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  1. P

    My Shrimp Y6 is rotating on the spot after calibration.

    Originally I ran my wookong M and all its associated kit (motors, escs ect) on my DJI 550 Hexa flawlessly however decided I would benefit greatly if I went to a Y6 and the Askman Gimble so I could get a decent camera on my rig other than the annoying GH3B which is ok but just doesn't cut it for...
  2. P

    Wookong M LED failiure any advice appreciated

    the Naza is a totally different setup to the wookong which components are routed through a BUS type system so sorry I can help, however it turned out my LED had failed and it looks like a common problem as some guy in the stated had sold over 60 on eBay. Mine was eventually replaced and all is...
  3. P

    Wookong M LED failiure any advice appreciated

    The Problem has just developed for no reason whatsoever after several months of flawless use, my wing has never crashed or failed in any way until this morning. I arrived on site and upon sw my multi on I noticed the LED was not coming on at all. I rechecked all my connections and tried plugging...
  4. P

    WKM or Naza with GPS

    I've got the wookong and it does all the RTH, failsafe and best of all intelligent fly. However if I started from scrach again I would defo just buy the Naza GPS and it does all the same things now and the waypoints are wasted on me. Oh btw I fly a 550 with gimbal and camera. Hope this helps
  5. P

    Can't get Fail safe, Home Lock, or heading lock to turn on

    I had similar problem when I 1st set up my wookong, in fact when I flicked the sw to GPS lock it went ape and made a very lucky recovery without damaging it. I later realised that I had moved the GPS/compass module when reshuffling the bat/tx/fpv placement and forgot to enter the new...
  6. P

    DX7 or DX8 What would you get?

    Don't discount a Futaba 9C with spektrum module in your search as it works great with the naza/wookong. Mine is controlling a wookong with gimble and camera tilt, switching the radio off activates failsafe return as long as you set it up which is peasy. The cost! I paid £150 s.h. and it came...
  7. P

    RTH testing (do I dare)

    Hi Chris Although I have the wookong M I have the very same setup on my 3 pos sw. Ie Gps - Alti - Failsafe. (I've no fancy for manual acrobatics and the like so this setup suits me) I tried mine on its very 1st flight and it worked a treat and was amazingly acurate. I tested it several times...
  8. P

    Dji hexa 550 take off weight issues what are my options?

    Awesome stuff dude! they have just came in as I have been watching their site for days. Ordered 4 pairs so i got couple of spares. I have also ordered 3 x 4s 4000 LiPos at the same time to check if the combo does the job before adding new motors and will let you know how I get on.
  9. P

    Dji hexa 550 take off weight issues what are my options?

    it looks like the 1st step is to fly 10in props and maybe try a 4s LiPo before I commit to motor upgrades however my biggest problem ATM is finding a set of 10x5 Graupners or at the very least APC equivalents either way they seem like hens teeth to get hold of in the UK anyone know where I can...
  10. P

    Dji hexa 550 take off weight issues what are my options?

    A quick summary to get you guys upto speed I have built and flown my hexa for a few hours now over thew past month or so and apart from one of the stock DJI 10in props disintegrating for no apparent reason (luckily 4ft off the ground over grass) it has been a relatively easy traansition from...