Big DJI announcement - Inspire 2?!?!?

HOLY F***.

Done.. sell yo stuff!!!


I am selling my liver and spleen as I type this!


Aerial Fun
Only 8k for an Inspire and the new 4k lossless version... Don't know if that includes the new camera remote.

Only 8k for an Inspire and the new 4k lossless version... Don't know if that includes the new camera remote.
Yea where is price?

And, it's pretty worth it.

I mean, GH4 $1300, Lens $500, GOOD gimbal $2500+ Rig to carry it $3000

I'd trade a rig I can fit into a box, change all cam settings from my screen, pop stills and video, for $8K.
For my that kills dreams of the Alta...

Everything I own is for sale except my Hexacrafter X8... I'm keeping that.


Active Member
DJI website - Inspire 1 Pro
USD $4499
  • Ready-to-fly aerial system
  • Included professional 4K camera and 3-axis stabilization gimbal
  • Live, wireless HD video transmission via DJI Lightbridge
  • Dedicated remote with flight and camera controls
  • Powerful app to adjust camera settings, edit videos, and more
  • Vision Positioning system for GPS-free or indoor flight
  • Perfect for high-level shoots and professional sets
I don't see anything for the 4k camera setup on their site

They are both 4K, one is 4K RAW with an SSD...

View attachment 26142

"The X5R goes a step past the X5 by adding RAW video to an attached SSD or microSD card, at bitrates up to 2.4Gbps — a big step forward for videographers who want to integrate aerial footage into that from larger high-quality rigs like Red. While it’s not Red’s cinema-grade levels by any means, the RAW footage meshes much more naturally than the compressed h.264 or other codec output that most tiny cameras use.

The cameras integrate with a smartphone app, which offers a 256-zone touchable autofocus, along with focus assist and focus peaking.

Both systems allow for the use of various lenses too. Four were announced at the time of launch: two 15mm f/1.7 lenses, a 12mm f/2.0 lens, and an 18mm f/1.8. DJI director of aerial imaging Eric Cheng explained to me that these have been balanced with special hoods for use with the gimbal — and future lens releases will be balanced similarly to overcome the challenge of unbalancing.

Cheng also notes that the rig is also compatible with the DJI Focus, a follow-focus rig that was made official at the announcement after its prototype was shown at the NAB photo trade show earlier this year, for more precise operation. This works at distances of 1.2 miles or further.

Designed for professional use, it’s not a cheap system — the Zenmuse X5 costs $2,199, or with an Inspire 1 and DJI’s 15mm lens is $4,499, while the X5R version costs $7,999. Standalone price is not yet announced.

The announcement also teased the release of Lightbridge 2, the next generation of DJI’s wireless video interface."


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Aerial Fun
To pricey for me. A camera that only runs on the Inspire and a quad at that. Will make do with the x3 on my inspire and continue my work on a smaller/ tighter x8 with the bmmicro with radio control and my existing gh4 and 5d mark ii doing framing in std def instead of hd.

I think they came up with some interesting stuff, but with their track record it will be a while to get the bugs out and I'm not sure they can just build a camera as good as Black Magic or Panasonic just like that. The x3 on the Inspire is total crap on photo's and only does pleasing imagery on the video. But it's good enough for many things.

Was all excited thinking they were going to buy their way into the higher end camera market. Their pricing is too high for what they do and their past history. Also, I'd rather have a camera that can be used as a camera, just not as an Inspire camera.

I think the fact that you have to buy into the Micro 4/3 brand makes the camera meet a certain standard. I'm in.
I mean, I have to sell a LOT of stuff but I'm in!


Aerial Fun
I just have to go back to my Feb purchase of my Inspire that went through multiple cameras (their new 4k cam). 2 remotes, and 2 Inspires to get on that would do more than 3-4 flights before crapping out. 4 months without a unit while they sat on it for 6 weeks and then repaired it and then eventually just replaced the whole unit. Guess that service experience will hold me back for now.

Not interested at an price right now of a loss-less 4k system. I only have a 20tb raid 5 setup with backup and that's not enough for 4k dng recording. 2 workstations and a i7 laptop and not enough horsepower to edit 4k lossless. Just too much for me.


Active Member
Thanks for bringing me down to earth ;)

Let's see what happens once they start delivering product.

I would think about the cheaper single op.


