Basic Setup Instructions for FrSky Taranis, X8R and Naza-M V2


Drone Enthusiast
Were you using Mac before? Or just a different PC? I've had my share of silliness with these MR programs just because I'm Mac based. Finally bought a used PC laptop (win7) out of frustration.

Glad you got it sorted. You'll have to look up the expo and curves in the taranis to smooth that speed out a bit. Not sure if Naza has any control for that.

NEVERMIND. I saw you said a new MacBook.

Keep in mind that even when companies say they have made a Mac version, it's usually limited to maybe a window or two of pretty colors. :). No functionality.

Ive vey been messing with alexmos which said could be done Mac. Turned out the GUI works, but you can't upload the firmware through Mac. What? Really? Why would they have different functionality????

doesnt make sense.
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brilliant! thank you for your time and effort in putting this together!!

thank you gringers for this wealth of valuable information! i recently put together my first quadcopter build [tarot 650 with naza lite fc] after having a not so favorable experience with the walkera qr x350pro. i was using the devo f7 from that set hoping to salvage something from that awful product, but decided i needed more security in my investment. i just bought the taranis based on so many favorable reviews; in fact, i haven't found one single negative thing written about it, and rest assured, i looked!! granted, not having any but the crappy devo f7 with which to compare it, this thing is absolutely amazing! i love its versatility and apparently, based on other people's reviews, that's not entirely the norm especially at this price point.

having said that, i loaded the tarot [dubbed the SS Anakin [SkyWalker]] with the taranis and some voice mods using your instructions below and looking forward to his first maiden flight later today!

thanks again for the time! i know it isn't easy, so realize there are probably a lot of people who have used this information without thanking you either!

oscar rabeiro

Disclaimer: I am definitely what you would class as an amateur at this so I don’t know whether this is the best way to set up this equipment. In fact, I didn’t even own the gear until a couple of days ago!

With that said, I couldn’t find a single step by step guide to help me get a basic set up running (but I did find a lot of people doing a lot of head scratching) so I thought the way I came up with would at least provide a discussion point/point of reference going forward.

Binding the Tx and Rx:

1. Turn on the Tx, ensure the right model is selected by pressing the menu button once.
2. Press the page button to enter menu page 2 (of 13). Scroll down to the ‘Internal RF’ settings.
3. Ensure mode is set to D16, channel range to CH1-8, Receiver 01. Stay on this menu in anticipation of step 5 below.
4. Power on the rx whilst depressing the f/s button on it.
5. Back to the Tx - you now select [Bind] and a beep should indicate that the rx and Tx have successfully bound
6. Power of Rx and then Tx. Power on Tx and then Rx
7. Green LED should be showing on the Rx indicating the bind process was successful

Preliminary setup of the Tx:

Go to the Mixer Menu (page 6/13)
By default, the channels on the Taranis look like this:
What we want (using an sbus connection to the naza) is:
Additionally we will also need
CH5 – for gimbal control if you have one or if not gain adjustment
CH6 – for IOC commands (or gain adjustment if using a gimbal)
CH7 – for Control Modes (Manual/Atti/GPS)

To get the set up right:
1. Press and hold Enter on the first channel (CH1 – THR) and select edit from the sub menu
2. Move down to source using the +/- buttons. Then hit enter so it starts flashing
3. Use the +/- buttons to scroll through until youhave AIL as the selected source.
4. Press ‘enter’ to confirm and then ‘exit’ twice to go back to the previous screen
5. Repeat the process for channels 2 and 3 so that they are set to ELE and THR respectively. CH4-RUD does not need to eb changed
6. Next move to CH5 (currently empty). Press ‘enter’ to select, move down to ‘Source’ setting and press enter again to define a value. It’s probably best to choose a variable switch for this as it’s either going to be used for adjusting gains or gimbal control – 2 or 3 position switches just aren’t suitable! I’m going to use S1, (the variable knob on the left hand side) for this example.
7.Next move to CH6 and assign it a switch in the source as you did for CH5. This needs to be one of the three way switches because this will be used for IOC (Off/Course Lock/Home Lock). I chose Switch ‘SG’ as my source.
8. For CH7 you also need a three way switch which will be used for Control Mode Switching (Manual/ Atti/GPS). I selected switch SE as my source here.
9. Finally, with your 7 channels set up, head to the servos menu page (7/13) where you will need to Invert channel 6 by scrolling down to CH6, pressing enter followed by ‘+’ three times to highlight the ‘direction’ field. Press enter to select ‘INV’ and exit to leave. Changing the direction of this channel ensures that when your IOC switch (SG) is in the up position (as they all should be when starting up), IOC is in the off position. Moving the IOC switch to the middle will then enable course lock mode and moving it to the down position will enable home lock.

