Cannot get WK ground station 4.0.6 to work. The connect button is always greyed out.


Thankyou...first of all mybsystem was not an upgrade...the wkm,lkm 900 etc was new from arizona distributer and hand picked up from them by my dealer and than shipped to me 3 weeks ago.I had to remove google from host files to get program to come up.Serial # is visable along with one waypoint enabled statement in tools section of wkm assistant.Both lkms show red status along with blinking green status light on airboure unit and solid green on ground.Center antenna pin on airbourne unit looks short compared to ground pin...but think its still making good electrical contact with rubber duckie antenna...k


Mine also came from the Arizona distributor and there was not mention of the need to acquire a new serial number by them or the Mesa Hobby shop at time of purchase. So after much troubleshooting I realized I had to request from them, the updated serial number to enable the "free" single waypoint functionality!!! You probably knwo this already but just in case.....The new serial number gets loaded into the lower right corner of the screen window..... if it is empty, your GCS will not allow a complete datalink and give you that warning we are so familiar with.

As the bulk of the transmitting is from the MR dataradio to the GCS radio, you will see more LED flashing activity at the MR radio end. It is unlikely that the GCS end LED blinking will be noticed as it only occurs when you upload a command and each data packet will be extremely brief at the default rf data rates.

If you are able to capture a picture of the SMA antenna connector on the MR dataradio, please upload it here and I will compare it with what I see with mine. Sometimes one radio will have the required transmit range while the other's transmit range will be compromised due to excessive rf loss or lack of ample transmit power due to a compromised power supply of voltage drop during the transmit. Other times there can be an excessive time delay between Tx and Rx such that there is a timeout during reception of the incoming data packet. A USB/RS232 converter or it's driver might add some time delay if you are using such a device.

Thankyou...first of all mybsystem was not an upgrade...the wkm,lkm 900 etc was new from arizona distributer and hand picked up from them by my dealer and than shipped to me 3 weeks ago.I had to remove google from host files to get program to come up.Serial # is visable along with one waypoint enabled statement in tools section of wkm assistant.Both lkms show red status along with blinking green status light on airboure unit and solid green on ground.Center antenna pin on airbourne unit looks short compared to ground pin...but think its still making good electrical contact with rubber duckie antenna...k


I am not using the groundstation "day by day", but whenever I used it in the field it worked. Only once I used "click and go", this I find pretty dangerous (your bird is faster in a tree, than you can use the mouse to stop it). What I do is defining waypoints, upload them and click "go".

Here a video done some days ago:

What I cannot imagine, is, that there is no com-port selectable, this would mean that there is no driver installed (or not connected correctly). I have problems to have some free (virtual) com-ports below 20, as I have all the MR-stuff devices on that laptop, and they all an independent com-port.

best regards

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Hey thanks for both replys..didnt see the link for the video Ferdinand...I still believe this is software problem...The two radios have to be communicating because before I link up I can push aircraft position and the ground station program brings up correct position on map.This occurred when I got a link at my house...than drove to flying site 5 miles away (map of area is in cache from earlier session)ground station is now in offline mode but upon booting up GS map first shows red location arrow back at house.I than try to link and get permisson refused message.Hitting the aircraft button results in google zooming to proper location with aircraft shown.Since the gps coordinates had to have come from the aircraft the two lmk 900 s have to be communicating.I assume that residing in ground station are all the codes to enable 1 ,5 or 50 waypoint access and function.These are the serial # we pay for and get from dealer.In my case...I think my ground station software has a bug in reading the serial #(1 way point code) and thus authorizing access.It works sometimes but mostly not...the short sma reverse polarity center pin is not optimal but I bet its still making elec contact with antenna...othervwise gs would not receive gps data string from airborne unit in the first place.I am tempted to delete gs and reload one more time...I sent an email to dji china they are enjoying chinese new year for a week or so...kpc


Very well done video, from Austria.... both from PC screen and Octocopter/OktoKopter explains a great deal about GCS.....
Makes it all look quite easy.....
I only have single waypoint..... Not sure if I can define waypoint in advance then upload.....

Must complete comprehensive "ground school/GCS simulation" training before field flying.

Very well done video, from Austria.... both from PC screen and Octocopter/OktoKopter explains a great deal about GCS.....
Makes it all look quite easy.....
I only have single waypoint..... Not sure if I can define waypoint in advance then upload.....
Must complete comprehensive "ground school/GCS simulation" training before field flying.

Which video are you referring to? The one from FerdinandK is not accessible for me - "SORRY, There was an error encountered while loading this video."


