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  1. ZAxis

    Hoverfly Video thread

    @ Tim. Really good stuff on the wind farm..just wish the wind would stay down over here long enough for us to do anything that fun! Lec
  2. ZAxis

    Radian stabilizers

    We've just added a Radian to our PH AV130 gimble and experience so far has been pretty positive. We're controlling roll and tilt only. The roll unit is fixed to the front of the roll cage and the tilt is on the camera platform. Compared to MK gimble roll stabilisation it is just so much better...
  3. ZAxis

    Freefly Radian Owners' Thread

    3.5% .... I didn't figure that in the costs ...... UK import duty ! Final cost worked out the same as if I'd bought the pair of Radians over here rather than import from the States and 10 days longer. Lesson learnt. Then there was the frantic hour searching for my only micro USB lead hiding...
  4. ZAxis

    Hexacopters in the News

    If its Canadian then probably this ... andy
  5. ZAxis

    Hexacopters in the News

    Similar scenery in this video, sure beats videos of yet another wind farm. A year ago, we had a photographer do a shoot at work, we ended up talking about hexacopters so we showed him ours and he...
  6. ZAxis

    Aeronavics / Droidworx DroidWorx Completed Builds

    Ross ... perhaps we'll get to see each other's craft at the London meet if it comes off. andy
  7. ZAxis

    London(ish) Meet Up - Saturday 27th October

    Get a meeting together and we'll be there from the far north (Cheshire!) lec & andy
  8. ZAxis

    Aeronavics / Droidworx DroidWorx Completed Builds

    Our ADX3HL, now on tippy toes. Built earlier this year. MK electronics, TorxPower 700kv motors, APC 12x4.5 props, Graupner MX20 Tx/Rx, Xbee data link, 5.8Ghz video downlink, AV130 gimble (+ Radian once its out of customs), Sony CX730. andy
  9. ZAxis

    Aerial Showreel 2012 |

    very impressive marcus well done!
  10. ZAxis

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    @throttlejockey. Yeah I just thought it looked very similar. I use it a fair bit along with action essentials but I really like the change in 3d space effect which I guess can only be done with a particle generated effect. I shall explore further! @ Dave. I didn't enter it into the contest as I...
  11. ZAxis

    GH3 announced .... at a price ????

    For all you GH fans andy
  12. ZAxis

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    really like the title graphics for your company at the end too! Riot gear? Lec
  13. ZAxis

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    awesome work throttlejockey! Now if only you could send some of that sunshine over here for us to have a good trails session it would defiantly help. great job! what camera do you have mounted on the cs? Lec
  14. ZAxis

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    @rdalemercer. The only shot that was slowed is the opening shot with the titles overlayed to 50%. all other are 100% speed all with no post stab. It's always hard to decide what to put in it so I juts decided to mix it up and put abit of everything in. thanks. @krleas: Lovely stuff there. I was...
  15. ZAxis

    "The Art of Flying" 2012 Aerial Demo by Got Aerial llc.

    Really great reel the @gotaeriallc definitely gives us all something to aspire too!. more more more. Lec
  16. ZAxis

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    HJi guys. thanmks for the comments. @hjs3. All edited on FinalCut studio 3 with graphics work done in After effects cs5.5. You need to get back out to the bikepark because your scenery there is stunning! @ Macsgrafs. I never thought about the contest but I suppose it's a good idea. will we be...
  17. ZAxis

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Finally got around to piecing together this years reel. Any feedback is appreciated. Lec
  18. ZAxis

    UK Multirotor Forums Meet 15/16th September 2012

    Just a word of encouragement for tomorrow andy
  19. ZAxis

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    @throttlejockey. Your location is a real cool track there! Looking forward to some more vids from that place. keep up the good work. Lec
  20. ZAxis

    UK Multirotor Forums Meet 15/16th September 2012

    Don't forget Dave...good cake also included!