Here some pics...
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I fly my F550 with these arms with AMP 2814 770KV, 2x4S 4200mah batteries with 11x5 carbon props AUW 3kg and handles very well. Your CG and gains will have to be adjusted.
Nop yet... On these pics shows 11x4.7 with 3s...4S battery and 8" props?
Hi Maymidroix,
I recently bought a extended aluminum arms for my F500 with T-Motors 3110-700, but all flights have been a disaster.
the first flight lasted a minute before it fall down and broke 2 new Maytech 11x5 carbon fiber propellers. That flight was very untestable an very hard to control the drone. My F550 weight is 2400 g, and I was using 4500 mAh 4s 35c battery.
After that I try with 10x5 Graupner props, with almost the same results... Untestable and very hard to control it... Crashed and two broken props. I try also with 11x4.7 Gemfan props with 8000mAh 3s 35c battery, just little more stable but hard to control it. With very strong tendency to turns yaw on CCW direction. Before I change the arms, I was using stock DJI motors with Stock DJI 10x4.7 propellers and it flights very well with 3s and 4s batteries.
what kind/brand of propeller do you recommend to use with extended aluminum arms?
Complete list of stuff:
- boscam 5.8 200mW transmitter
- DJI Bluetooth LED
- Tarot 2D gimbal
- DJI wookong controller
- DJI stock legs
- Futaba 8Fg
- a bunch of batteries 3s and 4s
What are your gains ?
Actually, tonight I'm looking the way to attach 8" DJI props to try tomorrow...
As much as I agree with HighGainTuning I sure would not want to discourage someone that has information based on the manufacture's recommendations from making future posts. If Bade Strike can help... let him.
What are your gains ?
As much as I agree with HighGainTuning I sure would not want to discourage someone that has information based on the manufacture's recommendations from making future posts. If Bade Strike can help... let him.
Hi blade strike,
my gains:
120, 120. 150, 150, 120,120
As much as I agree with HighGainTuning I sure would not want to discourage someone that has information based on the manufacture's recommendations from making future posts. If Bade Strike can help... let him.
Hi Everyone,
I'm really happy that there have been very good feedback about the AIMDROIX arms. For those people that want to stay with the same size of their multirotor, but want to have the benefit of the aluminum arms, I'm proud to announce that we are releasing this week the stock length AIMDROIX ARMS. Now you can keep the same size of your quad or hexa to flight around tighter spaces but with the increase in stability do the high stiffness of the AIMDROIX Aluminum Arms.
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The Arms have already arrived to Readymade Rc so they will appear in stock soon. You can order yours now. They are posted as Aluminum replacement arms.:nevreness:
Enjoy your flights.
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