3DR Pixhawk and Taranis


While pulling the Ail and Rud trims to the inside of your radio then turn the radio on at the same time. Connect your cable to the desk top or laptop and then to the back of the radio (Center of the back). Open your companion9x program and you will see an icon that will copy your eeprom file from your radio to where ever you would like to save the file. Then post that file here in a thread.


Sorry I though that you had a Taranis radio. I guess you can takes pictures of your screens . But now I wonder if your setting would be the same as for Taranis.


I have the exact same setup. Send me a PM with your email and I'll see if I can figure out how to send the file to you. I have mine set up to do six modes with a three way and two way switch. With the two way switch in the up position the three way gives me
Stab, Alt Hold, Loiter

then with the two way position switch set down I get the following with the three way switch
Auto, Land, RTL

but it's quite easy to assign whatever modes you want to the six positions. When you get the file check out the Ch 5 mix to see how it was done.
