Brushless Gimbal Developments


Arducopter Developer
Nah, if Apple made it, it would be made of glass and would break the first time you dropped it.

Of course, then they would create a secondary market for rubber gimbal protectors! Maybe not a bad thing.



to tell the truth who care about the gimbal. The good part it the controller they are bring out for 99 euros. If it works nicely and you can build you gimbals around it or buy gimbals for it forgot all the other highly priced stabi systems out there !

View attachment 11828
final verison usb and IMU added.


finally some awesomenes in gimbals!

is there any link where to buy stuf or is it still in development?


Drone Enthusiast
finally some awesomenes in gimbals!

is there any link where to buy stuf or is it still in development?

all still in delevopment, Gorpo Gopro 2 first than go pro 3 and eventually several different models.



all still in delevopment, Gorpo Gopro 2 first than go pro 3 and eventually several different models.


well I mean the electronics

do you know if someone is already working on different motors as well?

I suppose I can modify a couple of good motors and upgrade my already direct drive gimbals with this new elements


Drone Enthusiast
i think it will be 2 to 3 weeks until we see a kit. Jussi is also doing a tutorial for adjusting motors for the gimbal etc.

Main thread ist in regroups just search for Alexmos gimbal


Active Member
Yes I have been working on a similar project with something that could turn out to be even better, smaller and lighter using these flat Piezo PCB motors.
View attachment 9192

well I mean the electronics

do you know if someone is already working on different motors as well?

I suppose I can modify a couple of good motors and upgrade my already direct drive gimbals with this new elements


  • PCB Motor.jpg
    PCB Motor.jpg
    84.3 KB · Views: 384


Drone Enthusiast
heheh funny one not sure in which way i mean it :)

hmm but on the yaw things are not looking that great

Think the auto quad guys will be the safest bet !
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Active Member
I think that this cross axis interference is caused by the stand alone IMU (On the baseplate) and not the brushless controller. It is not that difficult to remove in the imu firmware.
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Drone Enthusiast
I think that this cross axis interference is caused by the stand alone IMU (On the baseplate) and not the brushless controller. It is not that difficult to remove in the imu firmware.

yes defiantly a possibility ! as far as i understand it the Alexmos brushless control or how ever far it goes i am not sure, is being licensed to a lot of companies/e-shops at the moment coming out with gimbals and approaches, and one should just be cautious. There will be difference in these approaches products quality wise.

The performance of that gimbal in the video YUN -1 is not at the state of being promoted ! So for me its a clue that this guy has no clue what he is doing or his experience concerning gimbals is at zero !



Active Member
What he appears to be selling is the brushless controller, with a I2c imu input. the performance will come back to the IMU which he does not appear to be selling. I can see how this can work in a simple two axis but I'm not convinced about how the pann axis will work unless it uses a FC or picloc etc. to drive it. If the IMU is fixed to the camera base plate, which it needs to do, it will encounter axis lock when it points down.
The DJI version is much more complex as it uses an encoder - effectively, a servo motor without a gearbox.
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Drone Enthusiast
hmmm on jussis approach, he mentioned it was running standalone. If the meant with out any RX input or without the Autoquad FC input i can't really figure :

but here it seems to act better during a pan.

Yes and jussi was clear about it in the Rcrgroups thread: Quoted from Rcgroups thread "

The MPU6050 fixed to camera is serving as the encoder/feedback. So in essence it is a closed loop system. But its the "Simple" version

Of course there are other ways to do it - like Maxon motors, external optical encoders or other types of encoder that will give you resolutions and accuracies down to 1/10´s of a degree or lower. That is already beeing worked on by Autoquad team members, but it will be more complicated to build and more expensive.

If you stall the gimbal, it will go a few steps back and then try again to reach the desired angle. You wont burn motors or anything like that.


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New Member
during you video for the brushless gimbal what hexacopter platform are you using i really like it. if you could please reply with the brand name or if it is custom built it would be much appreciated. i love what you are doing with the hobby. thanks!


Drone Enthusiast
It's not my frame or gimbal :) just to get misunderstanding out of the way. I'm cost commenting some jada jada. Right though the frame is from flyfuino. Have one here. Good choice for the money !!!


Drone Enthusiast
Think this sums it up the best what we can expect from the different boards that are going to be offered under the Alexmos license.

Quoted from RCgrousp JussiH,

The IMU will be included, but its a seperate unit, since it has to mount on the cam...the board is similar to Alex´s original design, but uses better Motor drivers and we took the option to add a CP2102 USB-serial converter to the board. Serial lines are still available for wireless tuning via BT or other Wireless serial link."

All "Alexmos" controllers are derived from the same basic design devised by Alexei Moskalenko. Its basically an Arduino with 2 motor drivers, not that many ways you can do that.
Our controller was layed out by the same guy that created Nanowii and the upcoming UltraESC, Felix Niessen. It was done with proper attention to support parts, trace scaling and cooling properties of the PCB.

Alex licensed his work to different distributors and HW manufactorers. Viacopter, Flyduino and E-copter have teamed up on electronics and motor production to bring cost down and have a common European platform of high quality with good support, documentation and continued development behind it.

But there are others making Alexmos controllers and gimbals to use with it. So far There is a chinese version (FPVmodel) and a Russian?? version (CSG). They will have to answer for themselves in relevant threads....





Active Member
I've ordered a couple of boards and the right IMU for the job and am now starting to work on some motors. Alex was using a 12 pole motor which I have but I like the idea of trying an 18 pole motor which should give better torque. Anyone know how a 18 pole motor is wound in Star?

3 goes into 18 6 times but which six and what direction should the winding go for each one.:tennis:

One of the less obvious problems to overcome is balancing the mount against the strong magnetic field of the motor poles. I guess it will have to be done with a dummy bell without any magnets inside. That said, I did see a guy testing his tilt axis that was well out of balance, yet it was still working very well.
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Drone Enthusiast
DennyR if you check the rcgroups thread on the AQ developments on the gimbal etc. the last couple posts were only about winding motors and they mentioned also motor with more poles. Jussi considered that more poles could give a higher resolution or smoother movement. Also in the Rcrgoups there is a whole sub forum about winding motors !

