DJI Phantom 2 Vision---25min Flight Time

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Active Member
I have owned them all. The Zero UAV was a science project gone bad. They were not up front that you had to jail break your phone to make it work. OP is dependent on a group of dedicated volunteers to make the project work. It will eventually happen but my patience is not that long. Pretty much the same for the Ardupilot, many promises and very few actual advances. I sold all of them, with the exception of the Revo, last year. I want to fly not futz, and yes I know my copters inside and out. Don't dismiss DJI products because they are easy to use.

Same here, I have them all but always seem to come back to DJI in the end. I recently bought the latest Tarducopter boards and was disappointed by the lack of progress in terms of stability since 2 years ago. And it still has bugs. A good cheap and reliable board is the Afro32 from TC. I'll be running that on my endurance record attempt. (tricopter).
I have three axis Phantom with two 2800 MaxAmps which gives a safe 20 mins.
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Yet another nail in the heavy lift coffin. :tennis:

I know it's tongue-in-cheek post, but I'm not so sure.

The DSLR's aren't really coming down in weight, so the true professional will still need them. And even if a RED lost 50% of it's weight, it would still be heavy. There's also the general flight dyamics; if you want video in windy conditions, HL is the way to go.

But I do agree with your sentiment - the quality of aerial video that is now available "off the shelf" is now very high, and very accessible.

DJI products exercises pocketbooks quite well. The big APM quad I built has been used frequently for 4 months now and it is no "work in progress". Has only been crashed once (flying inside a barn hayloft via FPV and snagged a hanging rope in a dark section). And I see plenty more technical failures from DJI equipment than Ardupilot.

On your side too. With a proper checklist and maintenance, you shouldn't be crashing at all on APM (pilot errors aside).

I have flown mine all year, and the only (minor) crash I had was the transition from 2.9.1 to 3.0.1 and the compassmot requirement (which I failed to modify my craft for correctly). I installed an external compass on a pole ($40), and bingo - compassmot score of 1% and reliable flight again.

DJI released a new firmware V1.08 for Phantom 2 Vision!


a) The Phantom 2 Vision Autopilot’s firmware has been upgraded to v1.08.
b) The Central Board firmware has been upgraded to v1.0.1.19.
c) Phantom 2 Vision and Phantom 2 will share the Phantom 2 Assistant Software, which has been upgraded to v1.08.
d) The User Manual has been updated to v1.08.

Major New Features:

a) In a Failsafe situation, if less than 6 GPS satellites are found for more than 20 seconds, the aircraft will descend automatically.
b) The latest version of Central Board firmware optimizes the calculation method of battery life.

Special Notes:

a) Be sure to upgrade the main controller and central board firmware to the latest version using Assistant Software v1.08.

Please click here to download the V1.08 firmware.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Uploaded it and flew it today. I had no issues at all. It worked perfectly. I shot some video, not impressive, and a few pictures. I will upload a picture from the flight. I was also flying my P2 with H3-2D and my Phantom FC40. I had so much fun today. I am still processing the 13+ minutes of video from my P2. It takes a lot of processing power to manage a 3+gb video file.


Since you work for DJI as a SHILL, is it really necessary to follow up with something DJI posts?
I have to ask... where do you put everything they send you? It has to be in the Ten's of thousands of dollars at retail pricing. You have posted that you have at least one of everything they have made in the last 2 years.
And everyone knows your not a pilot and can barely fly a multirotor without crashing so your posts are nothing more than to influence a buyers decision.

You NEVER have issues with anything DJI makes so why even bother posting?
There is no firmware update that will correct a poor mechanical pin design.

I posted a thread with how many times you said "I had no issues at all" in one month on the RCG forum and they threw me out.
Sad how DJI can literally purchase a forums ability to decide who and what can be posted to a forum.

Do me a favor and fly your Vision 2 over Lake Tahoe and let us know what you think of the craft descending automatically.
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Uploaded it and flew it today. I had no issues at all. It worked perfectly. I shot some video, not impressive, and a few pictures. I will upload a picture from the flight. I was also flying my P2 with H3-2D and my Phantom FC40. I had so much fun today. I am still processing the 13+ minutes of video from my P2. It takes a lot of processing power to manage a 3+gb video file.


Merry Christmas!
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Funny how quickly Shill #2 (Blade Strike) has seen my post. That's because all you are on speed dial with each other. Will TJ Gilbert be posting something similar soon?
Where's your Empire Support User name? Ed Has his Empire Support 2 here. That way he can reply to himself.
You do nothing but back up each others posts to boost each others ego's.
You have completely polluted RC Groups and Heli Freak to the point no one trusts a word you post. Looks like you are always looking for a new place to try and get some respect.

Speaking of Christmas, could you imagine how sad this time of year would be for all if DJI made Santa's Sleigh?

