Can't get Fail safe, Home Lock, or heading lock to turn on


Airborne Media Pros
I've set up a 3 position switch for intelligent orientation to turn on in the DJI GCS and I've set up the switch in my radio. When I plug into the DJI GCS the switch shows that its working in the switch monitor and is highlighting the different options in Intelligent orientation pane. But, when I'm flying the switch seems to have no effect on the Hex at all.:dejection: I can't figure this out at all.:dejection: It shows that it's working in the DJI GCS, but nothing happens when I use in a real flight.:livid:


If your getting, purple with one red should be ok, on the setup app try pushing the write button to make sure all updating, normally does this automatically but you never know. When using mine I take off wait for 6 seconds in gps mode, then flick the switch you should get green light, home lock will work when you about 10 meters away course lock will work at any distance. In course lock when lights flashing green move forward and this should go to double green flash.


I had similar problem when I 1st set up my wookong, in fact when I flicked the sw to GPS lock it went ape and made a very lucky recovery without damaging it.

I later realised that I had moved the GPS/compass module when reshuffling the bat/tx/fpv placement and forgot to enter the new coordinates in the assistant software the very next flight the gps/course lock wouldnt work as I forgot to re-calibrate the compass.

Good luck
I'm not sure if this is your problem but it's worth rechecking and maybe re-calibrating compass before your next flight.


Airborne Media Pros

I've been pressing write each time I make a change in the GCS and I allow the GPS a chance acquire satellites before I take off at the beginning of a flight. I'll try a few more things. and see what happens.
