Hi there!
It’s been a while since I had introduced you to the new product. So today is THE day
Here it is – InfinityMR 360. The previous version, InfinityMR, is used by hundreds of users all over the world. We got a lot of feedback from you guys, and I am really thankful for all your input. We took to heart many of them, but one remark was the most important – freedom. Freedom of movement - unlimited rotation in the yaw axis combined with the unique performance of encoders. That is why we have developed the solution that meets your requirements – 12 channel slipring connector in the yaw axis motor. Right now you can power the gimbal using your multirotor battery. You can control all axes using your main receiver. You can pass video signal and camera shutter control to your main receiver and keep all the wires clean. In the end – you can keep the whole system lighter and more convenient, even for a two-man team.
We have prepared great deals for all of you within the next few days. You can save up to 140 USD. It is quite easy – subscribe for our newsletter to get a $60 discount on one occasion, that you can use whenever you want in the future. Get additional $80 and place your order between 14-21 June 2016.
It is an important day to HD Air Studio also from another reason. We are starting something new, something brave and big. Premiere of InfinityMR 360 is just the beginning of our strategy for 2016. Our goal? To create whole ecosystems of products for cinematography till the end of 2016! Most of our projects are almost ready, we’re just testing them and prepering ourselves for your orders!
But that’s not the end. I mean, who cares about strategy

I want to invite all of you who are using not only my products, but any products to aerial photography/cinematography to join our community on HD Air Studio Community:
www.hdairstudio.com/community/. What is it? For now, only a Slack account where we can meet and discuss. Connect with each other in order to create some crazy stuff! But more is to come! Match-making tool for operators and buyers! And many others, though I can’t tell you everything!
Anyway, here you will find everything about new InfinityMR 360. I’m soooo excited!