Santa, his Reindeer and innocent people would certainly be harmed if not killed as the flip of death bring it crashing to the ground.
Just as Santa begins to land the Reindeer uncontrollably take off never to be seen again.
The iOSD would be so fuzzy from interference that he couldn't possibly navigate his way.
When the Reindeer get tired the Sleigh will start to auto land wherever it may be. Unfortunately 3/4 of the earth is Ocean

I don't have enough time to even begin to list the issues it would have so i'll just let others add to the list.
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Who is banned and who is not, From all sites? Bart will soon learn who the real hgt is. How much money did you make selling all that free product that you received? Pot calling the kettle black, if you ask me.

Who is banned and who is not, From all sites? Bart will soon learn who the real hgt is. How much money did you make selling all that free product off? Pot calling the kettle black, if you ask me.

I guess I need to start quoting your harassing posts now as you enjoy changing them as soon as I reply.
I contacted Bart before making my first post. I let him know who all the DJI under cover SHILLS were and their Empire Support accounts. If Bart wants to ban me for bringing out the truth then this forum is just as bad as RC Groups and Heli Freak which are owned by sponsors. Readers want to see honest posts, not something written by a compensated SHILL.

There are no secrets with me Blade Strike... Everyone knows I left Team DJI and got rid of everything I had with the DJI name on it... Hell, I gave most of it away.

How do you sleep at night after posting nothing but crap for hours on every Forum there's a DJI thread posted on. All anyone has to do is go to RC Groups, Heli Freak and now here and look at your past posts. Nothing but DJI and nothing but garbage. The funny thing is you can be followed everywhere under your multiple accounts as you keep the name the same. Tahoe Ed is also Empire Support 2 and Blade Strike is also Empire Support 3.

I have every e-mail saved from Team DJI when I was on it. All of the issues you posted and complaints you had with your DJI product. I even have the video you posted of your DOA H3-2D.
But what do you post on forums? Nothing but lies. Everything works as designed you keep saying. I guess there is a hidden message in that statement.:upset:

Even Sidney W. bashes the DJI engineers and the crap they release and he works for them..... that is when you talk to him by phone.
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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?


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Welcome to!!
I'm aware of some of the accusations being made and in following some of you the last couple of days it's not very hard to believe what's being said. the way some of you post it's hard to believe you're not being paid by someone to be so supportive and agreeable regardless of how bad someone else's experiences have been.

i don't run this site so manufacturers can send in shills to deceive and cover up what is being said by users. it's also not a shooting gallery for a few vendors to cherry pick new users via PM's as they show up looking for good information.

Tahoe Ed, you're being warned, the others involved will also be dealt with as time goes by. Your comment the other day Ed, about solar flares causing a guy's heli to shoot off out of control, that iced it for me that you're here being so helpful because you're being paid and that your "Help" isn't always what it seems to be.

Solar flares? Hysterical.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Bart I am not being paid by anybody other than my current employer FirstService. I comment on DJI products because after flying just about everything else they work for me. I don't have many problems because I read the manuals more that once and I am anal in my builds. Your response deriding my comment on solar activity shows me that you have not been reading about how that can cause havoc on GPS lock and cause erratic behavior in GPS mode. What are you warning me to do or not to do? You are not clear.


Welcome to!!

You have the same IP address as the user Empire Support 2 who also seems to be named Ed. Not you?

Bart I am not being paid by anybody other than my current employer FirstService. I comment on DJI products because after flying just about everything else they work for me. I don't have many problems because I read the manuals more that once and I am anal in my builds. Your response deriding my comment on solar activity shows me that you have not been reading about how that can cause havoc on GPS lock and cause erratic behavior in GPS mode. What are you warning me to do or not to do? You are not clear.

Ed... very good choice of words.... Who needs to be paid when you receive everything DJI manufacturers. You have ten's of thousands of dollars of DJI product in your possession. Anyone can go into your posts on RCG, Heli Freak and here and see you post about receiving receiving receiving.

Like you, I received FREE DJI product to help support DJI questions. It's when I had my *** handed to me numerous times by Sidney Wong and Dave Sobel for posting the truth that I said this is not DJI support, this is a DJI cover up and gladly left the Team.

I don't know why you guys don't just be honest with forum members. Why must you hide behind multiple screen names. I have all your e-mails to team DJI... Same Team I was on that you, Blade Strike and TJ Gilbert are still on. I have all the disrespectful emails from Sidney Wong and Dave Sobel telling me to shut up and not say anything. So when you say your not a DJI SHILL and they see the emails of our Team correspondences, what can you say.
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Welcome to!!
fwiw, i have nothing against a shop hanging out and offering friendly support/service as part of the community provided they have it in their signature line who they are and what they represent. doing it as if you are any other user is what is dishonest and that is what offends me.

Patrick from Aerial Media Pros is a good example, he represents his shop when he posts and everyone knows it. his customers know he's very well versed in everything DJI and his business benefits from his honest representations in our community. he keeps stock of most everything and provides reputable build services as well.



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