Connecting to the Assistant Software and Calibrating

1) Connect your powered up copter to your PC via the LED module. Open the Assistant software.
2) Check and calibrate your command sticks and X1 (gimbal or gain adjustment) through the Basic/RC section of the Assistant.
3) If you're not using a gimbal (or IOC), you can go to the Basic/Gain page of the Assistant and change whichever remote adjust drop down menus you wish to either X1 (or X2)
4) Go to Advanced/IOC page (if using IOC) and check the box. Flick your SG switch to ensure that it correctly highlights off/course lock/home lock in the up/middle/down positions.
5) Go to Advanced/Gimbal page if using a gimbal and switch it to ‘on’. Check the gimbal operates as expected with the ‘S1’ switch we set up on CH5 earlier.

Configuring the Control Mode Switch

1) Now go back to Basic/RC page which shows the graphical control Mode Switch Slider. Use the drop down menu to select Manual for the right hand tab. This ‘Manual’ tab should be highlighted when the switch is in the up position (but you will notice it doesn’t). Similarly, when the switch is in the middle positon, Atti should be highlighted (not failsafe)and when in the down position, GPS should be highlighted.
2) To fix this ‘alignment’ issue, go to the servos menu on the Tx (page 7/13) and scroll down to CH7. Select the min value field which is set to -100 and set it to -64 (minus 64). Similarly, select the max value field and change from 100 to 64 (positive 64). Finally select the PPM center field and change the value to 1530.
3) Now exit out of the servos menu and go back to the assistant. You should now see the graphical control mode switch working as we want and highlighting the appropriate mode dependent upon the switch position.

Setting Failsafe (for when the rx isn't receiving a signal from the tx)
1) Go the model menu (page 2/13)
2) Scroll down to Failsafe Mode
3) Select ‘Custom’ and then ‘Set’
4) Scroll down to channel 3 (THR) and hit enter.
5) Move the throttle to just over half way (hover). You should see the slider move and value change.
6) Hit Enter and then press the f/s button on the rx. The green light on the rx should flash twice.
7) Switch off the tx and check that in the assistant the control mode switch slider moves to failsafe and the throttle sets itself at just over 50%.
8) Failsafe is set. Now choose your enhanced failsafe mode in the Assistant.

Setting a 2 Position Switch for Failsafe (Panic Button!)

Let’s say that we want to use switch ‘SF’ as an immediate forced failsafe/panic button - no matter what mode we’re in and without having to turn the Tx off:
1) First let’s create a custom curve. Go to the curves menu (page 8/13) select CV1 and enter the following values into the Y field. Pt 1 = -54 (minus54). Pt 2=0, Pt3=49, Pt4=0 and Pt5=49.
2) Back in the Mixer Menu (page 6/13) we now have to go down to CH7, press and hold enter and then select ‘Insert After’.
3) Go down to Source and set it as SE
4) Go to Weight and set bit as -30 (minus 30)
5) Go to Curve and set it as CV1
5) Finally go to Switch and select SF(downarrow)
6) Exit out of the mix and check that toggling the SF switch to the down position whilst in any flight mode, puts the slider to the failsafe position.
7) Done!

Phew! I hope that helps somebody at least! Of course let me know if you spot any mistakes or have suggestions for improvements/advanced setups.


Motors: Dualsky XM4010 710kv
ESC: ZTW 30a Opto Spiders
Props: Testing a few sizes, but so far, I am liking CF 10x5 and 11x5 [photo here shows 10.5 APC testers

One caveat: There isn't a lot of room on the plates. I didn't want to put the ESCs on the booms, so I ended up buying another set of plates and added it for this setup. The very top plate really serves as a "canopy" or protection plate, so I mounted the GPS on it. I am also using the Hive Power distribution board which is solid, but large, so I only have a tight fit for the ESCs and the board on that one level. It seems top heavy, but it really isn't. At this setup, the Naza is equally aligned level with the props. Lastly, definitely remember to Loctite all the metal to metal screws. The screws that are used to pivot the folding parts tend to loosen a lot otherwise. I have found a few nearly completely off before I did that. This is my first build, so I am sure I made some mistakes, but I guess I won't know until they happen! :)

Good luck!!! It's a great and solid frame otherwise. At least compared to all the ones in its class and size. PS: Remember, carbon is conductive, so be CAREFUL.


