Hoverfly Hoverfly *** New firmware, ver .802


Yeah, I can blow that up.
What do I adjust with autoleveling gain (EPA) then?

Adjust your main gain by slowly increasing it until you get pulsing, then back it down a little. When you get this value, copy it to the other side of the AL switch and us it as a start for your AL gain.


Adjust your main gain by slowly increasing it until you get pulsing, then back it down a little. When you get this value, copy it to the other side of the AL switch and us it as a start for your AL gain.

Thank you!

But i was asking about the difference between AL gain adjusted by EPA and AL slider in setup utility.
Do they do the same function?


100% on the slider is getting towards NAZA AL in that its very stiff and when you are trying to use your cyclic control the multirotor needs more extreme stick inputs to move in different directions. It also snaps in to AL very sharply when you switch on AL. As you lower the % the AL is slower in going to AL and you end up progressively having more directional control in AL but it isnt as fast correcting from a tilted position. The adjustment is setup so you can set up AL to your own personal taste.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Patience Storm, forums are an imperfect medium so we have to be patient with each other.

The difference in settings is in how quickly or aggressively the helicopter will attempt to return to level. In the smooth are of the scale the helicopter will attempt to restore the heli to level flight more slowly so you can roll in and out of turns and the helicopter won't be fighting you. In the higher end of the scale the helicopter will be trying to restore itself to level as you are only starting to return the sticks to center.

Does that help at all?


No :(

I knew that the higher the gain is the more agressive the behaviour would be from the second day I used my first FC.

When I adjust AL gain with EPA from my TX it starts to do the things all that your described here for me. Why do i have to adjust the slider if i can adjust AL EPA?
Can anyone answer 2 simple questions:

1. What happens if AL Gain set be EPA is low/high?
2. What happens if AL slider in setup util is low/high?

Is it the same answer?
If the answer to both questions is the same, does it mean that by setting higher gain It will be moving AL slider as well?


Air Traffic Controller
Last attempt Storm...

You must set the EPA gain first. Start low... And incrementally adjust higher till the aircraft starts to twitch, then back off till smooth.

AFTER you have this set nicely, you can adjust the slider for the 'feel' of autolevel. Towards the right (or higher) the quad will try to snap very aggressively to level. To the left ( or lower) the quad will more smoothly correct to level.

I hope this helps.


Air Traffic Controller
1. What happens if AL Gain set be EPA is low/high?
2. What happens if AL slider in setup util is low/high?

1. If the EPA gain is too high, the HFP will be over correcting in an attempt to keep level. Too low, the HFP will never correct enough. There is a narrow range, different for every build, that you need to find for yours, that is just right.

2. The AL slider is to modify the feel of AL AFTER you have EPA gains set right. Way to the right, the craft will very aggressively try to correct to level. To the left, or lower, the craft will less aggressively correct to level. Most like this more passive feel for filming.
