Back-Bone Ribcage


Aerial DP

quick test to make sure it worked.... whats it mean if the image comes through inverted? lens 180 off or did i screw up putting the sensor on somehow?
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Aerial DP
I ordered the touch bacpac, this thing is alot of work when it's ran through the phone app.... got the distortion in this clip greatly reduced changing the fov in the hero,,,, opens up alot of manual settings. can look in the shaddows of the shaddows. pretty cool


pendejo grande
that's some wibbily-wobbllly stuff, you may have to get some kind of clamp for the lens and let the body float. Man, if someone could make something for those lenses that has a bigger sensor and better form factor...


Aerial DP

stock lens.... they got adapters for everything but m 4/3, that's all i own so gotta wait for somebody to make an adapter.....

till then i'll mess with this... it's a 1-3mm, man iris and focus

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Aerial DP
it has a really nice mount for a tripod, should break it out. the med view in 1080 gave a different look all together. the thing is really hard to hand use, three levers that make it or break it.... make a great follow focus/zoom subject for a gimbal, just need to be able to get some real glass on it. the crop factor is strong


pendejo grande
the ir filter looks like crap in the sun.... what does an ir cut filter do?
get a flashlight and take the kids ghost hunting in the basement...sorry, forgot you caleefornieens don't have basements. Set it up in your backyard at night and watch coyotes, their eyes will look like El Diablo (not the fighting chicken one).


Aerial DP
ok, so yea, took that stupid thing out of there and she looks way better. I almost pulled the trigger on some crazy small lens then swapped strategies and got a canon to c-mount adapter and bought a 8mm and 16mm rokinon cinelens for this thing.... i have the 16 in m43 and shes dope, and we can always fly them on a red someday...... I'll be back with a proper review with the right stuff in a few days.

it sure is a different animal already not having a fixed iris and focus..... pretty cool. these surveilance lenses just aint gonna cut it
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I am starting to play with the Back-Bone ribcage mod as well.

Got my GoPro Ribcage installed and tested with my Zenmuse H3-2D gimbal.
It fits fine, just used some longer screws to use the default gimbal/GoPro bracket.
The stock GoPro lens plus Ribcage is light enough that with my basic testing the gimbal worked fine. I also tried a heavy 35mm F2.0 M12 lens (15 grams versus the stock 6 grams) and it was too heavy for the gimbal to work. So if you can keep the M12 lens around 6 grams you should be good. Now I just need to find a 6gram M12 lens with no fisheye to test with. I have one but it is too short to focus properly in the ribcage M12 ring. Extension tube on the way…

Zenmuse H3-2D + Back-Bone GoPro/Ribcage weight test:

Quick Stock Lens versus F35mm HackHD Lens:

Install pictures:

Got a quick flight in, Gimbal still holding up with the GoPro Ribcage mod!

Here is the Ribcage with the HackHD 25mm lens. The Edmunds optics 5mm M12 extension got this one working

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Aerial DP
very cool.....

because this modified the focal lengths and i'm messing with all kinds of lenses i had to get a few more things. mainly an hdmi cable so i can hook it up to a monitor to see what i'm adjusting setting backspacing.

As mentioned i bought and got the rokinon lenses but already sent the 16mm back, way too tight. the 8mm wide works bitchen. I also ordered a Kowa c-mount 3.5mm - 14mm to check out. megapixel film looking lens..... I'll be back with more shortly


I also built a simple but strong 3 axis for it


5208 direct drive all the way around, viacopter 3 axis with ezuhf and immersion 5.8

Well I love the direction you are going in!!!

Yes HDMI monitor is key to getting it focused and tightened before a flight.

Back-bone posted on its fb page earlier today:

Back-bone: A field monitor is recommended for precision focus, however you can always lock in your focus ahead of time by using a monitor or TV. Depending on your lens you can also close up your iris for additional sharpness and DOF. Another option is to use the GoPro app in photo mode and snap a photo of your subject. You can then view and zoom in on the photo to see if your focus is sharp. For flight I would think focusing on infinity would be the best choice



Active Member
very cool.....

because this modified the focal lengths and i'm messing with all kinds of lenses i had to get a few more things. mainly an hdmi cable so i can hook it up to a monitor to see what i'm adjusting setting backspacing.

As mentioned i bought and got the rokinon lenses but already sent the 16mm back, way too tight. the 8mm wide works bitchen. I also ordered a Kowa c-mount 3.5mm - 14mm to check out. megapixel film looking lens..... I'll be back with more shortly


I also built a simple but strong 3 axis for it


5208 direct drive all the way around, viacopter 3 axis with ezuhf and immersion 5.8

You selling any of these 3 axis?



Active Member
very cool.....

because this modified the focal lengths and i'm messing with all kinds of lenses i had to get a few more things. mainly an hdmi cable so i can hook it up to a monitor to see what i'm adjusting setting backspacing.

As mentioned i bought and got the rokinon lenses but already sent the 16mm back, way too tight. the 8mm wide works bitchen. I also ordered a Kowa c-mount 3.5mm - 14mm to check out. megapixel film looking lens..... I'll be back with more shortly


I also built a simple but strong 3 axis for it


5208 direct drive all the way around, viacopter 3 axis with ezuhf and immersion 5.8

Which 5208's are those? How do you mount this to your rig, rubber-silicon bobbins? Selling these 3 axis units?

What's your opinion of these motors for 3rd axis:


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Aerial DP
these are an old set of 5208 ipower....

those are the new version you linked. better yes

My rigs all have vibe iso, either droidworx or hexacrafter

This gimbal is from hexacrafter but it's modified. similar to v's gimbal at gothelirc


Active Member
Thanks, I'll have to put in order for at least one to for the 3rd axis. Maybe I'll modify one of my Tarot GoPro gimbals to three axis with this.


Aerial DP
Got this lens tonight so slapped it on to check it out. not too bad, $350 ish, Kowa 1.6f 3.5-10mm


I'll work on getting this one in the sky and check it out.....
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Aerial DP
i'm getting a handle on this thing and it goes to work tomorrow. We shall see what it's all about and how hard it is to deal with in real conditions. I just ran it through one last dust check (that's a new hero term) on the sensor and made sure focus is within range, all checks out. The lens was at about 9mm so it's something like a 45mm lens on a 35mm sensor so hand swinging such a little body is hard, we'll see how she flies, should be a whole different level of hero

handheld sweep at 9mm no gimbal

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