I'm thinking of building a Tarot over the winter
What did you use for motors, ESC and props.


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Just wanted to say thanks Gringers for your instructions .. really well laid out and very very helpful . I have just completed my first build of a Tarot Ironman 650 and although after a day I managed to get my motors up and running I had problems with the rest. I have after a couple of hours got the rest working and feel well pleased with my setup . I have all the basics working not just to add the bells and whistles .If anyone can tell me I just have one issue that I have not found out .. I have only 1/12 pages on my Model menu while I see everyone has 1/13 ? I have the lastest firmware loaded on my Taranis . vers 2.0.12 ? have I not loaded anything or missed something out . Thanks again Eric


Hey Eric,

I'm still on a sub v2 firmware but from what I remember, yes the menus got changed at v2 and post....think it was the templates page that was done away with?

Just wanted to say thanks Gringers for your instructions .. really well laid out and very very helpful . I have just completed my first build of a Tarot Ironman 650 and although after a day I managed to get my motors up and running I had problems with the rest. I have after a couple of hours got the rest working and feel well pleased with my setup . I have all the basics working not just to add the bells and whistles .If anyone can tell me I just have one issue that I have not found out .. I have only 1/12 pages on my Model menu while I see everyone has 1/13 ? I have the lastest firmware loaded on my Taranis . vers 2.0.12 ? have I not loaded anything or missed something out . Thanks again Eric


Thank you for the post gringers! Great tips. I have a similar setup, but with my failsafe switch it is assigned to channel 5 and basically overrides the input of your flight modes and initiates the failsafe mode of the naza, manually. Now, my question is this, when your rx looses communication with your tx, does the naza control the full rth function or is it a function that is programmed into the taranis (such as a custom curve or something like that) that controls the speed, altitude etc. on the way back? I know the flight controller is smart, but I guess my question is just how smart is it? Or is it as simple as we all hope it to be by just telling the rx to set the craft into a hover, sticks dead center and then let the flight controller take over and get the craft home? Is it really that simple? Also, would it be advisable to put the craft into gps atti mode when failsafe is initiated? Basically my idea was to have it put the craft into hover, put the craft into gps atti mode and then initiate the naza failsafe function. Do I even need to do that?

Hopefully this makes sense. I think I have everything else figured out on the taranis as far as switches goes, but the failsafe rth function is still a question to me.

Thanks for your help in advance!



The naza controls it. Yes, it's pretty smart!

As long as the assistant shows it going into failsafe when you flick your failsafe switch (or turn the tx off), then the naza will do the rest.

If you want to regain control/abort failsafe, flick the switch back (or turn the tx on) and switch to a different flight mode.


Awesome. That explains a lot. One question I just thought of, if the naza controls the rth function, do you even need to set the throttle position in the failsafe mode on the radio or is that still something that should still be done?


Awesome. That explains a lot. One question I just thought of, if the naza controls the rth function, do you even need to set the throttle position in the failsafe mode on the radio or is that still something that should still be done?

Good question and lots of confusing answers around. I also don't know, in so far as I've never tried it at less than 50% throttle! If a tx/rx offers a feature which you can utilize though, especially for safety, why wouldn't you use it?

Also remember that if you have something operating independent of the naza, like retractable landing gear, you absolutely need to program that to be in the lowered position in failsafe. Yes, independent of Naza, no suprise.

My suspicion is that if the naza is fully operational, setting a throttle failsafe when using X9D/X8Ris probably unnecessary on the basis that you don't need to specify throttle for a forced failsafe environment and therefore, why should it be any different in an unforced failsafe (tx off/loss of signal) environment?

Even if that's true (which again, I can't verify because I haven't tested) perhaps in the event of a naza failure, the rx failsafe could save you (if set correctly!) Or, perhaps it's tx/rx specific or perhaps something else plays into the equation....all I can say is I don't know exactly how the rx/naza jive together so.....

TLDR: Just set throttle in FS - I am not qualified to offer any other advice! :)


Awesome info fellas! I have mine set on a switch and then the x8r fs initiates that switch position when the fs is engaged. One little trick I stumble across was making a system safety switch on the radio that basically deactivates all of the controls on the transmitter until that safety switch is triggered. I reduces the throttle to -100 and zeros the other axis and then they become unresponsive until the switch is deactivated. Pretty slick. One thing I am toying with is the idea of having that switch become inactive while in flight. You sure wouldn't want to activate the safety switch while flying around. Anyway, thanks again for the tips and I hope to share some as well!



