"Drone" Radio Live....Launching Oct 28th!

Old Man

Active Member
I give it 6 months and you will have a 30 second spot for DJI ads.

More like 15 minutes. DJI has an "own the world" mentality. However, it costs $$ to make these things work so it's just part of the cost of doing business. An up side has it a potential for such a sponsor to improve their business model.

Great concept with the radio show for sure, and a wonderful opportunity for some to start out in what we do on the right track.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
"Drone" Radio Live, the world's first live streaming broadcast dedicated to the world of multi-rotor helicopters! With video! Every other Wednesday at 9PM Eastern starting Oct 28th!

We're going live tomorrow night at 9PM EDT!

"Drone" Radio Live, Episode 1 is cued up and ready to go (and a big THANK YOU to our #1 sponsor www.MultiRotorMania.com!!), here's what's planned after a brief introduction and acknowledgements to those that have made this all possible...

We'll discuss the latest news with Patrick Egan of sUASnews.com

We're expecting live SKYPE calls from
  • Linda Hull, MultiRotorForums.com's first advertiser ever and beloved owner ofAeronavics (formerly Droidworx)
  • Charles Eide of FLYSAFE Training (also beloved by some I presume :) )
FEATURE: We'll interview President of the AMA, Bob Brown about Regulations, Registrations, and where hobbyists will fit in.

First look at the new Hornet 250 FPV Quad RTF and kits from AeroXcraft!

You'll also have your first opportunity to meet contributor and all around good guy, Scott Norton (aka Motopreserve), our Safety and FPV Racing Correspondent

We're going to answer a lot of the questions I've been hearing since beginning work on the "Drone" Radio Live project such as, "Are you crazy?", "Where did you steal those curtains from??!!??", and "Why the "" around the word "Drone"??"

Lastly, you'll also be able to call in via Skype and ask questions, show off your latest builds....whatever you want, it's the internet!!

It'll be a spankin' good time and at least an hour of the most up to date information available from the world's leading website for discussing ALL brands of multi-rotor helicopters, MultiRotorForums.com!


Please join us on the 28th at 9PM Eastern via the link below;

Reach us via Skype during the show when indicated at DroneRadioLive1 or DroneRadioLive2.

Follow us on Twitter at @DroneRadioLive

Join us to discuss "Drone" Radio Live at MultiRotorForums.com

Please email Bart at Bart@MultiRotorForums.com if you have questions about how to appear on "Drone" Radio Live or how to become a sponsor.

Thank you very much for reading, we'll see you on the 28th!

My apologies if you've been re-added to this list after attempting to unsubscribe. As we've continued to refine the master list you may have been included inadvertently which I promise will not happen again.

"Drone" Radio Live, a new streaming internet talk show focused exclusively on multi-rotor helicopters, the people that build and fly them, and the companies that make them. Hosted by Bart Cocchiola, not an internet marketing specialist (obviously!) trying to get in on the "Drone" revolution but a builder/flyer/designer/crasher of multi-rotor helicopters and your host at MultiRotorForums.com!



Yes, you could (and maybe should) do a whole show on safe flying and how to not be stupid while flying.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
thanks for watching everyone...it was a great experience and at the same time so insanely horrible to stand there as the feed crashed!!!

onward and upward, thanks for tuning in.



Well, it looks like you had going on 50 viewers at one point when things were rolling along without too many technical glitches. I had to leave when it crashed again during the AMA interview. Nature was calling in the form of an English Springer Spaniel needing to go out and he kept me out for a while. Missed the end. Nice first effort and keep at it.

Old Man

Active Member
Fengshuidrone's post got me to thinking about flight safety a little more. Why not a show, or more, that explains the air safety rules as established, in plain language, to assist the so many that are oh so ignorant of what they are, why they are there, and why they were initiated? Lay out the principles of see and avoid, rights of way, collision avoidance, airport traffic patterns and approaches, weather minimums and decision heights in low vis? Describe the way an ATA works, and why they are as they are. See if you can enlist the AMA to encourage their members to tune in for the free education.

As much as some want to deny it, commercial sUAS and the AMA are inexorably linked with no possibility of ever being clearly separated. A lot of their people fly what we do, and a lot of us fly what they do. One minute an AMA member might be flying a .40 size or 40% 3D fire breathing monster and the next they could be using an MR to shoot a real estate video next door to the flying field. Right or wrong, for now that's the way it is, it's the same playing field. We are not as much different as we are similar, but those that operate in the grey areas could well benefit from knowledge shared by those that have a lot of it. It won't generate any koombaya but it could certainly open a few eyes and minds and prevent a few national headlines.

A few bugs the first time around but Murphy doesn't cut anybody slack. Brown was sounding pretty good on there. Good job and please keep it going. Oh, the 3DR X8 and their early quad are other X-Y designs. They fly good too.
