I have had the flamewheel quad and naza controller about a month now. It took a few broken props, and a set of motors to figure out the programming bit using my mac with windows parrallel. I'm currently running 10 x 4.5 props, the stock 10a gaui stock esc's, and some generic 960kv motors.It was flying great for a few days - I seem to remember gains @ 180,180, 160,180 ( I think) with the atti gains both at 85I crashed into the side of my house, and after changing a prop, had very erratic flying and hovering - so I figured I messed up a motor. So I replaced em, new motors and props, all checked and when I fire it up - Again, very very erratic flight; Will not hover, and when it "seems" to be ready to hover it will "jump" gaining altitude but flying all over like its in the wind.The Naza controller is mounted very well - so its not moving in any way at all... Frustration level is high - the only thing I have not changed is the esc's; - I re-wired, or checked and double checked.Anyone??; I'll try posting a video soon.I have tried so many gain settings, they all do the same thing..
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