Besteady One Combo just purchased


Active Member
I fired an email off to Prokopi this morning asking how to set up the RC; he was kind enough to reply within a few hours with a slideshow of images that were good enough to get me going. No text, but the images should be sufficient. Pretty much confirmed how I thought it would be done.

If you pm me your email, I'll forward the email I got from Prokopi to you.

In a nutshell, use a servo lead from the ground, positive and pin1 to the throttle channel of the receiver. This will provide power to the receiver and gives one signal line. The connect another servo lead from pins 2, 3 and 4 on the besteady to the signal ports of say channels 2,3 and 4 of your receiver...assuming 1 is your throttle. The two servo leads in the back of the receiver will be at right angles to each other. Then go into the GUI and set up the various parameters, which you wont be able to do with a dodgy usb. Have you tried bluetooth? I read on the besteady facebook page that the pairing password is 1234; dont know if that's correct cos I havent used it.

e2a: I think I'll be attaching the gimbal to the Droidworx the same way. Cant for the life of me see how the multirotor adapter plate will help.

Got the images thanks, so the receiver doesnt require any power then, its gets its power from the Besteady without any BEC or anything?
I'm raging now, I would love to give it a go but can't:)


Got the images thanks, so the receiver doesnt require any power then, its gets its power from the Besteady without any BEC or anything?
I'm raging now, I would love to give it a go but can't:)

You are gets its power (I assume 5v cos it hasnt fried my receiver) from the besteady pins. Dont use the servo lead on the stage, thats 12V I believe! I can imagine your frustration, are they sending out a new unit for you?


Active Member
You are gets its power (I assume 5v cos it hasnt fried my receiver) from the besteady pins. Dont use the servo lead on the stage, thats 12V I believe! I can imagine your frustration, are they sending out a new unit for you?

Well he said he would have a word with "Alex" I think it was not Pro and get back to me asap with a replacement, so hoping for the best.
That does indeed sound like a really easy setup for a transmitter, hopefully the new firmware will be out soon as when the Besteady goes out of control with too much tilt, it really does start doing an unrecoverable dance and would not be nice on an MR

Hi Guys,

Just a heads up - check the grubscrew thats under the roll motor. I just discovered mine was not done up and the whole thing could be pulled off. I only discovered after a full days filming!!!

Got so say the footage is far better than the old AV200 i was using by a million times!!!!!!

Hi Guys,

Nothing special - just a a bit of testing but here are a few clips onboard our Octo with a GH3 on auto. We've got some tuning to do and some balancing to resolve as when you add on all the video gear it upsets the roll balance and in turn the pan - doesn't really effect the video, but will make the motors work harder and use the batteries up quicker.


Hi Guys,

Nothing special - just a a bit of testing but here are a few clips onboard our Octo with a GH3 on auto. We've got some tuning to do and some balancing to resolve as when you add on all the video gear it upsets the roll balance and in turn the pan - doesn't really effect the video, but will make the motors work harder and use the batteries up quicker.

Was that done by single or dual operator. How do you get your tilt offset to below the horizontal, when I try and change the tilt offset in the software, nothing happens. The only way I can get it to tilt below the horizontal is by using a second radio system which kind of bug-gers it for single operation.


Was done with dual operator. The tilt works ok up to about 20% and then starts to jitter a little. If tilting down with the radio its ok to about 80%, but if the pitch on the copter changes it can cause some random movement. The day we were testing was very calm and so little in the way of movement from the copter.

In follow mode you should be good no matter what. I've not had an jitters apart from some real extreme movement and it the copter was at the angle its all gone wrong it you know what i mean.

I was talking to their engineer the other day and he told be the best way to setup things for RC mode... I'll post me setting later if i get a chance.



Was done with dual operator. The tilt works ok up to about 20% and then starts to jitter a little. If tilting down with the radio its ok to about 80%, but if the pitch on the copter changes it can cause some random movement. The day we were testing was very calm and so little in the way of movement from the copter.

In follow mode you should be good no matter what. I've not had an jitters apart from some real extreme movement and it the copter was at the angle its all gone wrong it you know what i mean.

I was talking to their engineer the other day and he told be the best way to setup things for RC mode... I'll post me setting later if i get a chance.

I've just about got mine sorted now for both single and dual operator. As single operator, I've got the pan and tilt mapped to the two dials on my futaba 14sg radio. I have tilt set to angle control and like you, can only get it down to about 80 degrees below the horzintal before it goes mad. Pan is set to speed and works well. The thing I'm having problems with now is trying to map the command control input of the besteady to a 3 way switch on the radio so I can change profiles remotely.

It will be intresting to see your setting...when you say you talked to their engineer, is that the new tech guy, Mike?


Active Member
I spoke with them also, as I was having bad problems when it was not in follow mode, this was the reply...

For the moment I have a work around for the tilt issue. I add a lot of follow to my pan (usually around 70% and very little to my tilt (around 5-10%). Then i add some deadband (around 8 degrees) and a little expo (10-15%). This gives a nice performance on a tuned gimbal.


