A MOVI but at 1/10th the cost...possibly...


I posted in the electronics section but as its to do with Gimbals will also post here :)

Hey guys, I set to making my 3 axis gimbal with old skool servo's a brushless one. So I set a couple of days aside to work in my workshop and put my 3d printer into overdrive. Anyway I bought two pancake motors that were prewound to 150 for $50 each and a Martinez board with gyro for $50 (www.buyitonline.com). This was my outgoings for the project as I have a 3d printer, material and various bolts and nuts already. Anyway gimbalzilla is now complete aside from the 3rd axis of which for now will stay using servo control.
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Anyway with some PID tweaking I was amazed at the results, the movement is incredibly smooth and instant. There naturally is no noise either and it looks sweeeet. Anyway hope this all inspires you to do the same. The sad thing is my £130 upgrade makes my Radians, worth £700-800 worth nothing now :( I will post a video soon. Also a few people have asked me if I would like to sell the kit, I say yes but more testing is required before we all jump onboard.

One last thing is that I have made no changes to the frame or drilled holes and cut my gimbal. The motors take the place of the gear wheel and clamps onto the frame so all my old gear can go back on :livid: happy days. :highly_amused:


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Active Member
Looks cool....a brushless conversion kit for the Cinestar 3-Axis gimbal (if properly done) would be an absolute killer.



The freefly boys bought out a brushless 3 axis called the Movi but its ridiculously expensive at 12k :p so I am just trying to make one that can do as close to the same as I can get. More testing to get it perfect but its close :)


Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a MoVi? nope its my converted gimbal. Ok so more ground tests in my "MoVi" frame. Its going well and I am now thinking of converting the third axis to brushless too. Anyway as you can see for the money to convert this from servo ($180) I am one happy bunny!



Ok This is a Communal Note. I have just started on the third axis as being brushless and been doing some tests and I will say this, don't throw your radians just yet as its looking like I use the Yaw Radian as a Gyro input for the Martinez board. My Yaw will hopefully be brushless also as I want a MoVi at a 1/10th the cost. The Pitch and Roll Is a beauty with RC controls also. I have to have 2 Martinez boards to pull all this off and maybe a third but will let you know as I want the best results. My deadline to get all this done and put up on Shapeways as a kit is 2 weeks as I leave to go away for 1 month in Italy. I will keep you all posted :D

Precision Visions

Multirotor Pilot...
Hi diver Tom 80
Are you in local 80 In Los Angeles, I am a member grip/dolly...
but my main deal is I want this conversion can you please please sell me the upgrades I do not have access to a 3D printer

I don't want to beg but pleeeeaaase.:nevreness:
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Ok so I tried to convert the 3rd axis but alas not easily done. Anyway here are some ground tests and flight tests. Few tweaks and the day I flew was very windy and my graupners are causing vibrations. Anyway kit will hopefully be available end of this week :)


Ok so I tried to convert the 3rd axis but alas not easily done. Anyway here are some ground tests and flight tests. Few tweaks and the day I flew was very windy and my graupners are causing vibrations. Anyway kit will hopefully be available end of this week :)

Hi I'm working on the same conversion and at the moment the hardware part looks good enough to move on electronics

How did you managed the YAW axis? where did you positioned the IMU?


The above yaw cpnversion looks good. Mounting the motor was not an issue as I mounted it perfectly and spent time to do so but was the controller. I tried to use the radian to give an rc input into the control board but it would not work and cant use the board only as its a two axis board :(


Ok So here it is!! The Brushless Conversion kit (unofficial naturally) for the Freefly 2/3 Axis Gimbal. Shapeways will 3D print and send you the kit from my designs that I have used on my Gimbal. The video of it and pics are on the product page. Anyway as I personally have not used Shapeways but heard and seen good things about it thought this would be the best way to go. The accuracy with the default material should be spot on, if not please let me know and I will have to make ammends even though the .stl file is tested correct on my gimbal. Anyway you will need various additional bits and bobs to complete the kit and this is all on the product page. The price is only for the mounting kit and only for the Freefly Gimbal.

