Graupner Propellers Questions


I just countersunk the bottom the stock DJI Prop nuts a touch. Just enough to get the nut a bit further down on the shaft...


For those who can't tighten there 10" Grauners props!!

Graupner also have these washers 8x14x0,3mm art. nr. 4450.56, they have a perfect fit. Also with use of 6mm self-looking nuts props are rock steady.


nice looking gemfan prop there.....:)...myb gonna get some

btw...I fly with my 10" graupner (w/o washer....but I ordered it anyway)....3-4 flights already...for precaution...I just put a little locktite on the 1st thread of the motor shaft so that it wont touch the props....


Something wrong and I hope you guys can help.
I put the washers and the props in. Graupner 10-5L are installed on the counter rotating and the one without L on the clockwise rotating motors.
I try to fly and the thing doesnt get out the ground...
Is it the other way around? 10-5L would be the clockwise motors?


Aerial DP
if you stand behind the craft and look forward, it is the fornt left and rear right that get the L....... when your still at the back, the prop blades on your side of the motor outermost blade spins in towards itself, if you spin it around, the outermost props spin towards themselves

look at naza assistant one more time if i jacked up your thought, when you pick what kinda mr you have, it shows the spin direction


Aerial DP
that was a quad....... i'm not sure on the hex...... i always forget theres other than 4 motors

If you look at assistant and your motors spin right, the props spin so air goes down


Something wrong... the motors are spinning in the proper direction... just like they were working before.
First front right spins counter clock wise and to the left is clockwise, counter clock...

The counterclock I put the L prop and clockwise I put the other prop.

It won't fly... feels like its trying to go down but when I invert the rotor get out of balance and it tilts when I put power.


Aerial DP
take us a picture from the top all installed. when you start the motors, do they spin so air goes down? writing on top?you gotta look at it, but you can make which way it's going by how it spins..... you gotta look at each one, start em, let em stop, that way you see the spin.


I just put my old prop on top of the new graupner and I see that the L Graupner is the same of my right prop... So weird... I am comparing one by one to see if they made a mistake or something... I will post a pict.


Aerial DP
hahaha wtf

we'll get ya flyin, i ask so many questions your bound to stumble on it sooner or later......




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Got it flying... it is inverted... L is right and blank is Left. WTF
It was out of balance because after I changed the props I didn't balance it... working on it now.


Aerial DP
i barely made it into high school little lone out, books werent for me but i have this weird way of looking at stuff like from an engineering or physics standpoint. Like a mad scientist. I probably wouldn't have thought it through to match markings on props to decide which way they went. I look at it spin and in my mind somehow just see if it's going to blow up or down.

Get-r-done, your gonna dig em. They sound different, perform better but will get ya like a ginsu knife. Be careful and have fun

I've een through 50 graupner props now i'd guess, first 8 i balanced and realized it was better before i touched it. I fly all my graups straight out of the package and they work best. If theres a problem, look at the motor you see making whatever your chasing over the prop......
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Out of topic question...

I'm having a problem of my VU start blinking red within a couple min of flight... when I check battery voltage monitoring and
View attachment 6290 its on 15.6 which is too soon according to my config.
Any tips?


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pendejo grande
it blinks red when you're giving it throttle sometimes, does it go back to normal when you hover?
When it comes to prop direction, Hi edge is the lead edge goes direction of motors.
