How NOT to fly a hexa DJI


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Aerial DP
It's gotta be a crappy feeling, hell it sucks when your by yourself, but being risky and dumping it at people


Looks like 4 guardia civil following him out? Says PRESS on his pass
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Talk about walk of shame...

Terrible desicions leading to terrible consequences.
At least it didn't seem like anyone was really hurt.

It also illustrates just how FAST an accident can happen.

Jake Bullit

Imagine if the lipo had caught fire there as well like in the NZ video

Sent from my HTC HD2
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Im actually anxious for the US to start some certification or licensing. Its not if someone crashes their multirotor or heli into a crowd, its when. I was camera oping at the IZOD center a year ago for an Indian Cultural fest, and some **** head was flying a Trex 700 over a very densely packed crowd. Didn't have any kind of electronic stabilization or anything, looked like he hadn't figured out his expos yet either. I thought for sure we were going to witness a blood bath. Terrible.


Ziptie Relocation Expert
Wow, what an IDIOT that guy is. Flying a drone in the middle of a stadium full of people is not helping out at all. I hope this person got the correct permits and by the way, if you're going to do something seriously stupid like this...make sure you are the best pilot around lol...sheesh. I could have flown that no problem given it wasn't a failure of a part or something. How IRRITATING is that video!! I'm with Kloner, burn the HTML page...sort the bits out later.

Kilby said:
This type of behavior scares me. Can you imagine what would happen if that was in the US at the Super Bowl? It would be on the front page of every news paper/website.

I wonder if they got their copter back though? That's a lot of money to just throw away!

The superbowl is in my town this year... Hmmmmm.... I wonder how long before it gets shot down lol


Ziptie Relocation Expert
Hey, go rush on down there and start filming the superbowl...make sure you crash into people :) Unreal the stupid stuff people will do...


Active Member
The superbowl is in my town this year... Hmmmmm.... I wonder how long before it gets shot down lol
I was just thinking about you the other day, being in NOLA and all. Don't do it, my Ravens made it down there and are going to stomp some 49ers! ;-)


I've been to Brazil several times and speak a bit of Portuguese. From the description of the video, it seems that this guy is a professional that was hired to record the grand opening of a new stadium called "Arena Castelão". Looks to me like it was a non-event for those present. The cops are just sitting there.

Its been my experience that casual observers are really interested and impressed in multirotors, and have absolutely no idea how dangerous they can be. I usually fly in secluded places, but I've had the occasional dog walker or passer-by yell over for me to 'fly that thing down over here!". I always gain altitude, fly away from them, and land.

I think you need some first-hand knowledge and/or experience with a multi-rotor to appreciate that it is a flying lawnmower packing a set of ginsu knives and strapped to the back of an angry cheetah. To everyone else, it is just a toy.

To Ariel and everyone else's point, the pro was supposed to be he adult in the room and should have known better.

Video has only 6,700 views.


Active Member
Watching that video at the stadium I think the pilot was completely disorientated and crashed under (controlled flight into terrain).
Lack of proper training is the real cause of that accident. He was flying much too fast to get any usable footage. It looked like a classic fly away.

You guys freak out to much, multirotors are actually pretty safe. You're more likely to get in a wreck on your way to watch the multi-rotor, or crossing the street to go talk to the guy flying one, then you are at risk of being hit by one. (given responsible pilot)

I might get some shots of NOLA (from a distance) from my hex.. I found a pretty cool park I can fly from and get a decent shot of the city. But... probably not. Depends on how things look at the time.


You guys freak out to much, multirotors are actually pretty safe.
No they aren't - it's a flying ginsu with relatively new technology. There is one steadfast rule about flying things - they can and do fall out of the sky at unpredictable times.
If you are operating under any other mindset you are playing the equivalent of RC Russian Roulette with people who did not ask to play.
It only takes once.


Active Member
You guys freak out to much, multirotors are actually pretty safe. You're more likely to get in a wreck on your way to watch the multi-rotor, or crossing the street to go talk to the guy flying one, then you are at risk of being hit by one. (given responsible pilot)

I might get some shots of NOLA (from a distance) from my hex.. I found a pretty cool park I can fly from and get a decent shot of the city. But... probably not. Depends on how things look at the time.

Seriously, you have to be trolling with this, right? You aren't honestly comparing automobiles and MR's, are you? At last count, there are over 254,000,000 registered autos in the US alone. I'd bet there are no more than 10,000 multis out there. I could be wrong on that estimate, but not enough to make up anywhere near the difference.

I'd be careful in NOLA this week. You know that homeland security are all over the place down there right now, don't you?

I was joking with my comparison, but I do think people tend to over-react when it comes to MR's (possibly because they are new). I have done plenty of flights with R/C helicopters and have never had one just fall out the sky for no reason, it's almost always some kind of human error (oops battery ran out of juice, or oops that was a bad solder joint, oops i lost orientation, ect). A responsible pilot doing proper pre-flight checks, and knows the limitations of his gear well (battery life, flight range, piloting ability), would be very safe IMHO. I think MR's are very capable machines and can be very safe if done right. Trust me, my or anyone's worst fear is hitting someone with a MR.

That's probably a good call, Kilby
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