If I am planning on using 4114 sized motors, do I need the Large OD motor spacer since the edge of the motor will be hanging off the edge of the arm? I will not be using the coax motor mounts or the aluminum legs. Thanks.
If I am planning on using 4114 sized motors, do I need the Large OD motor spacer since the edge of the motor will be hanging off the edge of the arm? I will not be using the coax motor mounts or the aluminum legs. Thanks.
Here is my 450 with the extended aluminum arms, Tiger MN4010-11 motors (KV 475), 14 x 4.8 Tiger Motor carbon fiber props, and a pair of 4s 35-70 3300 Turnigy nano-techs (in parallel). With a GoPro and the H3-2D, all up weight is 2.2kg. Flight time has been in the 17-19 minute range.
Can you please post some video of the new flight characteristics?
Here you go. This is a quick clip from this evening (far from artistic -- just an example of how it flies). I'm not sure how any of this can be judged objectively without hands-on, but I'm happy with how it is working out. Filmed with a GoPro mounted to the Tx. Sound left in for illustration purposes. In the middle of the video I just started slapping the sticks to show response (stick movements are audible). Flying in atti mode. All gains are at 100%.
Here you go. This is a quick clip from this evening (far from artistic -- just an example of how it flies). I'm not sure how any of this can be judged objectively without hands-on, but I'm happy with how it is working out. Filmed with a GoPro mounted to the Tx. Sound left in for illustration purposes. In the middle of the video I just started slapping the sticks to show response (stick movements are audible). Flying in atti mode. All gains are at 100%.
Econfly, Great rig!.
I have a very similar rig with the same aluminum arms, except my tiger motors are 900kv & 10" props. 12-15 mins flying and 20 without gimbal. I love the way it flies with both the f450 arms and the aluminum arms. I have been contemplating going to bigger / lower kv motors and larger props like what I saw on yours or maybe a 15" prop with 400kv motors.
I like the motors your using as they seem to fly great with 4s batteries of which I have a bunch.
I was wondering if you could/would add a little more weight and see how it flies. I'd like to double duty mine with the tarot 2 axis/gopro3 setup, but I have another small/mid size gimbal with camera that weighs 2.5 lbs for gimbal, lens, & camera. If you could just add 2 to 2 1/4 more lbs and see if and how long it flies, I'd be very thankful. I understand it may not be something you want to try, but if so, thanks in advance.
Looks and fly's awesome.. Does have that aluminum ring to it but those motors and props do that on my S800.
I bit of advice about your DJI downlink.
1. Either sell it and get something better as it is one of the worse TX's out there for static and noise.
2. Buy (or e-mail me, I have hundreds here from my business) an RPSMA male to RPSMA female 6" or 8" extension cable so you can move it down as far as possible and in the correct polarity.
3. The circular polarized antennas still need to be mounted vertically. They loose a great amount of distance mounted that way not to mention it is shadowed most of the time.
Anyway... Great looking build.
Thanks! -- my video downlink isn't the best. It's good enough to frame shots, which is all I need, but I will move the antenna to see how it improves things.
Why not -- it's a slow day here. Weight as I have it is about 2.2kg (a little under 5 pounds). So I added enough weight to bring it up to 7 pounds exactly (added about 2.15 pounds). You can see it in the two white containers mounted with adhesive tape to the top of the rig. I didn't change any settings, but once I had it in the air it seemed to fly best with the gains at about 135% (mapped to a knob on my Tx). It handled well, had plenty of power, and I flew it around until the loaded voltage dropped to 14.2, which is usually when I stop with this thing.
I got 14 minutes of flight time out of it just flying around as seen in the video. The more I fly it I am finding 20 minutes at my flight weight is easily achievable.
According to Tiger Motor's specs, the MN4010 motors (475KV) at 4S and with TM 14x4.8 props have 510g of thrust at 50% throttle, 730g at 65%, and 910g at 75%. At my weight, I need 550g per motor to hover. At the 7lb weight in the video you need 795g of thrust (likely a little more for both in real life). So my flight weight should hover at just over 50% throttle. A 7lb weight hovers at around 70% throttle. This is a nice thing about this setup. It can carry quite a bit more weight and still deliver decent flight times.
Hi, you don't need the large OD spacer. Are you building a quad or a hexa? Please post pictures once you have it done.![]()
Is it possible to countersink the holes and use different screws that attach the coaxial plate; thus avoiding the use of the spacers?
At that weight, use a 4S battery and the DJI 8" props.
If it fly's unstable with that setup, there is something else wrong.
Hi Maymidroix,
I recently bought a extended aluminum arms for my F500 with T-Motors 3110-700, but all flights have been a disaster.
the first flight lasted a minute before it fall down and broke 2 new Maytech 11x5 carbon fiber propellers. That flight was very untestable an very hard to control the drone. My F550 weight is 2400 g, and I was using 4500 mAh 4s 35c battery.
After that I try with 10x5 Graupner props, with almost the same results... Untestable and very hard to control it... Crashed and two broken props. I try also with 11x4.7 Gemfan props with 8000mAh 3s 35c battery, just little more stable but hard to control it. With very strong tendency to turns yaw on CCW direction. Before I change the arms, I was using stock DJI motors with Stock DJI 10x4.7 propellers and it flights very well with 3s and 4s batteries.
what kind/brand of propeller do you recommend to use with extended aluminum arms?
Complete list of stuff:
- boscam 5.8 200mW transmitter
- DJI Bluetooth LED
- Tarot 2D gimbal
- DJI wookong controller
- DJI stock legs
- Futaba 8Fg
- a bunch of batteries 3s and 4s
I think there is something wrong with your flight controller. Have you check your prop rotating direction? Have you adjusted the gains? Do have the speed controller conected to the right channel in the controller? Your problem is from the controller not because of the extended arms.
Please provide pictures of your configuration or take a video when you try to fly it again.