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Aerial DP
we just got back from a pretty big gig, local 600 type and it was amazing how differently i looked at the whole scenario with the education i've gotten so far......

one things for sure, my uav log book is looking dapper and legit


Aerial DP
8 more touch and goes and another hour on the logs..... got the landing part nailed, pretty easy. Coms are getting easier as i'm using, asking, talking.... good stuff, i'm pretty close here. couple more lessons and i think he's getting out. Passed the three in a row with no help already, did one huge forward slip today, that's the funnest thing ever.....overshot that thing like crazy and next thing i knew it was in ground affect waiting to chirp some rubber. For some reason the last one both times was brutal, this time i totaly had it made and just sucked at the end, had the yoke all the way back and for whatever reason i let it forward before the nose came down and I kinda boinked it in. It reminds me of holding my breath forever and the ground on that last one i finally take a breath when it touches down and dork out. i'll get it


Aerial DP


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Aerial DP
today was a game changer mentaly..... 18-30 from 25 landing on 27 and blustery..... man, i never got so wet as today.... everything was alright other than getting blown everytime i got near the runway it'd shift over to one side or the other in a heartbeat and got mine going while doing touch and gos... the last one i got hammered and we almost ground looped right after touching down..... im not death gripping anymore when i get that way, but man, mentaly i can't hardly think theres so much going on with landing like that, at least i know what not to try on my own... good news is i made it down in one piece, just hope my confidence can rebound cause right now im down.... what a stressful gig.

When it was howling and raining on me doing a pre flight i really hoped he wasn't gonna say "perfect timing in your training for this, lets go up".... crap

Crazy how fast them things will weather vane in gusts like that. nobody else from the club flew today,,, go figure


Aerial DP
wanted to report back about this, we ran out of money for a bit funding parts to resell then i got crazy busy flying so we got built back up, now i'm going back to lessons again starting tomorrow. had a meeting with my instructor last week and got together a game plan.... we will go up tomorrow for a mach up "stage check" to see if i'm ready or what we need to work on, film at 11:00


wanted to report back about this, we ran out of money for a bit funding parts to resell then i got crazy busy flying so we got built back up, now i'm going back to lessons again starting tomorrow. had a meeting with my instructor last week and got together a game plan.... we will go up tomorrow for a mach up "stage check" to see if i'm ready or what we need to work on, film at 11:00

I used to fly Cherokee 140's and Cessna 150's Kloner.... What are you flying?


Aerial DP
cherokee warrior 2, ones a early 70's and another is an early 80's. off the top of my head, pa-28-161




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Aerial DP
those are pretty cool. I might be interested in it the next 6 months.... i'll hit you up when i get antsy to get something.... whats the tail number?



Its a great IFR plane, Dual Garmins, HSI, custom all leather interior [not one of those crappy kits, all new glass w/one pice windshield. Its a really nice Arrow.


Aerial DP
Went up the last two days, went through a fake stage 1 check ride and did another day of touch and goes including a take off from 27 and an immediate landing to 17..... no sweat. It all came right back, in fact it's easier than i remember it all. Got my landings pretty sharp. This weekend is time to get caught back up on 6 quizes that expired, from there i'm heading toward solo once again.

While i was gone the club got a nice little warrior, N40042.... notice a guy from around here has been filming his flights, it's pretty cool to see him progress

heres another one i fly, this is my instructor but not me flying
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heres another one i fly, this is my instructor but not me flying

He's one tough nut Kloner but good.... I like how he was stressing to the guy that the elevator controls speed and throttle controls pitch over and over. You'll be a good pilot when you're ready for your check ride. Keep at it!


Aerial DP
I'm planning on actually taking up flying when it's over, have a wife and 2 very young kids that wanna go and when i was weighing everything out after riding with a couple other guys during my off time, i went back to get my ball breaker on.... I love that guy,,,,, not mention he's saved me from kiling us both a couple times now, got alot of confidence in him


Aerial DP
went back up today, only flight planned this week and did quite a few no flap landings and a couple engine out approaches. we went up at 2:00 pm with thunderheads in the hills, It was really dynamic with heat making me rise, crosswinds, etc. i'm getting really comftorable with the whole landing thing,,, not choking the yoke anymore, real comftorable one had on the throttle, the only thing that's tripping me up a tad is he always has me slip to get em down so i've got really comftorable doing that. Is it normal when you guys blow an approach to pitch em sideways and get the thing down? He's made it seem normal, but the club quizes all talk about not messing with an approach like that.

Got one flight planned next week with another instructor, sure hope he's ready for this. My instructor is on vacation for 10 days, but the second opinion might help something i'm doing and the other guy is ignoring. after he gets back i'm going into 3-4 days a week to knock this thing out, i'm starting to run behind time wise....

Love flying full size stuff, can see this is about to get really expensive.....


How many hours and landings do you have? I'll say something that most pilots disagree with but it doesn't matter how you get down as long as you meant to do it. After a while you'll start shooting your approaches by the numbers, if you get your airspeed spot on, decent rate right you can adjust your touchdown spot with your flaps, especially if you have the manual flaps. If you carry too much speed into your approach you'll go long and slipping it in is a good way to loose altitude. Most instructors would rather you were a bit high rather than dragging it in on the prop.

Working with multiple instructors is a good idea, they all teach differently so you get something different from each of them and it better prepares you for your check ride.

Flying is about the best thing you can do with your cloths on...


It's a good thing to practice the slips Kloner and I'll tell ya why. Right now you're flying in and out of a pretty wide open airport but many small strips are more confined and have trees that you have to come over on approach and then slip down to get into and hit your marks.

I can't imagine that instructor of yours missing anything.... LOL! But you're right, having a second pair of eyes is good. I remember when I was learning how to drive race cars (road racing) that every time I did switch instructors I seemed to learn something new. But I did have one instructor who was a lot like your regular guy and every time he was in the car, I went faster than I did with anyone else.

Expensive.... Yep.... That why I fly this stuff now. LOL!


Aerial DP
16 hours, 60 landings....

yea, i know when i'm hitting them perfect, and it happens a lot more without outside influence like the afternoon offers. been flying at 8 am almost every time so i want to switch that up too. the no flap landings are hard to control that speed, 2-3knots changes everything and being so nose up,,, today was the first go at em. we had a 12knot 320 on 27r....and a really hot dirt patch/freeway on approach, not changing anything and looking good i'd hit that stuff and accelerate and go up.... Getting really comftorable with it all and i'm doing the radio without thinking about it. still thrown off from time to time with an accent i just can't understand but for the most part i'm getting that rapid fire train of thought and response...


Aerial DP
it's very near, had to redo all my quizes (check) gotta pass my oral stage check and take a check ride,,,, then there jumping out. the last trip or two has felt good enough i feel i'm ready as long as nothing major goes wrong..... he's got these vacations so we're both dragging heels but as soon as he's back i'm bumping this up to 3-5 days a week and finish this crap up. we finally have money to support that so i'm in....
