F450 carbon fiber landing gear extensions


Drone Enthusiast
I am still making them. I think once this sheet of Carbon fiber is done with I will either have to use something else or increase the price as the math just doesnt work out. It takes 20 units to pay for a sheet, $80/bit, labor, they need to be double stick taped to the machine as a vacuum would not hold these small parts well enough, then dealing with the lovely Post Office. I would love to make a small side business selling these things and many other ideas I have but if it doesnt make money it is hard to justify putting aside my real job to do these.

with that said, I am going to continue to use up this sheet and I probably have another 40-50 or so i can get ouf it. I have the batwings as well.

As for payment, I dont think the hassle of doing a money transfer is worth the $25. You can mail me a check and I can wait until it clears or setup a paypal account. If things continue I will set up a CC machine but thats far from where I am at now.




Hi Yuri !
I would love to get two sets of these if possible ? Can you ship to Ireland ?
If so can you let me know the price and I'll paypal the money to you.


Got mine today. Now if only my flamewheel kit would get here. I ordered it from Heli-World which is not to far from you last weekend but UPS takes forever from the west coast.



Hi Yuri,
Just wanted to let you know my legs arrived in Ireland Yesterday. All perfect !
Am going to install them now.
Many Thanks


Drone Enthusiast
I am amazed at how fast the shipping has been internationally. Why does it take 3-4 weeks for me to get a package from HobbyKing if my orders can get to you guys so fast? Maybe a China thing. Glad you got it and are happy. Post some pics with the batwing when you get a chance.



Drone Enthusiast
I got 2 more sets of legs and 1 more batwing. next round will definitely cost a little more so get them well you can.


Drone Enthusiast
got money for legs but not batwing. i have 1 more at $12. I will have more later as well but they will either be made of G10 instead of carbon fiber or the cost will be a little more.


Sorry Yuri,
Just saw your reply. 3 to 4 weeks ! Eeeek ! The most I've ever had to wait for a HobbyKing order is a week. If it comes from the European warehouse in Germany I have it in 3 days. I wonder where the delay happens ? Is it paperwork ?


Drone Enthusiast
Maybe customs is harder to get through in the USA. dont know. I dont order from them anymore anyways since they screwed me on an order and didnt seem to take care of it very well.


New Member
I just sent you an email to your gmail account. I am interested in purchasing a batwing from you. Paypal ready.