Drone Enthusiast
I've been following along with interest all day as you guys sell spleens while simultaneously proclaiming contempt for DJI :)

Seems to me that this new product announcement puts them in line with other players in the "big leagues" - but without the flexibility that the others offer.

Track record aside - relying on DJI (or any single company) to be one step ahead (or even with) the curve is a little scary. While Alta or custom made cine rig may end up being more expensive - it seems that the ability to adapt to the request of directors/DP or grow with the rapidly advancing technology would keep those other options appealing.


Even though full sized rigs offer more options in terms of camera + lens combinations, X5R would be a very good option where there are too many risks (tiny spaces, flying over water, speed chasing) or where portability is the first priority; like documentaries.

Recent product announcements make the medium rigs useless at some point. Also see Black Magic Micro Cinema Camera. Unless you are not using a true S16 PL cine glass on this camera, a 550 size quad could carry the payload easily mounted on a decent gimbal.

We will be getting very good results with such small rigs. It will be available to anyone. For those who are doing aerial filming as a main business, will face much more competition than ever. All Inspire 1 owners will jump to GH4 class without getting a medium lift rig. For those who will need top-notch video will be asking for cine cameras with cine glasses but I think that will be a minority when costs are considered.


I just have to go back to my Feb purchase of my Inspire that went through multiple cameras (their new 4k cam). 2 remotes, and 2 Inspires to get on that would do more than 3-4 flights before crapping out. 4 months without a unit while they sat on it for 6 weeks and then repaired it and then eventually just replaced the whole unit. Guess that service experience will hold me back for now.

Not interested at an price right now of a loss-less 4k system. I only have a 20tb raid 5 setup with backup and that's not enough for 4k dng recording. 2 workstations and a i7 laptop and not enough horsepower to edit 4k lossless. Just too much for me.
What happened to your rigs when they crapped out? I'm being asked to pilot one of these soon, once it gets back from the dealer after it went rouge on take off.


Also don't forget about the black magic micro. Not out yet but does just about everything of not more then this camera and doesn't lock you into anything. It's not out yet but before anyone sells a body part let's put things in perspective. 8k for a quad with a dji camera that you are locked into. That means if you have an issue with camera or airframe your dealing with dji before you shoot anything else.


Also don't forget about the black magic micro. Not out yet but does just about everything of not more then this camera and doesn't lock you into anything. It's not out yet but before anyone sells a body part let's put things in perspective. 8k for a quad with a dji camera that you are locked into. That means if you have an issue with camera or airframe your dealing with dji before you shoot anything else.

"BlackMagic Micro Cinema Camera" can record only 1080p.

"BlackMagic Micro Studio Camera 4K" doesn't record footage internally. You need an external recorder for that if you need 4K footage.

DJI is pricing X5R model very high, because there is no competition in that arsenal; the closest camera in terms of spec is BMMCC, but that's only 1080p.

The other downside of X5R is, it doesn't record ProRes internally. The workflow and storage can be a serious issue for some users.

If the dynamic range of X5R is really around 13 stops, and if the image coming out from the sensor is on par with BlackMagic cameras, it has its own market. I am one of the potential buyer :)


Big Kahuna @ AirLulo
The Inspire doesn't hold much in the wind, no-go for me where my playground is the Caribbean Coast, but the specs sure are impressive.
Not sure either this would stand the test of time on a big shoot with daily flights, like the S900 does.
And then there's DJI customer service....
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Drone Enthusiast
All good points, and I did not mean to sound negative toward this release. My observations were strictly as someone who is interested in the tech, while not experiencing the pressure of clients breathing down his neck.

I find it encouraging that the major complaint about the Inspire (other than the initial mechanical difficulties they seem to have overcome) was that the camera was lacking. So, assuming they perform well, DJI listened to feedback, responded and produced a better camera, as well as a much better camera.

I also do believe that a good portion of the commercial pilots/firms will be able to use the Inspire for certain, if not all gigs (depending on the type of work they are employed for) - and these new options make that even more feasible.

Being a long-time professional Apple user, I understand and sympathize with the closed vs open hardware/software debate (basically the audio equivalent of RTF vs build-your-own). I spent my fair share of time waiting on a single company to catch up to advancing technologies in my industry that were being requested by clients.

And that is the question I find so interesting here. Whether DJI will be able to keep up and ahead of the curve - in an industry and technology that is moving so quickly.
