Cannot get WK ground station 4.0.6 to work. The connect button is always greyed out.


GS requires on IE-8 if u'r using IE-9 then need to downupgrade for IE8 and you need SP1 for windows 7. I checked my laptop system info SP1. Check for new Windows updates for your laptop and install windows updates in windows 7
Hi yes when I originally installed it, it was as per those stages.

Ok going to remove everything and start over.

I didn't choose to install IE (why does it need IE installed anyway? It doesn't load in a browser?

I had quite some troubles too, on my small netbook. DJI finally remote-conntected to mmy netbook and installed a new version of GS (4.0.7) on it. Write them and ask them to help you. Sometimes they do...


I had the same problem but was able to fix it..... will get back to you asap with the solution I used.....looking now......

Guys, I'm in the same boat. My Google Earth used to work BEFORE I installed that stupid plugin. Now GE won't connect to server and no images rendered at all. Tried uninstalling and re-install. Even all the items for the ground station software (in their respective order).

I just don't get it. Cleared the GE cache even created a new user just to rule out my windows profile. Fukall works anymore!!!


Yves..... The DJI Google Earth Plug-in modifies Google Earth for the DJI China test lab location ip address...... try this.........but be careful...... the file you modify must not have an extension so use or some other simple editor that does not force you to accept an extension....

there is an other tread about the datalink problem.
here some solution:

i have the same problem. many email between me and dji. maybe, we found the solution:
Pls try install the plugin from CD again then
1) Open file: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
2) remove all entries from the file containing "" Then save the file. Leave all the other entries the way they are
3) Then open a command prompt and type "ipconfig /flushdns"
4) Close the command prompt after the DNS resolver cache flushes successfully and Google Earth should work fine.

i hope, this work by you.

regards, chris

Guys, I'm in the same boat. My Google Earth used to work BEFORE I installed that stupid plugin. Now GE won't connect to server and no images rendered at all. Tried uninstalling and re-install. Even all the items for the ground station software (in their respective order).

I just don't get it. Cleared the GE cache even created a new user just to rule out my windows profile. Fukall works anymore!!!


GS requires on IE-8 if u'r using IE-9 then need to downupgrade for IE8 and you need SP1 for windows 7. I checked my laptop system info SP1. Check for new Windows updates for your laptop and install windows updates in windows 7

Ok ill try installing IE8, still dont understand why you need to as the software doesnt open in IE???



It is smart enough to know that the driver (good or bad) is installed...... so you must proceed to un-install the driver before you attempt a re-install. Windos OS may also want to install a communications driver before or after this driver install. Let it do it's thing. Also as per original instructions always perform the steps in the correct order as each step builds on top of the previous step.


Yves..... The DJI Google Earth Plug-in modifies Google Earth for the DJI China test lab location ip address...... try this.........but be careful...... the file you modify must not have an extension so use or some other simple editor that does not force you to accept an extension....

there is an other tread about the datalink problem.
here some solution:

i have the same problem. many email between me and dji. maybe, we found the solution:
Pls try install the plugin from CD again then
1) Open file: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
2) remove all entries from the file containing "" Then save the file. Leave all the other entries the way they are
3) Then open a command prompt and type "ipconfig /flushdns"
4) Close the command prompt after the DNS resolver cache flushes successfully and Google Earth should work fine.

i hope, this work by you.

Guys, I'm in the same boat. My Google Earth used to work BEFORE I installed that stupid plugin. Now GE won't connect to server and no images rendered at all. Tried uninstalling and re-install. Even all the items for the ground station software (in their respective order).

I just don't get it. Cleared the GE cache even created a new user just to rule out my windows profile. Fukall works anymore!!!


Thats my usual problem fix on windows machines :upset:
I´d love to see dji ground station and all other dji software run on my mac. I have 5 Macs and one PC, guess which makes the most problems...

Best regards

You are always going to have less trouble running a Mac as the number of programs you can use are very restricted


Got mine working (ish) after reinstalling with IE8..

I now have a connect button, however I cant complete handshake.

I don't have any available options in the drop down box next to the 'connect' button.

Looking into it further it seems my laptop (and many new laptops) don't come with serial ports :(

Anyone else using a laptop with no serial port? Will I not be able to use this laptop?



