And that seals it for me. Ed I like you. I like Bladestrike and I have no clue who the other chap is but in all candor, your response smacks of obfuscation.
I'm not an admin, I'm not a disparaged party, I'm simply another guy on the forum. I can only speak from my perspective but I've grown weary of this. While I'm certainly not in favor of Highgains deliberate witch hunt, it appears to be have been with merit. HG, you've made your point. It is my hope that you will now be respectful that MRF in particular is a low key and pleasantly positive site, deliberately lacking the confrontational posture of RCG and others. It is in fact this specific reason why I, and I am certain others, are here. It is my hope now that your goal has been achieved we can resume our regular programming.
Ed, I'm surprised that you have taken this approach. A simple modification to a signature line would have resolved the argument favorably and within context. The fact that Blade and others have not also responded with a similar sig modification again echoes HGs argument that in fact there is a deliberate and willful concealment, that your affiliation (or whatever semantic you wish to term it) does in fact remain in place and that you remain committed to keeping this relationship willfully concealed from those whom you purport to be helping. Bart quite accurately lists Patrick who makes his relationship as a dealer clear even when positing on non related items. More specifically, Kloner is another perfect example of someone who has had Sponsorship type relationships and has been very clear, very upfront and very direct about same. He's also quite willing to list both the positives and the negatives making him very credible! Ironically both these two are among our most respected members. Such a simple solution and HG would have been the ******* not you. In any event your credibility is in tatters. I'm disappointed mate.
I am however confident that I speak for many who have remained silent. We're over this. We're over you. We're over your mates. Who knows, perhaps a full and complete disclosure would go a long way and I (and I'm guessing many more) would be prepared to listen. As I said before I actually like you guys. The choice is now yours Ed, Blade et al, Oh and HG? No more. Please.