Well new development… I know it probably sounds silly, but since I’ve now broken my ladybird TWICE, and I do mean BROKEN, I’m re-evaluating me jumping headfirst into the 550.
Hey Corey, sorry to hear about the breakages but don't get disheartened! I properly trashed 2 MQX's (after probably replacing every original part!) and still have to do repairs to my third on a regular basis!
With that in mind, I definitely still think those little micros have got to be
the way to learn! As you know the F550/naza-m v2 is my first build and my first step up from the MQX! Well, stepping into the F550 has been a breeze compared to learning to fly that little MQX. Hell, it's still waaaay more difficult to fly the MQX now than the F550 (with all the help the NAZA gives and the extra stability that comes with a bigger hex)! BUT with that said, I don't think I'd be comfortable with the F550 unless I was at least able to fly the MQX relatively comfortably (and believe me, I don't fly it that well!)
The biggest leap in learning came for me when I took micros outside. Inside I was just too paranoid about hitting stuff and therefore never really allowed myself to get the feel of it. Plus it was quite depressing seeing the damage when you smack a brick wall.....hitting grass outside ain't half as bad
Anyway, I don't reckon it would take many hours (outside for me!) on a micro multirotor to get comfortable and then, like I say, the step up to the F550 really isn't too bad at all.
I have no knowledge of the Mwii but I chose the Naza simply because compared to everything out there, it just looked a nice easy, tried and tested, virtually plug and play solution for a first build and step up. I'm the last person that should be giving advice but I would say, as you have all the DJI parts, instead of now dedicating time to learning everything Mwii, focus on honing skills with a micro (no matter how many spares you need, they're cheaper and more importantly EASIER to fix than a 'proper' quad/hex) and continue along the plug and play 550 route!
Good luck whatever you do!