PS can someone please clarify, are BOTH USBs for the datalink supposed to be connected to the laptop? I have read conflicting into on this so I'm no longer sure.


move the copter a bit further away from the desk with the laptop. There is no serial port needed.

best regards Ferdinand


Test flew today...big issue is I keep getting a NO PERMISSON notice on connecting.Distance to s800 about 30 meters...It appears it cannot complete the handshake.attemps are successful maybe 5% of time...thats out of a hundred trys.Got it to connect once today while bird was in the air about 50 ft away.I am using a 10 ft usb extension cable connected to original supplied cable to get lmk 900 up to a tripod mount.Next test is to try without extension cable.Oh..pushing locate aircraft button always correctly locates bird on google map...wierd huh...k

Who is the originator of the "no permission" message? GS or a firewall / Windows? There is a USB-to-serial port driver involved, I had many issues which such drivers beforehand. maybe a Windows-component hinders you getting a stable connection?


Either the WKM microprocessor or ground control software...all firewalls/anti virus etc are turned off and windows shows the driver and says its ok..k


If the GCS can't find the serial number you will get the "permission denied" message.
I assume that you updated your WKM serial number to enable the single waypoint or the upgraded waypoint capability. C
heck to see again if the new serial number provided by DJI is still embedded in the WKM.....


I really need help here. I cannot get ground station to work. I had it working but when google earth stopped working I had to reinstall the pc. Now Google Earth works again (by skipping the dji google earth plugin install), but i cannot connect anymore. The connect button in ground station stays grey and unclickable.

I´ve installed framework from the dji dvd, the driver and ground station. I am running windows 7 64bit and I have also tried it on a 32 bit machine. Same result.

Of course I have a serial number which I entered in the wookong M tool a while ago. It stayed saved on the Wookong.

Is there a way to reset the whole system?

Any ideas?



Last nights test still shows difficulty connecting with the dreaded no permission statement.I think gtranquilla is correct about the ground station software not correctly recieving or acting on serial number it recieves from wkm main processor.In my case the first time it connected up after two tries and shows signal strength of link as all bars lit.Second time after software crash when bringing up type 1 instrument panel(type 2 comes up ok but type 1 causes program to perform fatal error and close)it took 7 or 8 tries usually after hitting aircraft position botton and seeing google map zoom up and down.So I am guessing all the problems people have been having are software related not far I have yet to hear of any wkm /ground station user going out to the field and using the point and click ,key board contro,real flight interlink etc sucessfully on a day to day basis...anybody out there ??? Sinc kp c


Step 1: When hardwire connected to your WKM from your PC, go back to the "Tool" option in your WKM Assistant sofware and determine from there if your new WKM serial number appears in the lower right corner of the firmware upgrade screen. If it appears there, then this is not the issue with achieving your full datalink communication.
Step 2: Connect your base radio with provided USB cable to your Notebook PC and activate your GCS software + Turn on your MR c/w the MR datalink radio turned on.
Step 3: Use the datalink radio green/red LED indicators to confirm the two radios are communicating (see the GCS manual troubleshooting section to know what the various colors and flash rates are telling you).
Step 4: If all above issue are functioning correctly then there are other issues which might require additional computer related support for the drivers.

Your DJI dealer and/or DJI technical support with their software, firmware and hardware including datalink and MR will be strong......
but don't expect equivalent strong support for the vast array of computer related issue that can crop up with different PC hardware and MS Operating system and USB port driver issues.
For that you will need someone experienced in solving PC specific issues.

Confirm that your radio led lights are indicating a valid wireless com link.
If not, you will never get to the point where the GCS can see the valid WKM serial number upgrade.

Last nights test still shows difficulty connecting with the dreaded no permission statement.I think gtranquilla is correct about the ground station software not correctly recieving or acting on serial number it recieves from wkm main processor.In my case the first time it connected up after two tries and shows signal strength of link as all bars lit.Second time after software crash when bringing up type 1 instrument panel(type 2 comes up ok but type 1 causes program to perform fatal error and close)it took 7 or 8 tries usually after hitting aircraft position botton and seeing google map zoom up and down.So I am guessing all the problems people have been having are software related not far I have yet to hear of any wkm /ground station user going out to the field and using the point and click ,key board contro,real flight interlink etc sucessfully on a day to day basis...anybody out there ??? Sinc kp c
