CBS Sunday Morning interview

You might point out the racket these things make. Everyone seems to be hearing 'drone' and 'camera' and the first thing they start worrying about is window peeping and the like. If a FlameWheel was hovering outside my window, I'd certainly hear it coming long before it got here.

This is all just knee-jerk reaction to something that the great majority of people know little or nothing about. All of these bans and so forth that are being tossed around are tantamount to banning the sale of binoculars.

Education on the matter is far more worthwhile than legislation. Trust me, the LAST thing we want is the government meddling in this. Trust me, I know better than most.

(retired FAA)


this can be a good thing for our community, depending on the goal of the reporter. But given the current climate, i recommend you do the following:
Practice talking points that emphasize your use of the tool for art. If you do get a question on safety or privacy, be prepared with talking points that will emphasize the positive:
“…i like this activity because it allows me to use my ## years of experience in flying ‘radio controlled aircraft’ to give my audience a different perspective of the photographed subject. This platform allows me to do this without the cost and risks that a full sized aircraft would bring.”
“when controlling my aircraft, by keeping it within my line of sight, i can see it and its complete surroundings …”
“i can’t wait to take it to the grand canyon later this year… and next year i’m launching it to mars : )”
seriously, i recommend that you do your research and be prepared for the types of questions you may be asked. Be prepared for fun-hobby questions and a conversation the may lead into air-safety and privacy.
I recommend that you and the community use terms like radio controlled aircraft or multi rotor helicopter, etc and avoid use of the word drone. The word drone has a negative connotation. Don’t forget that you always keep your aircraft in sight.

Don’t speculate on policy, surveillance use, etc.




Active Member
Wow, thanks everyone for the great input. I've been spending the last 24 hrs coming up with talking points and responses to most of the questions I think they may ask. I feel pretty good about it. Our segment will only be a small part of the overall story, but I feel good that we are going to be presented in a good light. From the sounds of it, they are using us to balance out the publics general perception of UAV's from that of flying death machines to new technology that can be used for much, much more.

I'll post up here when I know the airing date of the special. I'm hoping to get a copy up on Youtube or Vimeo as well.



Active Member
We just wrapped up the interview and it went really well. They tossed us a few standard softball questions, so it should come out very supportive of what we do. I was able to voice concern that the US is so far behind other countries by not having regulations in place yet, and how that has an entire new industry waiting in the wings. Jobs are the hot ticket right now, so I took that angle.

I'll find out later when it airs and post it here.

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Ziptie Relocation Expert
Hey gang,

So my wife and I are being interviewed by the news show, CBS Sunday Morning. They are doing a story on drones, from military to civilian use. They seem to cater to somewhat of an arts crowd, so they wanted to show a civilian using a "drone" for artistic purposes. We have been doing photography shows around Baltimore for about a year now, and have got some regional coverage for it ( Baltimore Sun Feature ), so they wanted to feature us in the story.

My reason for bringing this up is that I wanted to ask the group for suggestions on talking points. Right now is a very sensitive time for what we do, and I want to make sure that we take full advantage of the opportunity we have before us. Can you guys suggest somethings that we might want to include in our interview? I'm sure that we have thought of a lot of good things already, but it never hurts to get input from outside sources, and this is the best place I can think of for that.

I have brought some of the outrageous new bills being presented in various states to the attention of the executive producer, so I'm hoping he will bite on that, but I know that we have a chance at getting the word out in our segment as well. Help us think of the best way to frame this out.

Any input is appreciated, and thanks go out in advance.


Wow, thanks Terry! I love this hobby and I hope it is still around years from now. My main things is I don't want it to be illegal just to be illegal, let good upstanding people have a license or something if it's that much trouble. I'd prefer it stay free but there be some laws and rules based on privacy and spying especially when used by the government on American citizens. Perhaps it'd be a good time to bring up The Patriot Act and how they don't need a search warrant for incidents involving "national security" etc etc. Thanks.


Aerial DP
because of this story on Sunday morning, cbs did a local story on it and some of the local commercial multirotor companies. They talked to some guy and he said "i've even seen drones flying around the beaches of Carlsbad" that's jcmonty and I, were the only ones that actualy leave the cliff over there....... yikes.


Active Member
because of this story on Sunday morning, cbs did a local story on it and some of the local commercial multirotor companies. They talked to some guy and he said "i've even seen drones flying around the beaches of Carlsbad" that's jcmonty and I, were the only ones that actualy leave the cliff over there....... yikes.

Hahaha.. that's funny!


Ziptie Relocation Expert
because of this story on Sunday morning, cbs did a local story on it and some of the local commercial multirotor companies. They talked to some guy and he said "i've even seen drones flying around the beaches of Carlsbad" that's jcmonty and I, were the only ones that actualy leave the cliff over there....... yikes.

Big brother is watching you!!! Fly safe, do few tricks, don't bother'll be fine :) I've seen you fly Kloner, I don't think anyone is worried unless they have gills.


Glad you got it filmed before the blizzard. Let's hope it doesn't get bumped due to the storm. Maybe someone can capture it to YouTube so that it can be used more widely.


Merlin of Multirotors
Someone record it, I'm about to get on an airplane and would like to see the show. Looks like I'll actually make it home today, finally, still no power at the house though...


What did you all think about the segment? I feel that, as expected, the contained 95% deadly uses for the drones and nearly no positive uses. :Sigh:


Welcome to!!
brief yes, but being included represents us prying the conversation room open a bit. little by little perception has to be that what we're doing is non-threatening and offers something productive for the community and economy.


Aerial Fun
I'll have to go online and catch the whole program. I caught maybe 2/3 of the segment. There is certainly alot of legislation happening. As someone getting ready to buy my first fairly expensive multicopter for photograhy and video, it gives me a reason for pause. The Mrs. chimed in after watching the full segment, "you think this is a wise purchase?". My reply was, I have been struggling with this issue for months.

I think I understand the pro's and con's of the issue and if I were making the rules, I'd have some laws to protect peoples privacy & safety, especially public figures. Can you imagine what the Paparazzi is going to do with these?

On the other hand, we can't regulate everything. In a perfect world, we'd come up with some rules/regulations to let responsible people use this technology and punish the abusers.

That being said, we live in a country that is being inundated with invasion of our privacy via data mining (esp on the internet), cell phone tracking and history of almost anything you do now with internet and gps. etc etc. We have a government that many wonder if they are of and for the people? People are afraid and fed up of invasion of privacy and tired of being herded. What's scarey is the way laws are being enacted aren't about right and wrong or following our constitution, it's about influence and power and who has more money/influence. It's about scare tactics. It's a scarey time and the political part of me says, don't buy one, wait and see what happens. The common sense part of me says people will eventually get this right and allow legitimate uses. However, common sense isn't a big part or our governing bodies these days so maybe it's more of a crap shoot than I want to chance. My whole life I've trusted our governing and law making process to get it right. The last 2 decades have made me wonder. It's becoming more apparent that our system needs some major tweaking and I've seen nothing to indicate this process has started.

I have been waiting and studying so long am so ready to jump in feet first, but when my fears are verbalized by my wife and lifelong companion, it makes me pause (even though I've order some parts). Go ahead and hope common sense prevails and take a chance that I may have 4-5k equipment that may be illegal to use in the near future. Hard to imagine, but like I said earlier, common sense seems to be in short supply in regards to the some of the laws being enacted recently.
