as an instructor, i tell ALL my students that after they get their private to go straight into unusual attitude training. or aerobatic training. reason being is that you need to know what the limits of an aircraft are. so many pilots get their license and as soon as something gets bumpy or winds get above 15 they don't fly because they are scared! i flew airshows in an pitts S1. amazing airplane but a handful on the ground!! you will be a BETTER pilot, and MUCH more confident as a pilot.
most important is HAVE A BLAST!!! learn the weather REALLY well! that's what gets most of us in trouble as VFR pilots, to include me. oh and be sure to call the FBO's in advance to find out which one's have free rental cars if you fuel up.
most important is HAVE A BLAST!!! learn the weather REALLY well! that's what gets most of us in trouble as VFR pilots, to include me. oh and be sure to call the FBO's in advance to find out which one's have free rental cars if you fuel up.