Search results

  1. Area21

    FAA and AMA

    I believe the under 2 kg weight category is still restrictive. Unless I have misunderstood. I think the UK CAAs weight categories works well which covers aircraft up to 7 kg and 7 kg to 20 kg.
  2. Area21

    Drone Rules Quick Guide Uk Regulations.

    This information was originally produced by Jumpy07 from the UK Multi Rotor forum which I have taken and updated and hope you find this helpful. Remember fly safe, be respectful and responsible. Area 21 (Adrian)
  3. Area21

    What defines commercial?

    I would not worry about it.
  4. Area21

    What defines commercial?

    I don't usually have a rant because of my pleasant positive attitude towards life in general. But I do object to people making money from aerial work when they have not forked out money and time to attend and pass a formal CAA PfAW course that cost me the following: RUSTA course £1300. CAA PfAW...
  5. Area21

    Commercial Operations of sAUS in the US now Legal

    UK CAA PfAW costs are: Most quality courses are around the £1300 mark for Remote Pilots Cert including 3 days classroom, 1 exam, 1 submitted operational manual vetting, 1 flight test. Then its £224 to the CAA for Standard Permissions. So about £1500 quid. Then its an annual CAA fee of about...
  6. Area21

    What defines commercial?

    I don't recall any test case regarding 'valuable consideration' being questioned in the UK or elsewhere so until there is it will remain questionable. Can anyone add to this?
  7. Area21

    Skyjib X4/ DJIA2 crash

    I fly 2 of the same aircraft one with WKM flight controller and the other the A2. When you first tested the flight controls were you in gps or atti mode. Were you using the DJI waypoint system. DJI should be able to decode your Iosd black box recorder. Please keep us posted with your findings.
  8. Area21

    Where'd all the regulars go? Old Man?

    As a professional SUAS operator in the uk I look forward to see what the FAA deliver.
  9. Area21

    GH4 video and photos together

    Many thanks SleepyC. Thought this was the case but wanted to check. Kind regards - Area21
  10. Area21

    Where'd all the regulars go? Old Man?

    Yes whilst the UK weather is decent its fly every opportunity.
  11. Area21

    Best Tablet for Inspire 1 X5 Pro dual

    I know you don't want to hear this but I use mine with an I pad mini pro and it works 100%.
  12. Area21

    GH4 video and photos together

    I have a GH4 fitted to a Zenmuse Z15 gimbal on my SkyJibX4. However I can only trigger the camera to take still photos or video but not at the same time. However my Canon 5DMk2 on the same set up allows me to take video and sill images at the same time which I find very helpful although the...
  13. Area21

    Last call Drone Fest 4th June.

    Last notice for tomorrows Drone Fest. Centre of Pontefract Race Course. Free entry, free car parking, toilets, prizes, FPV race course, general fun flying. 10am to 4pm. Insurance not necessary as the resident flying club (PANDAS) have BMFA cover for visitors as long as a club member stands with...
  14. Area21

    Drone Fest Sat 4th June. Pontefract Race Course.

    West Yorkshire area Drone Fest will take place on Saturday 4th June in the center of Pontefract Race Course. Come and race and have some fun.
  15. Area21

    DJI 5D Mark III Zenmuse Issues

    I have the same gimbal but with my 5D mk 2 and it works perfectly. Can select video or photos or both.
  16. Area21

    Take You To Insight Into The UAV Terms

    What about SUAS small unmanned aerial system. RPAS remote piloted aircraft system. RPA remote piloted aircraft (model aircraft with no camera or recording system) There needs to be a world wide abbreviation to make it less confusing.
  17. Area21

    DJI OSD mark II issue

    I have 2 x IOSD's with faulty AV1 outlets so have to use the AV2 ones. The IOSD defaults to AV1 when powered up but once I have toggle switched to AV2 it stays locked in.
  18. Area21

    UK fire extinguisher class

    Lips batteries are classed as a metal fire and can only be surpressed and not extinguished as such. Yes I recall its a class D but the extinguishers are very very expensive black powder and you would need a large one for it to be effective. I carry a std dry powder one which is not ideal but...
  19. Area21

    Best outfit under 7 kg

    So what do you think is best UAVS under 7kg total take off weight (including batteries). I mean best quality video, best quality still image, best airframe, best flight controller, best gimbal and reasonable flight times > 10 mins, best redundancies built in. Any ideas ?
  20. Area21

    DJI Groundstation Uk ATZ Google Earth Pro

    Just checked on Google Earth Pro and both Leeds and Doncaster ATZ are ringed red that prevents ground station being used. I can understand why this would be for Non CAA Certified pilots, but why only Leeds and Doncaster - what about all the other UK ATZ areas ? Any ideas / comments.