Best functioning 3 Axis Gimbal controller as of 2-6-2013


Hey guys,

for all those using a gimbal controller which one as of today is the best?

If money wasn't a problem and all the controllers were the same price which one would you use for the best results?

I know the gimbal quality is a huge part of getting a good image but the controllers have to be a factor as well.



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What I'd Ideally get is an honest pros and cons from users of their gimbal controller. I dont want to start a my gimbal controllers better than yours argument, just a feature comparison without regards to price.

this ought to be interesting. View attachment 12153
I think this is the best answer!!! We are all just making do with what we have. I don't think any are problem free and all of the manufacturers know it. But, they are all easier to set up and all work better than just trying to mount a gyro to each axis. That is why new firmware and even new hardware seems to roll out so often. We all have different issues with the various stabilizers, so the pros and cons will be different for each. The future Does look good though. I would say, pick one and make it work for you until the brush-less controllers hit the stands. I run both Picloc and RSGS. They both do the job, "sort of".


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i know there is a lot of effort on this, i'm in on it as well but my approach is of the "less is more" variety. when i get to the point where I'm ready to talk, i'll talk.

also, keep in mind, quality is inversely proportional to the volume of internet posts on a subject. while volume of users does create a volume of content, so do problems with products.

let's see where this goes.


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a good idea might be to have a three way head-to-head-to-head test in our product review section.

if any of the manufacturers are reading this, are you up for it?


Ive got the new YUN-I Brushless gimbal on pre-Order and would be willing to meet up with others to do a side by side comparison. I dont know when they will be released.


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The best is of course DJI's Zenmuse if its within your budget. The technology coming out will bring all of the prices down and not everyone wants more than two axis.


DJi zen is the best but its only for 2 cams..! from the non DD its the Radian..! BUt sometime later this year you will have cheaper choices of DD...!

BUt for sure all these that they are trying the new DDs systems have problems with the heavy cams..!


The first company to produce a brushless gimble that will carry a Canon 5D and work well will sweep the market if the price is right, there is only make do available at the moment.


After spending a lot of time and money we have settled on the [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3-Axis Radian Stabilization Module for our gimbal controller. If you watch any of the video footage done by Ben Rowland at Yonder Blue Films you will find that his setup is one of the best. When he posted his review on this product we felt that his knowledge was worth following. [/FONT]


After spending a lot of time and money we have settled on the 3-Axis Radian Stabilization Module for our gimbal controller. If you watch any of the video footage done by Ben Rowland at Yonder Blue Films you will find that his setup is one of the best. When he posted his review on this product we felt that his knowledge was worth following.
I am Ben's biggest fan, he does some great work, I wish the Radian had been available when I got the Skyline :upset:



So far it seems its the freefly. Just subscribing to see the results. Will be purchasing something in the next little while.

I'll answer this as carefully as I can.

I've tried the three popular systems, Radian, Skyline, and Hoverfly Gimbal. All three of these controllers are built by people that are passionate about the products they're building and have put tons of hours into them. In my experience, each is backed by good people that have been very helpful.

The Radian is the most expensive, but it is worth the money. Setup is soooo easy. Software is easy to use. It always works - very reliable. I was a beta tester for the Radian, and it worked well from the very beginning. It's also got a lot of features, and those features don't get in the way of the functionality - they don't complicate things. At first glance it's simple, but then you realize that it is very customizable if you want it to be. I like that.

I'm about to test the recent firmware of the Hoverfly Gimbal, so I'll hold off on my comments on that one. I've used it with success in the past. I'll report back with current results soon.

Some people have had great success with the Skyline - I'm not one of them. Not sure why I couldn't get it working, but I couldn't. I'm not bashing it here. I just gave up after about 12 hours of fooling with it. Could've been user error.

I prefer the Radian system.

Please note that I've received each of these for free from all three companies, so that kind of eliminates any bias based off price.
