Hoverfly Hoverfly Gimbal Controller?

The way I understand it is you adjust scaling factor to where when the gimbal is tilted one way. The tray stays level. Then tilt the other way an adjust scaling factor again. Then set center point and see how it looks. For reference. My scaling factor is between 5 and 7. Can't remember exact off the top of my head. To get more travel when using your transmitter adjust the max angle in the rx config section. Then to get more movement for auto comp adjust the max and min in the servo config menu. Hopefully my explanation is close as I'm not next to my computer to get exact names of menus and settings.

Sorry: Off topic.
Is it the sound you hear the motors make when I yaw? Or is it the pitch/roll sound?

The yaw sound is the motors speeding up/down.

The roll/pitch sound is this whine we have been hearing and can't find where it's coming from.

We are using Tiger 2814 motors and SimonK flashed F-40 ESCs. I too would like to know why it's doing that.

FWIW, the Octo has been incredibly reliable, and the bearings have been oiled at the 2 hr mark with 20W50.

In this video you have a sound I have never heard in a multi. There is a secondary lower pitch "whine" almost sounds like a baby crying. hard to explain but those look like Tiger 2814's and APC's. Almost sounds as if there is mechanical interference there. Anyone else hear this?


I saw this post but didnt respond before you figured it out lol. It says that once or twice, just keep clicking and it will connect :)

Thanks for commenting on this. While I did download the Setup Client it seems that I also needed to run the Firmware Update Client as well. I ran that and now I got it to connect and upgrade but I am a little confused as to which of these programs I am supposed to use and when. They do not reference this in their literature which surprises me but I am looking at a green led on the HFG board so something must be working. Any thoughts on which of these programs to use? Actually I just realzied that the Setup program is for settin gup the HFG... Dah...!



Twister773... are you by any chance using this with an AV200? I have a new AV200 and I am just trying to set this up for the first time right now. Any tips or critical setting you can share sure would be appreciated. I am using this with a new DJI S800, by the way, but that Skyline almost brought it to an untimely death!

I'm using it with a cinestar 360. But if you have any issues or questions during your setup just post here and I'll help any way I can.


I'm using it with a cinestar 360. But if you have any issues or questions during your setup just post here and I'll help any way I can.

Thanks so much for your willingness to help. I was going to buy the same setup you have and then I foolishly let a dealer talk me into this AV200 and the Skyline. Man, that's two months of my life I won't get back! I am just going to try to make the best of it and then move on to your setup after the next deal closes (that's Real Estate, not crack, by the way :)


Yuri, where did you mount your HFG on your AV200? You're right, it woudl be nice it they provided a little board to use for the mounting. I just happend to have something so I'm okay but I'm not sure where to put it. I was thinking of mounting it on the BACK of the AV200 gimbal, on the right side, down low like they show in their example of "Good & Bad" away from the servos.


I'm using it with a cinestar 360. But if you have any issues or questions during your setup just post here and I'll help any way I can.

Twister: There is a 'Compass Calibration' feature in the setup software but they do not mention anything about this in the book. Any idea how this works?


They need to sell the board in a box with the vibration isolation on the inside so you can just double sided tape it anywhere

That is exactly what I was thinking as I am now trying to find a way to mount this board to my gimbal. Also, why would anyone want to have a fragile circuit board exposed to the elements without being in some sort of inclosure. I don't get it.


They need to sell the board in a box with the vibration isolation on the inside so you can just double sided tape it anywhere

There is one issue that does not seem to be very well addressed with regard to mounting. In fact it seems that they have mis-labeled one of their own pictures. Where it says 'Front right' it should say 'Front left'. In one picture it appears as though the HFG is mounted to a stationary part of the gimbal (on top) but then in other images it appears as though the unit is mount on a part of the gimbal that moves (like the lower left side of the AV200). Does it not matter either way if the HFG unit is mount to a fixed part of the gimbal or a part that pitches or rotates? How could that be? By the way. I am using just two axis, no pan.


On the av200 I believe the board needs to be mounted so that it does not move with the pitch or roll axis.

That is what I would have thought but then when they show this image it seems to contradict this. Also: they state that it should not be mounted near servos so if I can't mount it as they show here, down low on the right, the only other place is up on top and there is a servo and pot right there.

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On the av200 I believe the board needs to be mounted so that it does not move with the pitch or roll axis.

Yuri: Can you tell me where you mounted your HFG on your AV200? It is on a part of the gimbal that is stationary or a part that moves with pitch and/or roll? And it would seem that there must be a choice in the software setup if you choose one location or the other (fixed position or stable) but I cannot find any mention of this anywhere. Stumped again and I cannot move ahead. :(
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