Greetings from Milford, NJ!


i lost some of my roof in the storm, had to get a MR working to get this shot. i managed to keep power and everything else through the storm, so no flooded basement this time around.

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Aerial DP
the news said a levy broke and is flooded the entire town of NJ. must be why Bart sees it beeing so bad.


Active Member
Can you go take a crap on the doorstep of the Dji headquarters for me? Maybe add a letter saying " we've been playing with your crap for years and paying for it. Here's some of ours for free. "

looks like you are not the only very satisfied customers.....



Welcome to!!
hello everyone.

i've been offline for a few days but just wanted to check in. the blogs are being overrun by spammers and I'll try to resolve that as I have time. our power is out and probably won't be on for another 10 to 14 days according to the power company. internet is also down so keeping up with the site is difficult.

i hope everyone is doing well.



Welcome to!!
kloner, thanks for the offer. i'm on top of it at the moment, hanging with the late night crowd at a coffee shop in Flemington, NJ. Neighbors a couple of miles away just got power so maybe 14 days is not a realistic estimate, hopefully it won't be longer!


Aerial DP
good deal.... i'm a good deleter if you ever need somebody to spend a few hours cleanin up....


kloner, thanks for the offer. i'm on top of it at the moment, hanging with the late night crowd at a coffee shop in Flemington, NJ. Neighbors a couple of miles away just got power so maybe 14 days is not a realistic estimate, hopefully it won't be longer!

power is coming back up out here. that being said, i will be picking up a generator at some time in the near future. propane over gas :)


Aerial DP
those first responder pictures of New Jersey are amazing, the place is destroyed. Bless you all......

Our lineman all left a few days ago to come help. A friend of mine went, $105 an hour, all the hours ya want


Welcome to!!
Still dead here. Only my phone and a generator. Was at a coffeeshop last night using their wifi.


i certainly dont want to make light of the damage done out there on the east coast. however, sometimes it helps to have a bit of a laugh - so i thought id share a pic of some other storm damage done during Sandy....
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Welcome to!!
scary stuff, i'm at my in-laws' house at the moment, kids got a warm meal, the wife is doing laundry, and i'm on the internet.

going home to a cold, dead house in a little while. i miss you guys! :)

back to normal soon i hope.



Welcome to!!
just got home from our friends' house to find we've got power and internet. i'm going to go watch the new episode of Gold Rush and get back here in the morning. thanks to everyone that offered help with our situation and sincerest condolences to those still waiting out the recovery process.

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