Aluminum arms for dji flamewheel frames




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I fly my F550 with these arms with AMP 2814 770KV, 2x4S 4200mah batteries with 11x5 carbon props AUW 3kg and handles very well. Your CG and gains will have to be adjusted.

Thanks AboveAllAP!
I adjust CG and gains too... But it's no enough to get a decent fly :upset::upset:...


4S battery and 8" props?
Nop yet... On these pics shows 11x4.7 with 3s...
To install DJI props I need a prop adaptor or modify the center hole to use regular 8mm-6mm adapters.
One problem is that I'm living in Mexico, and here doesn't exist descent RC stores. I have to purchase online, wait 4 days and pay about 35-40 dollars per shipping by package.

Hi Maymidroix,
I recently bought a extended aluminum arms for my F500 with T-Motors 3110-700, but all flights have been a disaster.
the first flight lasted a minute before it fall down and broke 2 new Maytech 11x5 carbon fiber propellers. That flight was very untestable an very hard to control the drone. My F550 weight is 2400 g, and I was using 4500 mAh 4s 35c battery.
After that I try with 10x5 Graupner props, with almost the same results... Untestable and very hard to control it... Crashed and two broken props. I try also with 11x4.7 Gemfan props with 8000mAh 3s 35c battery, just little more stable but hard to control it. With very strong tendency to turns yaw on CCW direction. Before I change the arms, I was using stock DJI motors with Stock DJI 10x4.7 propellers and it flights very well with 3s and 4s batteries.

what kind/brand of propeller do you recommend to use with extended aluminum arms?

Complete list of stuff:
- boscam 5.8 200mW transmitter
- DJI Bluetooth LED
- Tarot 2D gimbal
- DJI wookong controller
- DJI stock legs
- Futaba 8Fg
- a bunch of batteries 3s and 4s

What are your gains ?

What are your gains ?

Blade Strike: For the benefit of the forum you should put in your signature that you work for DJI and Emprie Hobby so members understand you are posting in their favor using 2 accounts.

This forum does not look favorably at having Shills or multiple accounts such as what you are doing.
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Actually, tonight I'm looking the way to attach 8" DJI props to try tomorrow...

Sometimes you can find the right diameter silicon tubing at the hardware store. This is what I use on my sunnysky motors and larger graupner props :) This wont help with the DJI props unless you use a prop reamer first.

I do believe you should first post gains, that might be the issue.
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As much as I agree with HighGainTuning I sure would not want to discourage someone that has information based on the manufacture's recommendations from making future posts. If Bade Strike can help... let him.

As much as I agree with HighGainTuning I sure would not want to discourage someone that has information based on the manufacture's recommendations from making future posts. If Bade Strike can help... let him.

Thank you, that's all I am doing here is trying to help :frog:

As much as I agree with HighGainTuning I sure would not want to discourage someone that has information based on the manufacture's recommendations from making future posts. If Bade Strike can help... let him.

Please look up the definition of a Shill.

A shill, is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.
"Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that they are an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom they are secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns

He is not here to help as much as promote DJI products. Shills also post under multiple accounts to support themselves which is against forum policy.
I worked for the same team up until a few weeks ago. You will NEVER get truthful information regarding issues. So if your happy with hearing what they are told to tell you then good luck getting your issues resolved.
Take a look at RC Groups or Heli Freak if you want to see a forum virused with DJI Shills.

There are plenty of forum members that can and will help without the need of a Shill to try and convince us of a certain product.
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Aerial Fun
Cgott. I put the arms on my f450 and don't recall having to tweak my gains much, if at all. With Tarot Gopro gimbal, it flew very nicely on my f450 and flies great on the new arms. New arms are stronger.

I think you should start over and check all connections and do a complete setup and check everything, just like a new build. Check esc's, motors, radio, FC setup etc. Your issues are beyond just changing arms, at least based on my experience on swapping arms.

Hi blade strike,

my gains:
120, 120. 150, 150, 120,120

Let me see if I have everything correct, you also went up a prop size or two?

Why don't you try these 160/160/150/120

That should make her pretty docile..

I do intend to agree with jfro if you ONLY added longer arms and nothing else then I doubt gains would make her that unstable to the point of losing control. A video would speak a thousand words, if you can make one?

Just make sure you do the following before next flight, it never hurts..

Re-do advanced calibration and GPS / Compass
Make sure TX is calibrated correctly
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As much as I agree with HighGainTuning I sure would not want to discourage someone that has information based on the manufacture's recommendations from making future posts. If Bade Strike can help... let him.

I agree with your signature. "It's not a hobby if you make a living at it."

It's also not a hobby if you are compensated by a manufacturer to be a SHILL.


Really HighGainTuning... you think everyone that purchases a DJI product sells their souls? You obviously have a personal grudge with DJI and I think you should keep it personal and not vent using a public forum.

Merry Christmas!

No... not everyone. Have you read what I posted?

I am referring specifically to Tahoe Ed, Blade Strike and TJ Gilbert. They are compensated DJI Shills working for Empire Hobby and post about nothing but DJI product. Take a look at their recent posts on HeliFreak. They just all received their FREE propulsion systems when no one else has been able to buy them. How do you think they all just received them? Of course they are double posting as Empire Support 2 and 3 there also.

All I am suggesting is if you are compensated by a manufacturer you let the forum know that or else we should just be going to DJI's face book page for one sided information.

Please read the definition of a Shill.

Hi Everyone,

I'm really happy that there have been very good feedback about the AIMDROIX arms. For those people that want to stay with the same size of their multirotor, but want to have the benefit of the aluminum arms, I'm proud to announce that we are releasing this week the stock length AIMDROIX ARMS. Now you can keep the same size of your quad or hexa to flight around tighter spaces but with the increase in stability do the high stiffness of the AIMDROIX Aluminum Arms.
View attachment 18248View attachment 18249

The Arms have already arrived to Readymade Rc so they will appear in stock soon. You can order yours now. They are posted as Aluminum replacement arms.:nevreness:

Enjoy your flights.

Like us on facebook.

What are the largest size props that can be used with the stock size arms on a DJI F450 quad? It looks like 11" shouldn't be a problem, maybe even 12" (barely).
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