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Thats Cool! I remember that day. One of the achievements I'm most proud of. Keep up the hard work and and get your license.


Aerial DP
Thanks.... it was weird looking over for my little buddy and nobody was home. Felt like yogi bear without boo bear.....


Congratulations! I remember my first solo, my leg was shaking so bad I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it. After I took off it was all smiles, that was 1997. Dang I'm old. I also remember my first solo in a helicopter, I was grinning from ear to ear.

Good job.



Thanks.... it was weird looking over for my little buddy and nobody was home. Felt like yogi bear without boo bear.....

"Smarter than the average bear!" Don't I remember Yogi hanging from the landing gear of an airplane stealing 'Pic-a-nic' baskets; my mistake - he was flying a multirotor! Congratulations Steve!


Welcome to!!
haven't been here much Kloner so I missed the big event...congrats though and a swift kick in the arse to get you through to the end!


An old timer told me years ago that the most important maneuver in aviation is the "180 degree turn", I've used it many times and am glad I did.


One more little tip. Remember a bad day only gets worse. If things are happening that distracts you before a flight, it isn't going to get any better.

Old Man

Active Member
Another tip. Never over fly you actual ability. The license only states you met the minimum requirements. Too many have gotten into deep trouble thinking they were ready for anything after getting certified. Don't ever find yourself caught "on top" hoping to find a hole to get down. It won't be there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Aerial DP
Got my first three supervised solos done so tomorrow is my first unsupervised. Next after that goes back dual to intro 180 turns, short field and soft field intro then night.

I wound up sicker than a dog with some stomach virus after my second solo where i was having communication problems. I didn't realize but my stomach was falling apart during flying and i barely got home..... slept a couple days then it was gone as quick as it came. Now my wifes sicker than a dog.... geez, so much for this years flu shot. Kinda interesting to see first hand results of the whole don't fly sick part.... not even pre sick, dunno how you diagnose that but i didn't see that one coming

Glad your back to 100%. My guy keeps pounding "I'm SAFE" into my head. So much so that I even start to think I'm under to much pressure!


Aerial DP
I haven't passed the S part yet.... but am starting to settle in. It's some crazy pressure were all under trying to do this to go to work..... Glad your hangin in there.


Aerial DP
That was amazingly easy. there was three planes in the pattern today, all three were from my school, two were 1st supervised solo and me on my first unsupervised solo. the other 2 were cessnas so i had to really hold her back to not gain on em, 70kts all the way around. One is so adorable it took my mind off the danger..... 6' blonde in her early 20's..... she was dragging the pattern way out downwind but that's alright... it's only money. She lost her shirt, been there 4 weeks....


Aerial DP
I'm still plugging away at it. next week we start cross countries so it'll really get going by quick now... at 32.5 hours, 8 solos in the pattern

I didn't make it in time to be the first UAV pilot in the states to fly under the exemption.... ah well


Aerial DP
It's weird how challenging it seemed in the beginning but it's quickly becoming second nature. I used to have to think about what to say, was challenged understanding what there saying and now it's just happening naturally. going out alone really changed that around. i'm still not understanding the Navigation knowledge test stuff but only because i haven't used one yet... VOR. I get the concept but still can't answer ?'s about it. Got airspace figured out, got aerodynamics aced.... Ugh, so many parts to cover for this stupid thing.

I got an app from sporty's called Study Buddy.... It sucked on my phone cause it was so small but on my ipad it's doable. charting courses and doing the ground roll charts, etc. It's all about the faa knowledge test and it's money. Has all 700 questions you can study a few different ways. Highly recommended

The craziest part was how this all changed me as a person,,,,, who ate kloner


Aerial DP
Things are sure changing quick now... just spent 3+ months doing all those skill lessons, now it's time to kick it up a notch and not a day too soon. Today was my first Dual Cross country, pretty simple, went 60 miles away, landed at a non controlled airport to full stop round robin and back. First flight plan, first a lot of things. Never broke a sweat and nothing was mysterious..... it all made since. I have another solo in the pattern, get a night intro flight monday night then we plan our last dual cross country at night into John Wayne Airport towards the end of next week. Got my written exam scheduled for december 5th..... should be done within a month at this rate. think theres 12 lessons left out of 33 and a checkride. it used to take me 2-4 sessions to get through a lesson, now i'm ticking them off one per....



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