Would you guys who have purchased this gimbal recommend it? I have been flying with the Zenmuse but really would like something that can take better lenses. Whats your thoughts, anyone able to compare this to the zenmuse?

Would you guys who have purchased this gimbal recommend it? I have been flying with the Zenmuse but really would like something that can take better lenses. Whats your thoughts, anyone able to compare this to the zenmuse?

I'd say it all depends on what your going to put it under. If its a S800 or something like that i'd say stick with the zenmuse as its 400g heaver with a GH3 and a 12-35mm lens, if its a sky jib or cinestar etc then it could be worth looking at it. I've not used a zenmuse so can't really comment on how it compares stability wise, but there is a lot more setting up to do with the besteady as it needs to be balanced correctly every time you use even if you take the camera off to change the battery. I'm sure after using it for a while this will be a matter of minutes.

The added bonus is you can use it as a handheld platform if your into that and like you say different lens and most cameras up to 2kg.


I ditched the s800 long ago, it will be under an X8 or my Carbon Core Hexa which has plenty of thrust. I am familiar with the need balancing because even with my zen I run into this every time I want to add a filter or change the lens or battery. The zen has zero settings that you can alter so although mine works great and never had an issue, it would also be nice to have more options with cameras and lenses.


we just got a besteady combo version2 and did some ground and cable cam shots (5D MKIII 16-35mm) with it with great results - RC control was easy to set up with 2 Servo cables. It comes in a very big Peli case without instructions, but a couple of adaptors and spares.
We are now mounting it to our new X8 which has DJI style gear rails and used a cinestar battery holder (only some widening of holes required) and 4 clamps to fix it to the rail with the antivib attached - now we can use the thumb screws to quickly detach it and use it on the ground...

Dual Operator control is easily set up, but we have problems connecting the gimbal to the A2 flight control for single operator use. We have our Futaba T14SG directly linked to the A2 and want to use 2 of the 4 free channels (F3 and F4) to control tilt on a dial knob and also pan to correct orientation as it sometimes drifts a bit from its straight forward direction. on the besteady we have follow mode activated for the pan axis. We now used just one cable from besteady Pin 2,3,4 to A2 F2-F3 and mapped the correct channels, but it doesn´t do anything... anyone any suggestions?

hs_foto sorry I can't help you out with your issue as I am running a cinestar 8 with an mk board, but I'll take a stabe at it. my advice, if you have a servo tester you could check the servo signal coming from the a2 board. if you are not going direct ppm into the board you could run servo cables from empty channels on the receiver and bypass the a2 for besteady control on aux knobs.

I'm curious about your set up on the dji rail system. I recentley modified my cinestar with the dji800 rectracts including the rails, but ran into some issues when mounting the besteady to the cinestar. the antivib plate on the besteady is just slightly to big to mount directly to the cinestar could you post a pic or decscibe how you mounted it to the rails? I would be super grateful.


Active Member
Not sure how you could do that connected to the A2 directly.
You could maybe do it using 2 x R7008SB receivers and the 14SG and not using the A2 as a receiver.
Don't have the Besteady any more, but here are the pics to connect it to a receiver.

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Hi antihero & quinton - thanks, I finally managed the A2 connection problem: it was simply a ground connection between the besteady and the A2 missing and then it worked.
Unfortunately I removed the gear rails in the meantime - so no photo possible (besteady is now connected with spacers through the 85mmX85mm square holes on my frame (Gryphon Dynamics) via the star shaped adapter plate that came with the besteady.).

It´s easy to describe though: four 12mm clamps attached to the gear rail will fit the cinestar battery holder plate´s outer holes (I had one of them lying around) and the besteady antivib fits on that, if you widen the side slits with a drill. Or you could just use any carbon plate that is wide enough and just drill holes for the antivib and clamps.


Active Member
Hi antihero & quinton - thanks, I finally managed the A2 connection problem: it was simply a ground connection between the besteady and the A2 missing and then it worked.
Unfortunately I removed the gear rails in the meantime - so no photo possible (besteady is now connected with spacers through the 85mmX85mm square holes on my frame (Gryphon Dynamics) via the star shaped adapter plate that came with the besteady.).

It´s easy to describe though: four 12mm clamps attached to the gear rail will fit the cinestar battery holder plate´s outer holes (I had one of them lying around) and the besteady antivib fits on that, if you widen the side slits with a drill. Or you could just use any carbon plate that is wide enough and just drill holes for the antivib and clamps.

Cool glad you got it sorted.
Keep us posted how it goes flying the Besteady.
I bought one of the first Besteadys from the Kickstarter campaign but I don't think it was quite right for flying at the time so it went back, (Besteady customer service was first class though, wish I could say the same for Zenmuse) would be interested to know how it is now with the updates.
May be time to look at them again.

that makes total sense hs_foto, much appreciated.
I might go ahead and give that a try.

quinton. as far as the besteady updates go. I wish I could revert back to 1.2. I was one of the unfortunate early adopters of 1.3 and have had nothing but headaches ever since. my advice to anyone thinking about updating is hold off.