New Member
Just a bump to say what an excellent job the OP did!

I have one question, I am bound, and Naza is complete....but the bird does not respond to CSC command...any suggestions???



Ok so I set everything up on my Taranis earlier this summer as per the instruction on the first page and everthing works except I just could no get the Altitude Hold to work (Im not using GPS right now).
When I set up a 3 position switch as per instruction and they seem to go to the correct position in the Naza software, it goes from Manual to Altitude hold x2 (No GPS at this time).
But when I switch from manual to altitude hold it goes into fail safe and the quad start to drop.
I have another 2 channel switch dedicated to fail safe that works properly but the 3 position switch does not go the Alti Hold as its should
Now on a side note I also use the Taranis with a Spectrum module to bind n fly foamy planes and when I went to set up a 3 position switch the other day for a new plane the has 3 flight modes beginner,intermed,and advanced all I could get was 2 flight modes beginner and advanced
Can someone tell me what Im doing wrong setting up the 3 position switches as Im obviously missing something here.

Thank you


Just a bump to say what an excellent job the OP did!

I have one question, I am bound, and Naza is complete....but the bird does not respond to CSC command...any suggestions???


Read the manual it tells you what does that. It can be a multitude of things:
It could be you need to calibrate the remote, the compass, your remote has the wrong assigned switches, wrong mode, something wrong with the battery, something wrong with the electrical system...


New Member
Read the manual it tells you what does that. It can be a multitude of things:
It could be you need to calibrate the remote, the compass, your remote has the wrong assigned switches, wrong mode, something wrong with the battery, something wrong with the electrical system...

Are you referring to the 4 page 'manual' or is there a more comprehensive manual available somewhere else?

I've been flying this 550 for a while now with my Futaba with no problems...

EDIT: I reset default values to AETR (my preference) and BOOM....CSC command initializes the bird....
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Ok so I set everything up on my Taranis earlier this summer as per the instruction on the first page and everthing works except I just could no get the Altitude Hold to work (Im not using GPS right now).
When I set up a 3 position switch as per instruction and they seem to go to the correct position in the Naza software, it goes from Manual to Altitude hold x2 (No GPS at this time).
But when I switch from manual to altitude hold it goes into fail safe and the quad start to drop.
I have another 2 channel switch dedicated to fail safe that works properly but the 3 position switch does not go the Alti Hold as its should
Now on a side note I also use the Taranis with a Spectrum module to bind n fly foamy planes and when I went to set up a 3 position switch the other day for a new plane the has 3 flight modes beginner,intermed,and advanced all I could get was 2 flight modes beginner and advanced
Can someone tell me what Im doing wrong setting up the 3 position switches as Im obviously missing something here.

Thank you

Come on guys I need some help here

Gary Seven

[MENTION=11764]multiman[/MENTION]; A couple of things here:
1. There is no "altitude hold" mode on the Naza-M. Are you confusing this word with "attitude mode"? If in "GPS Atti mode" with your thrust stick in the center position, the Naza will indeed hold altitude very well. It will not however, do this well in just "Atti" mode (someone PLEASE jump in here if I'm incorrect here). I have set up one of my 3-pos switches as "GPS Atti" (up switch), "Atti" (middle switch), and "Manual" (down switch). You have to be very careful and precise how you do this in the Naza Assistant, and also have some understanding of your Taranis. The instructions outlined by [MENTION=7394]gringers[/MENTION]; in this thread are excellent, but what totally helped me wrap my head around this was this video by Dennis Baldwin:

Check it out!

2. I'm convinced that you haven't got FS set up properly just by your remarks in your post. Watch the video link I posted and hopefully all will become clear. Please keep in mind you have to translate in your head your own Rx versus the one he talks about in the video, but the Taranis and Naza Assistant set-up stuff is spot on.

Not sure I can help you further or have more to offer. Maybe one of the crack regulars will jump in??


Hi Gary,
I can see by watching the video what Im doing wrong.
And yes I mean attitude I must of been still half asleep when i posted the original question. LOL
Thank you for your help.

Gary Seven

Hi Gary,
I can see by watching the video what Im doing wrong.
And yes I mean attitude I must of been still half asleep when i posted the original question. LOL
Thank you for your help.

Let me guess: Under "multiplex" you chose "add" instead of "replace" (WRT the FS issue). :distracted:
