anaka HL build


Active Member
I'll be interested in your performance and review of the props. I have the same motors on a hex using 15" KDE triples or T-Motor 15". How do you think the motors will handle props that size? KDE specs don't show running temps with different props like some other manufacturers.


Hi crayfellow, i also changed the motors, on the X4 config i use the E4215XF-465 this way i can use also my old set of 4S batteries
so at the end of the game i have a lighter setup with the same performances and i gain aroud 3 minutes of flight time
the next step is to try the 18" foldable triple props on the X8 configuration, i just have to change arms and try them
will post my impressions asap

Hi jwoike before these props i used the 18" T-Motor V2 propellers, same quality in materials and machinery, very good product but expensive
the new folding props from KDE are at the same lever...maybee a bit higher than T-Motor ones but they are forlable!
it's the only one that gives 18" props foldable that are perfectly balanced from factory so if you want to have a more compact setup, with a really well done and balanced set of motors and props from same developer, KDE is the costs a bit but it deserves


yes jwoike
just motors and props are diferent, all the rest is unchanged

have to tell you one more thing about the motors and props, both the T-Motor and the KDE 18" work well, the ESCs are fresh all the time but the motors go hot...

in these days particularly warm the motors go from 45 to 55's a bit over a good temperature so keep in mind that this setup warms up the motors
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at the moment i'm using the beta firmware for encoder Alexmos

the owerall feeling is very positive, the biggest improvement is in the stability (yaw especially is really stable now)
and the battery consumption is drastically reduced

i had to do some hard modificatoins to the quadframe gimbal to mount these new motors but it was just some
hours of work


Drone Enthusiast
If they are the encoder motors - there was a link to them over at aerial pixel pros. You definitely need a different firmware thank the standard alexmos (which I think you pay for - or at least you did).


Yes motopreserve you have to pay $40 more at alexmos website to activate the encoder motor license then you are able to download and install the new firmware

this is fundamental to use encoder motors

here you can find the motors then if you want you can keep using your actual alexmos board and follow instructions on how to connect encoders or you can buy a new board with encoders connectors already installed


Active Member
Nice work on the quick release and hand held setup.

It looks like you've had to do some modifications to the original gimbal to mount these motors. I can see that the tilt motor is mounted between the camera tray and the mounting arm, is that because the encoder motors are hollow core vs having a shaft? In order to do that did you purchase a new back boom that is longer to compensate for the motor being moved inside the mounting arm?

The roll motor looks to have a right angle bracket mounted off the back of the gimbal, same reason as the tilt, hollow core?

Also, I can see the Aerial Pixels flat HDMI cable coming out of the camera and going to something (probably a converter) mounted behind the vtx on the arm. Which converter (if that is the case) are you using?



Hi jwoike yes i had to do some important changes on the original ginbal

mainly the new motors are bigger and has no outer shaft so i had to find the cleanest way to mount them
fot hte pitch i just reversed the arm and i had to cut a longer carbon fiber tube to fit this wider setup
on the roll motor i had to cut part of the frame and build a "L" arm to lock the motor and i had to do some holes in the RED plate that connects the motor to the roll arm
nothing special fot the yaw....

one more thing i did is to make reversible changes, i can switch back when i want...

for the HDMI to VGA converter i use the kopterworx one..very stable and robust but there are several on the market cahn choose what you want ;)

next step will be to protect the cables and make the aspect more professional

will post some nice tests soon, the results are good!!
