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  1. P

    Futaba 8FG Super

    Great to know! I'll be doing that later after some projects settle down.
  2. P

    Futaba 8FG Super

    I bought the heli version right off the bat, so it didn't have the ratcheting on the throttle. Sorry if it sounded like I removed it; I was just justifying why no ratcheting on the throttle is desireable and why I am glad I have the heli version. However, I still do have it on RS and plan to...
  3. P

    Futaba 8FG Super

    As maverick indicated, I'm all for smoother transitions on all my controls. Just as he indicated, I use the RS for gimbal tilt as well and the ratcheting was really messing with my video. As far as ratcheting on the throttle, again, I want precise control of my throttle for smooth motion...
  4. P

    Futaba 8FG Super

    Sorry, gtransquilla, I would disagree with you. I would never want ratcheting on any of controls. As far as Tx mode, I only use helicopter mode, and I'd say many people I know personally have it setup the same way, as well as RTF vendors. I know there are plenty out there that use airplane...
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    Futaba 8FG Super

    Gmahan3, I have not had to do that, but I know once upon a time a saw a YouTube video on it. Basically there is a little clip on the back side (covers off) that produces the ratchet, and I think you just remove it. ... I found one that should help...
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    IMU Mount Options on S800

    I agree. It seems like an extension mounted as you show would be the best. I'm gonna look into getting one.
  7. P

    Blackmagic Pocket Cinema

    How about the 2.5K one? I see prices for them, but maybe not out yet?
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    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Here's two videos for hotels I did during my last trip to Costa Rica. Hopefully it'll give you all the urge to go visit. ;) Got one more project to wrap up from that trip... hopefully finish it in the next day or two once the customer approves.
  9. P

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    *Both* were good... but confused. When I clicked on the link that came in the e-mail, it was the same song but different video (one of a gimbal test), then the one above of the disco. Did you edit the link after posted?
  10. P

    Switching to home lock, can I do that after it has traveled some distance away

    Ben, it does it automatically as soon as GPS position has been established. It's the fast green flashes you see shortly after powerup once 5 GPS satellites have been tracked. From the manual: "Home-point: Before takeoff, current position of multi-rotor will be saved as home-point by MC...
  11. P

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Ben, Kari, others... Seeing the discussion we had above about music, I started a new thread so we can help eachother out with music resource.
  12. P

    S800 EVO - landing gear help.

    Definitely. All you need is an available channel on your Tx & Rx, and wire it up to the corresponding input for those controls.
  13. P

    Music Resouces for Our Video Producitons

    Recently on the Show What You Filmed thread there were some resouces shared regarding places to acquire music suitable for what we do. As such, I thought I'd start this thread and start with a list I have put together of places I have visited in an attempt to find music. Please chime in with...
  14. P

    S800 EVO - landing gear help.

    robyr1, I'm not too familiar with the 7008, but there is whole other thread on this forum discussing the 7008 between a few of the guys that have them You might want to check out that thread.
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    S800 EVO - landing gear help.

    Montoya, yes, I agree this can all be confusing. Initially I read the 6208 documentation that way, but then found out that the A/B setting was only for programming external devices, not the receiver itself. So its PWM outputs are always 1-8, and the SBUS outputs are whatever the Tx says (no...
  16. P

    S800 EVO - landing gear help.

    Thanks Mav. Yes, those were the ones I was thinking about.
  17. P

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Hey Ben, I totally hear you and I am very hesitant for the same reasons.. jaja. We're all on this journey together and some are further along than others, and we learn from them. But I loved you shots and the overall smoothness. You have some great landscape and picturesque places in your...
  18. P

    S800 EVO - landing gear help.

    So I had wanted to do that, and naively I thought I could with the 6208. The problem is in the Rx. You would have to get an Rx that you can "program" the outputs. But the 6208s have the individual wires hard coded to channels 1-8 (no way around that, at least that I have found, even though I...
  19. P

    S800 EVO - landing gear help.

    Yes, your drawing captures it correctly. I actually drew it up myself, and you beat me to it. You are exactly right. You could go 9-12, but I figured use DG1/DG2 for the shutter/video combo, and save 9-10 for when I hook up the other SBD and add roll and FPV control. Yes, so both...