Hello Folks,

I have spent hours on this and I am not quite finished. I still have the greyed out connect button and I have done all I can think of and all of the suggestions on this board.

I have edited my /etc/hosts file and removed anything from DJI or IP addresses.
I have ensured my drivers are installed and working properly.
I have IE 8.0 on the laptop
I have de-installed and reinstalled the driver from the disk multiple times.

I am just not sure why it stays gray. Any advice or ideas would be most welcome.



OK I got it and to save some poor sole who ever ends up in my shoes here is what I learned.

1) Make sure you go into Device Manager and ensure all your drivers are installed and updated before you load anything from DJI. It's probably too late for that now but if you have to rebuild please do that first.

2) Install just the software on the disk and do it in the proper order. Make sure you load just what they have in the order they have it.

3) Go to Start, Accessories, and right click on notepad and select "Run as Adminstrator". This will give you the permissions necessary to change the file /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file. Your path may be different but that is what mine is.

4) Go in and remove any refereces to Google, DJI, or any IP address. Normally you will not have any entries without # in the firlst column. If you do then you probably know what they are for. Just make sure none from google or DJI is in there. Save the file.

5) Reboot the PC and good luck. This fixed the greyed out connect button for me and I hope it does for you.




I and most other had similar issues..... the anwers are in this forum if you look hard enough.....

There are two possibilities:
1) Check to verify that Google Earth is actually working by itself for you. If it does not then GCS or another program reconfigured your registry and you have to fix that before re-installing Google Earth and eventually GCS.
2) Even if you got the 1st waypoint for free for GCS and your WKM, you still have to update your WKM serial number. Some dealers and/or hobby shops forget to advise customers of these additional steps. In North America we might call that an activation key or code, DJI simply requires the serial number to be updated in line with the WKM hardware number.

Hello Folks,

I have spent hours on this and I am not quite finished. I still have the greyed out connect button and I have done all I can think of and all of the suggestions on this board.

I have edited my /etc/hosts file and removed anything from DJI or IP addresses.
I have ensured my drivers are installed and working properly.
I have IE 8.0 on the laptop
I have de-installed and reinstalled the driver from the disk multiple times.

I am just not sure why it stays gray. Any advice or ideas would be most welcome.



Thanks again Marc..... that is what I was trying to relocate. works like a charm at least for me.

OK I got it and to save some poor sole who ever ends up in my shoes here is what I learned.

1) Make sure you go into Device Manager and ensure all your drivers are installed and updated before you load anything from DJI. It's probably too late for that now but if you have to rebuild please do that first.

2) Install just the software on the disk and do it in the proper order. Make sure you load just what they have in the order they have it.

3) Go to Start, Accessories, and right click on notepad and select "Run as Adminstrator". This will give you the permissions necessary to change the file /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file. Your path may be different but that is what mine is.

4) Go in and remove any refereces to Google, DJI, or any IP address. Normally you will not have any entries without # in the firlst column. If you do then you probably know what they are for. Just make sure none from google or DJI is in there. Save the file.

5) Reboot the PC and good luck. This fixed the greyed out connect button for me and I hope it does for you.




DJI Ground Station 4.0.6 was working perfectly for me (5-waypoint Wookong-M). This morning I updated to 4.0.7 and Google maps wont load. I keep getting the following message, even if I do as it suggests and try the VPN:

Maybe the network is not good, You can try to open the GS VPN(Sys_set->Options->NetWork Setting->GS VPN) to load the map.

I am really not happy with this development. Can anyone shed some light on this?

This is a kind of generic "won't work" error message, I had the same popup box due to a hardware (emulation) issue. In my case I misconfigured graphics settings in Parallels (Windows emulation for Mac), which resulted in an issue when trying to run Google Earth Plug-in. Misleading error messages are very annoying, unfortunately DJI software engineers don't care.

To make it clear:
The GS installation is simply not working correctly. So many users have issues. On my netbook DJI had to remote login (they actually installed 4.0.7 beta) to bring GS to work.


Interesting...My system autoloaded 4.07 from works at least though getting a sucessful handshake always takes multiple tries depending on theory is that gs has to broadcast that complex serial # to wkm and get a reply...The odd behavior I am seeing is what I call the clocklike wobble.It happens only while in click and go mode after aircraft has reached clicked waypoint...than it starts a 123456 wobble...pausing and using joystick through ground station stops it as does regaining transmitter control.Sometimes it will start a uncommanded descent that I arrest w transmitter...anyone else seeing this behavior??kpc
