be a tuning issue on the gimbal pids
2) the video goes out of focus when we turn the gimbal but not when the hex is moving. If we point the camera somewhere and fly it does well (when the jello isn't there) but panning the gimbal causes issues.. I am thinking this is the camera settings I am using. I do have auto / continuous focus on and am wondering if this is the issue.

Planning to do some more tests when I get a chance but that may be a few days so if anyone has suggestions on what changes to test that would be very welcome. The stills it has been taking are great, no issues with horizon drift.

Video is here -



Hi there!

It’s been a while since I had introduced you to the new product. So today is THE day :)

Here it is – InfinityMR 360. The previous version, InfinityMR, is used by hundreds of users all over the world. We got a lot of feedback from you guys, and I am really thankful for all your input. We took to heart many of them, but one remark was the most important – freedom. Freedom of movement - unlimited rotation in the yaw axis combined with the unique performance of encoders. That is why we have developed the solution that meets your requirements – 12 channel slipring connector in the yaw axis motor. Right now you can power the gimbal using your multirotor battery. You can control all axes using your main receiver. You can pass video signal and camera shutter control to your main receiver and keep all the wires clean. In the end – you can keep the whole system lighter and more convenient, even for a two-man team.

We have prepared great deals for all of you within the next few days. You can save up to 140 USD. It is quite easy – subscribe for our newsletter to get a $60 discount on one occasion, that you can use whenever you want in the future. Get additional $80 and place your order between 14-21 June 2016.

It is an important day to HD Air Studio also from another reason. We are starting something new, something brave and big. Premiere of InfinityMR 360 is just the beginning of our strategy for 2016. Our goal? To create whole ecosystems of products for cinematography till the end of 2016! Most of our projects are almost ready, we’re just testing them and prepering ourselves for your orders!

But that’s not the end. I mean, who cares about strategy :p I want to invite all of you who are using not only my products, but any products to aerial photography/cinematography to join our community on HD Air Studio Community: What is it? For now, only a Slack account where we can meet and discuss. Connect with each other in order to create some crazy stuff! But more is to come! Match-making tool for operators and buyers! And many others, though I can’t tell you everything! :)

Anyway, here you will find everything about new InfinityMR 360. I’m soooo excited!


